Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 373: wait for the rabbit

The latest website: Although these people are considered the direct descendants of Feng Chi, they are not dead men!

At the juncture of life and death, who wants to be forced to be the bottom?

You must know that the two ordinary trainers in the middle section did not stay voluntarily, but were caught up by the woman Feng Chi, who stumbled in secret.

Such a move made them feel chilled, and at the same time, they were also in danger, and this was the act of threatening to encircle them just now.

Although four ordinary high-level trainers are usually nothing in front of the elite, this kind of life and death may be delayed for a few seconds and it is the difference between life and death, so the wind chimes do not dare to gamble.

After chasing and escaping like this, they soon reached the escape site near Water 6, and then they only needed to jump into the water and use the intricate underground water channels to escape!

"Hurry up!"

"Come on! Kentaro!"

"Duduli, do your best!"

At this time, Feng Chi and his party seemed to be running a marathon and saw the finish line. Their faces showed a visible joy, and the elves under them were also urged to increase their speed!

And Tianzi and his party also showed a smile, and a sense of joy like waiting for a rabbit spontaneously emerged.

Seeing that he had entered the attack range, he immediately commanded Bie Diao and Duan Hua:

"Bidio, destroy the dead light! Koudouhua, you use the Flying Leaf Knife and the Seed Machine Gun!"



The two elves agreed, and the elemental imprints on their foreheads emerged one after another, and their auras skyrocketed.

When Feng Chi, the leading trainer, found out that something was wrong, it was too late. He only heard a "swoosh", and a pure white beam of light exuding terrifying fluctuations attacked with lightning speed.

At the back, there were also green light clusters all over the sky, each exuding energy fluctuations that made the four ordinary high-level trainers tremble with fear.

There is no doubt that they were caught, and there are also elite trainers waiting for them in front of them!

But it would definitely be unwilling to let them be captured.

I saw the 5 people who were still vaguely divided into two factions just now, looked at each other, and then threw 5 Poke Balls at the same time.

Soon 5 naughty bullets of ordinary high section appeared in front of them.

It's heart-wrenching, but life-and-death. No one did not hesitate, and directly ordered: "Naughty bomb, self-destruct!"

"Malu~Malu~" The naughty bombs, who have always been well-trained, have no objection to this suicide order. I saw that they looked back at their trainers, and then radiated white light together.

"Boom!" With a sound, Bidio's destructive death light collided with the self-detonation of these five high-level naughty bullets, and the terrifying energy fluctuations brought violent wind pressure.

The wind chimes and the others took advantage of this impact to collect the sitting elves, and the people rushed towards the lake.

At the same time, several water-type elves appeared beside them.

It was obvious that they were going to abandon Naughty Bomb and escape.

But even if they didn't abandon them, those naughty bullets wouldn't survive. Although the self-destruction of the joint force barely blocked the destruction of the dead light, the Flying Leaf Knife and the Seed Machine Gun immediately hit their severely injured bodies. , 3 have died directly, and the other two are also dying, and they are about to die.

"Hualan City! The Qingshui Family! This place, my wind chimes will definitely be found in the future!"

As their figures got closer and closer to the surface of the lake, Feng Chi felt heartbroken, but also secretly ruthless!

It's a pity that not only Tianji, an elite trainer, is guarding them, but also a water elite like Xiaoling.

"Jewel starfish, mind power! Control them!

Swim frogs, storm, freeze them! "

Hearing Xiaoling's order, the calm lake suddenly boiled, and soon two elves exuding elite-level fluctuations appeared in front of them.

The five wind chimes were immersed in the joy of escaping death. Seeing this scene, their faces could not help but stiffen, and then there was no more.

Jewel Starfish is an elite who has been promoted with super power. Under the mental calculation, the five people are controlled by the power of thought, and they can't even change their expressions.

Then the fast-swimming frogs blew a lot of cold air out of their mouths, which quickly froze them into ice cubes.

The 4 ordinary high-level trainers have no resistance, but the elite level of wind chimes still struggles symbolically. Don't forget that the elite level trainers will have an extraordinary barrier of automatic defense.

But that is to make the fast swimming frog take a little more effort.

Under the control of the gem starfish, the fast swimming frog directly faced the wind chimes that had no resistance, and quickly punched, a combination of continuous punches and burst punches. When no one was controlling it, it shattered with a "pop", and then the mosquito coil frog controlled the air conditioner and froze her.

So far, the stronghold of wind chimes has been uprooted.

The Ewha team behind Tianci had no chance at all.

In fact, the two elite groups can definitely win a few people if they have the heart and the heart, but the reason they are still here is just to get an extra insurance.

After all, Tianji and Xiaoling had just been promoted to the lower ranks of the elite, so they were afraid of what would happen.

But it turns out that the two who have risen from Wei Mo are still very experienced.

Although the process seemed to be thrilling and long, it actually only took 2-3 minutes. When the fast swimming frog threw the ice cubes to the shore, Lorraine also rushed over with the pursuers.

"Master Tianci~" Although her heart was burning with anger, under the contract, she respectfully bowed to Tianzi first, and the team members in the back immediately bowed.

"Yes," he agreed before continuing to ask:

"Lorraine, you should have items with the power of banning elite trainers, right?"

"Yes, my lord!" Lorraine agreed, and immediately took out a handcuff from the space backpack.

Don't look at it like an ordinary silver bracelet, but in fact, as long as it is put on, the handcuffs will pierce the user's skin and inject a special banned medicine into his body, making his extraordinary power go silent.

You must know that as long as you are an elite-level trainer, even an elite who has never practiced extraordinary secrets, when he breaks through, the feedback will make him directly become a real extraordinary, that is, a human warrior-level.

Of course, I haven't practiced extraordinary secrets, and the power of the elements will only be converted into physical power, and then directly give birth to the extraordinary power of fighters - Qi!

For example, Uncle Sam, who is far away in Qingmu Town, is a typical example. Because he has not practiced other extraordinary secrets, when he was promoted to the elite, he directly became a fighter by default, and his strength was around the middle of the warrior level.

Of course, this potion is also effective for elves. For those elves who help the tyrants, the Alliance also uses this potion to lose their power before they can be tamed slowly.

Chapter 374

Since Lorraine brought it, Tianji didn't ask any more questions. He touched his waist, and Heluga's Poke Ball was opened by him.

"Ow~" He Lujia, who hadn't come out for a long time, howled excitedly as soon as he came out, but soon, the mad dog face wilted.

"Wangwangwang~wangwang~" Tianci, why are we still here! Really sad dog

As a fire-type elf, Heluga expressed that he disliked Hua Lan very much. In his sense, the water in the air was much higher than that of Aoki Town and Nibi City where he had stayed before.

"Okay, okay, Heluga, after a while, we'll leave."

He patted Heluga's depressed dog's head, and Tianji comforted him.

He really thought so, when Hualan City's star plan stabilized, he could travel again.

Although the goal of the elite has been achieved, and there are still so many women and resources to enjoy, Tianji at this time is no longer the bottom poor who worked hard to hunt a few bugs before.

After he ascended to the elite level, he still had the help of Nazi, and he had seen far more than the average elite-level trainer, so he felt more and more insignificant.

Don't look at him as an elite trainer now, but at this level, he can only be an irrelevant doorman in the golden city, and he is not even qualified to enter the direct line to be a subordinate, let alone the golden city. Hualan City, which was at the bottom, couldn't rank in the ranks of the direct line by his strength.

You must know that among the 16 elites in Hualan City, the weakest have 4-5 elite-level elves, and he only has two now.

Of course, this also has something to do with him not taking a single-line path. Trainers like Xiaoling who specialize in a certain attribute, after breaking through the elite, because of the matching element marks, their subsequent water-type elves will be able to break through the elite. Make it easier.

Having said that, because he knew his insignificance, Tian Cicai was unwilling to live in the gentle township of Hualan City all his life. The most important thing was that if he stayed in Hualan City, he might have to live in the dark with Nazi all his life. Not what he wanted!

"Heeruga, melt the ice cubes~" After comforting Heeruga, Tianji pointed at the ice cubes to the vicious dog and said.

"Wow!" Heruga agreed, his mouth opened, and a large group of flames spurted out with a "hu~".

Although it is an elite-level air conditioner, after losing the energy supply of the fast swimming frog, it is no different from ordinary ice cubes, so it soon made a melting sound of "呲呲~".

At the same time, the gem starfish and Tianji's own superpowers have firmly locked the frozen people.

A few ordinary high-segment trainers were fine. They were hit by the cold air and had no extraordinary barrier to protect their bodies, so even if the ice cubes melted, they would not have the strength to resist, and they were directly **** tightly.

When it was Feng Chi's turn as an elite trainer, as soon as the ice melted, her figure flashed quickly, and with a "swoosh", she wanted to leave, and the water arrow turtle beside her also stood in her way without hesitation. in front of her.

"Mouth flower, thorn poison whip!"

"Gem starfish, strong mind!"

"The tyrannical carp dragon, destroy the dead light!"


But unfortunately, her actions were expected from the beginning.

I saw that she had just acted, and a series of attacks came directly in front of her.






"Kamei!" After a violent explosion, the smoke and dust dissipated, and I saw this water arrow turtle, which is known for its defensive power, was charred black, with scars all over the body, and was dying.

After all, even an elite level can't withstand so many elves' concentrated fire attacks. You must know that there are 8 elite level attacks alone! (count Lorraine's side)

The wind chimes protected by the water arrow turtle are also in very poor condition at this time. The original black protective clothing has long been broken, revealing the **** body inside, plus the vines tied with the mouth. , I have to say, there is really a feeling of strange temptation.

The most important thing is that at this time, the vines of the mouth dumb flower are still squirming, and the paralyzing venom is transported into the body of the wind chimes. This style of painting always feels a bit crooked.

However, the elite level is the elite level after all, and the wind chimes are not that kind of grassroots elite, she also cultivated the extraordinary secrets since she was a child.

Therefore, his body is absolutely strong. Although he has no resistance at this time, his brain is still conscious and he can speak.

I saw her charming face, full of pleading expressions, her mouth opened and closed, and she begged for mercy:

"Around ~ around my life... I know~ a lot..."

The ants are stealing their lives, not to mention the elite-level trainers who have achieved class leaps?

She doesn't want to die until the last moment!

Seeing this, Tian Ci walked over slowly, looked at the body with temptation in the miserable wind chimes, and touched it involuntarily.

"I~ I can do it, I can give it to you! Just surround me and let me die!"

Feeling the strange hand wandering around his body, Feng Chi was overjoyed, feeling that his life was saved, and immediately said with a fascination.

On the other side, Lorraine, including the other female trainers in Hualan City, felt resentful in their hearts, and even had a little resentment!

They all knew Tian Ci's usual style, thinking that he wanted to bypass this woman's life for the sake of beauty!

But even if their fingers turned white, they didn't dare to disobey Tianji's order.

He could only watch helplessly as this hated enemy escaped with his life.

However, just when the wind chimes were in a trance, Tian Ci suddenly stopped, and his eyes suddenly released a powerful mental force.

"Ah!" Affected by this sudden mental force, the already dazed wind chimes were directly attacked into the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and her eyes were sluggish. It was obvious that she was controlled by Tianci!

"Your name?" Seeing the wind chimes under control, he showed a satisfied smile and asked tentatively.

To this question, the wind chime machine opened his mouth and answered:

"Wind chimes."

"your age?"



After asking several questions in a row~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to ensure that it is truly under control, he asked the most crucial question.

"Tell me about your cargo channels? Who are secretly cooperating?"

"Our cargo channel relies on the civilian trainers around us, and the Lifeng family in the town... There are local elites..."

Hearing these crucial information, Lorraine on the side quickly recorded it, and at this time she also realized that she seemed to have misunderstood Tianji.

Sure enough, after asking the key information, Tianji turned his head and said to her:

"Lorraine, this woman will be handed over to you. If you want to kill or cut it, you can deal with it, but try to hurry up. There are still some small families who eat inside and outside to deal with!"

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