Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 392: win and please

As the most powerful single-target attack except self-destruction, destroying the death light is naturally difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

Although Upa is a well-known elite-level powerhouse, no matter what, he is only a low-level elite, and their fighting gym has become a vassal of a super-power gym. In this way, he wants to get It is naturally more difficult to destroy the dead light and defend the magic skills of these two moves, one offense and one defense.

If there are these two moves, whether it's a fight or a defense, he's sure to let the strange force block.

But unfortunately he didn't have one, so he could only use the most powerful continuous burst punches to see if he could resist.

On the field, I saw the strange force slamming out of the rock block with a "bang", and then waving the four arms rapidly, the fighting energy on the fists also became faster and faster, and gradually became richer, and then " "Boom" and the beam of light that destroyed the death light collided.

However, after only a stalemate for a while, the strange force let out a scream, "Nike!"

Its fist was also slowly covered by the destruction light, followed by its whole body.

One is the energy wave, the other is the physical resistance, whoever can't hold it first, needless to say, should be able to guess.

Although it was offset a lot by the energy of the blasting fist, the remaining beam of light still integrated the strange power into it.

On the other hand, the commentator's tone couldn't help but say with a bit of worry:

"Oh! My God, under this destruction of death light, our warrior, strange force, it has to resist with two pairs of flesh fists, it rushed up, but unfortunately, destroying death light is destroying death light after all.. .I don't know if the strange force can survive this move~"

As for the audience in the stands, they all felt the same way when they saw this strange force going up against the odds and resisting with fists. They unconsciously sympathized with the weak force.

"Strange power! Hold on!"

"Come on! Strange power!"

"Weird, you are the most charming!"


In the sky above the field, because of the use of destroying death light, he lost his strength for a while, and the stiff Bi Diao was also staring at the situation under the white light.

After all, it still belongs to the ranks of the general elves. After using the destruction and death light, there is no way to continue to attack, and it is even difficult to fly up.

But this height is enough. Tanji doesn't think that after being destroyed by a single blow, the monster can still launch an attack like a rain of rocks.

Soon, the white light dissipated, and a monster with burn marks all over its body was panting and kneeling on the ground.

Judging from the pain on his face and the look on his face trying to struggle to get up, it was really badly hurt.

And Bi Diao, who was in midair, couldn't attack at this time, so the field cooled down for a while, and both sides were adjusting their state.

In fact, at this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strange force should be lost. In this state, it cannot threaten Bi Diao at high altitude, and Bi Diao can sharpen it as long as he slowly puts a cold knife in the sky. die.

But surrendering without a fight is not Wupa's style. A true warrior will die on the battlefield even if he dies!

With this thought in mind, he let the strange force struggle for a while, but unfortunately, after a few rounds, he was killed by Bi Diao with an air-blade kite, and fell to the ground with a "bang", losing his ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, Upa showed a helpless expression and sighed deeply, feeling that her cultivation was not enough.

It's not that the previous Jewel Starfish was weaker than Tanji's Bijiao, but because he didn't have enough training against flying elves.

The ability to fly compared to eagles is indeed the key to winning this game.

If you let the gem starfish fight Bidio, Bidio won't necessarily win.

Going back to the topic, after the strange force lost its ability to fight, the referee didn't talk nonsense. Although his face was disappointed, he still had to have professional ethics.

"I announce that the second Elite Challenge will be won by challenger Aoki Tianji!"

After the referee announced the result, the audience in the stands also gave some symbolic applause and cheers.

After all, most of the people who can come here to watch the game are fighting fans.

Of course, Tianji didn't care about the reaction of these melon eaters. He put away the eagle, and then took the fighting badge and a magic bullet from the gym.

"Tadata~" After walking back to the player area, he handed the skill inheritance bead to Xiaoling and said:

"Xiao Ling, this is for the fast swimming frog. I can't use it here for the time being."

Holding this skill inheritance bead, the girl did not refuse too much, smiled sweetly, said "Thank you, Brother Tianji~", and put the things away.

Based on the love between the two of them for so many years of life and death, there is really no need to shirk, courtesy, the fast swimming frog needs it, and he happens to have it, so it is just for the fast swimming frog.

However, the belligerent Upa came over at this time. He was a little pity that he couldn't fight in the field just now. Through the game just now, he already understood that Tianji is a strong man, and facing the strong is the only way to improve himself as soon as possible. The best way, so he wanted to come and fight for it.

I saw him come to the front of the two and greeted friendly:

"Hello, Mr. Tianci, Miss Ling!"

To the burly elite trainer in front of him, Tianji and Xiaoling also replied amicably.

"Hello, Mr. Upa."

After a brief greeting from both sides, Upa used the fast-swimming frog he had just heard as an excuse to start testing.

"Mr. Tianci, Miss Ling, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just heard the fast swimming frog when I came here just now, and the skill inheritance bead of this infuriating bomb seems to be used for Miss Ling's fast swimming frog, right?

As a disciple of the gymnasium of the fighting department, I consider myself to be a little accomplished in the elves of the fighting department. If you want, I can help you to see the physical condition of the fast swimming frog, so that it can use the inheritance beads to master the true qi as soon as possible. Play this trick, just be a friend? "

Hearing Wupa say this, Tianji and Xiaoling looked at each other and nodded. An elite-level strong man took the initiative to show his goodwill, and they had no reason to refuse.

"Come out, swim frog!" I saw Xiaoling flipped his wrist, and a Poké Ball opened.

"Yobo~" Soon, under the red light, an unusually majestic fast-swimming frog appeared in the open space.

Looking at the high arched muscles and smooth lines of this fast swimming frog, Upa's face showed a moving expression! said in surprise:

"My God! This fast swimming frog has laid the foundations so well! This figure! This muscle!

With all due respect, Miss Ling, you are a very persevering trainer, and you can actually allow the fast swimming frog to train its basic qualities for a long time! "

For this compliment, the girl was embarrassed and replied in a low voice: "No, Mr. Wupa, the fast swimming frog was originally trained with another of our companions who also loves fighting and rocks, but before our other companions Something happened, so the fast swimming frog has been practicing according to the previous basis.

But now these basic exercises have little meaning for it. "

Hearing Xiaoling's explanation, Wupa nodded, and he didn't ask any more questions, and said directly:

"In this way, I think you come to the fighting gym for the purpose of seeking follow-up training methods."

Tianji and Xiaoling did not deny this question either. Since Wupa has mentioned this, there will naturally be a following, so both of them nodded.

Then, Upa continued.

"In this way, I think this fast swimming frog is really good. Some training methods that do not involve the core of the gym, I can make the decision for you to buy it with money, even if you are not in a hurry to leave these ten days and a half months, You can also train with mosquito coil frogs here, which will be more effective.

And my request is, I hope you can fight with me in the battle room, Mr. Tianji. Regardless of whether you win or lose, the conditions I mentioned above will be fulfilled! "

After speaking, this burly man glanced at Tianji with fiery eyes, his eyes were full of desire!

Don't get me wrong, this is the desire to fight!

In this regard, Tian Ci smiled bitterly. Of course, he could ask Nazi to help. This fighting gym is an affiliated force of the Golden City. If Nazi makes a move, there will be no price to pay, and it may be possible to let this gym keep the core secrets. Biography can be served.

But first, he doesn't want to rely on Nazi for everything. Second, the fast swimming frog is still the main water attribute, and the breakthrough elite is also the water attribute breakthrough, so there is no need to prioritize and focus on fighting. on the training.

Of course, there is also the most important reason, that is, he does not want to be noticed in the golden city. If any link is neglected, the Jinben family will notice him, a small elite trainer and the superstars that their family has carefully cultivated. Queen Neng had an affair, or he was just suspicious, he was afraid that he would not be able to get out of this golden market.

But the training of the fast swimming frog has indeed been delayed for a long time.

Looking at the tall and burly fast swimming frog next to him, he looked at the training equipment around him with eager eyes like a strong child.

"Ah~" Tian Ci sighed and replied:

"Yes, but Mr. Upa, first of all, I have to explain that I do not regard the fighter's path as my main occupation, it is just a way for me to strengthen my physique, it is just a minor.

My real fighting style is super power! "After speaking, a dark blue light flashed in Tianji's eyes, indicating that what he said was true.

Seeing this scene, it was Wupa's turn to be speechless. He was in the golden city known for his superpowers. How could he not know the power of superpowers?

To be honest, he has also fought against superpowers of the same rank, and he loses more and wins less...

As a common superhuman, the superhuman is the most difficult profession to awaken, and its power is relative to the difficulty of awakening.

As for fighters, almost everyone can successfully get started as long as they spend time practicing, so the gap between the two is quite large.

Moreover, people with superpowers are not fools, and they are not weak like the mages in Western fantasy novels.

First of all, the contract feedback of the trainer path can completely improve the super-powered body. For example, Uncle Sam can directly reach the middle of the warrior level. Although this is very different from the fighters who specialize in the body, it is not the same. There is no resistance to being approached.

Secondly, for those who can awaken superpowers, no matter what their previous situation is, it will be easier and easier to make money in the future. They naturally understand their own shortcomings, and they will supplement a martial arts practice like Tianji to make up for their shortcomings. plate.

Therefore, at the same rank, it is really difficult for a fighter with the easiest entry to win over a normal-level psychic.

Originally, according to Upa's induction, the qi in Tian Chi's body should be in the middle of the fighter. He believed that someone with such strength at this age is definitely a fighter major, so he would launch such a challenge full of fighting spirit.

Now who knows, it turned out to be a super power major!

To be honest, it was the first time he had seen a superhuman whose minors surpassed the realm of majors.

However, it is still the same sentence. Surrendering without a fight is not his Upa style. Even if he knew that he would probably lose, he still nodded and replied:

"It's okay, I said before that it doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

The challenge that I initiated is to finish it even if I kneel down! This is the spirit of a fighter!

Hearing this candid speech, Tanji couldn't help thinking of Shishi, feeling that if Shishi was here, he would enjoy the atmosphere.

For him, although the rock gym in Nibi City has better conditions and more resources, it is no longer as pure as a fighter.

On the contrary, this fighting gym that became a vassal is indeed still walking on a normal path. Perhaps it is precisely because they are forced to have no interference from foreign objects that they can do more and more pure things.

For a while, Tian Ci took the stone back after he moved, and placed his mind here. Of course, it would definitely depend on the stone's own thoughts at that time.

Just when he was in a trance, Upa's calloused hand shook in front of him.

"Mr. Tianji? Mr. Tianji?"

It turned out that Wupa saw that Tianji had not responded, so he reminded him aloud.

After being called out like this, Tianji also came back to his senses, and he apologized embarrassingly:

"I'm sorry~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Mr. Upa, I just saw your straightforward personality, and I couldn't help thinking of one of our companions before. If he came here with us, I believe he would like you very much here. ."

If you say that your own gym is good, Upa is still very useful.

"Hahaha~" Seeing his hearty smile, he replied:

"From this fast swimming frog, I can also feel the foundation of your companion, Mr. Tianji, and can feel his love for fighting attributes and strong body.

If there is a chance, our fighting dojo in Golden City would welcome him as a guest, and even exchange a word or two! "

"Well, Mr. Upa, let's go to the battle room for a match. I actually want to try my hand-to-hand combat ability. Only when I really lose, I will use my super powers. I also invite Upa. A lot of pointers, sir."

After talking for a while, Tianji didn't say more, and went straight to the field battle.

"Okay! Although Mr. Tian Ci is a minor, he is quick to talk, and his resolute temper is a bit of the spirit of our fighters. Please, please!"

And hearing that Tianji is not going to rely on super powers in battle, Upa's eyes lit up, if he can win, who would want to lose!

With a loud applause, he made a gesture of invitation, and then led the way in front.


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