Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 372: Another combo?

The latest website: Lorraine, who was wearing a blue combat uniform, immediately replied:

"Lord Tianci, I think we should divide our troops into two ways, one way should be used as a frontal attack to catch her off guard, and the other way should be detoured to cut off their retreat.

Now the enemy is clear and we are dark, and we all know the terrain where they are located. In addition, the gap in strength is obvious, so we just hit it directly and end it at the end. "

"En~ That makes sense." After hearing this, Tian Ci nodded, and then ordered:

"In that case, Lorraine, you are the strongest. Just lead four teams to attack the fortress, and Xiaoling and I will just lead a team to block their back path."

"Understood!" Lorraine was not dissatisfied with this. She was reasonable and the strongest. She should really take on the important task of attacking the fortress. You must know that she has 6 elites, and Tianji and Xiaoling are two of them. Only 4 together.

What's more, she also wanted to vent the anger and hatred in her heart with her own hands! Just take the flag of Pinglang, the traitor's subordinate!

"Okay, then your team, Lihua, follow us. The other 4 teams follow Lorraine. Please pay attention to safety!"

Seeing Lorraine who had no objection, Tianji didn't talk nonsense, just ordered an ordinary high-level squad leader to come over, and was ready to set off.

"Tadata~" Soon the personnel were divided into two sides. After agreeing on the attack time half an hour later, he also released the eagle, ready to let everyone board the plane.

"Bizhao~" Bidio, who was released again, called out in a low voice, then lowered his body slightly.

The lowest level of everyone is the official superhuman of the warrior level. When they jumped, they landed firmly on Bidio's back with a "swoosh".

Thanks to the larger size of the Beagle than its peers, although it was a little crowded, a few people were barely able to stand down.

Immediately afterwards, Bidi flapped his wings twice, and the large passenger plane took off.


After flying for 4-5 minutes, they came to the emergency exit of the surrounding black market.

Because the wind chimes control the black market, there is also an extremely secret and high-end small black market in this place. He also received news that there will be a small auction today, so he plans to start it today.

As for the other people in the black market, I'm sorry, all the money that came from the wrong way will be confiscated!

If you dare to resist, you will be killed!

Moreover, although this black market claims to be the highest grade, it is only at the ordinary level. According to the news of the spies, there is only Feng Chi, an elite low-level trainer in this place.

So he wasn't worried about Lorraine's safety at all.

If even some ordinary resistance could not be destroyed, then the Shimizu family would have been replaced by others a long time ago.

The decline is also relative to the people of the same class. In the eyes of the commoners and those from the small family, the Shimizu family is still an unshakable behemoth.

The time soon came to the appointed time for the attack, and the black market auction was reaching its climax.

At this time, it was an elite-qualified ink seahorse that was brought up for auction at the venue!

"three million!"

"Three million two hundred thousand!"

"I'll pay 4 million!"


All the people who participated in the auction looked at the Poké Ball in the display cabinet with fiery eyes, and the price was also rising wildly.

But at this moment, someone noticed that the clear weather outside suddenly turned gloomy.

The sound of the rain "Wah La Wah La~" was like a waterfall.

"Why did the rain suddenly fall so hard?"

"The weather in Hualan City is already rainy, what's so strange!"

"But it's too big, and there's no sign at all?"


The pouring rain caught the attention of some people, but in the fiery atmosphere, it was quickly suppressed again.

On the other side, Tianji and Xiaoling were also listening to the explanation of the high-ranking team leader, Lihua.

"Master Tianci, Master Ling, this is our Hualan City's combined weather tactics!"

"Look." Her hand under her uniform first pointed to the dark clouds in the distance.

Tian Ci and Xiao Ling heard the sound and found that the dark cloud was indeed huge, about the size of more than half of the village, and it was more than enough to cover the entire black market.

After the two saw it, she continued to explain:

"Dark clouds of this range will make people in them not feel too different, because it is raining wherever their eyes can see, and Hualan City is already rainy, so the concealment is better. ."

When she heard this, Xiaoling, who had studied rainy weather tactics, suddenly had a doubt, she asked directly:

"But with the strength of the lower ranks of the elite, can you cover such a large area in rainy days?

Although I just entered the elite low level and there is a gap between Sister Lorraine, but a small realm shouldn't be that big, right? "

Hearing this question, Lihua also immediately explained:

"That's it, Lord Ling, this is a combination skill, one of which means a multi-person combination. It's true that Lord Lorraine alone can't cover such a large area, but it is dominated by Lord Lorraine's big-billed gull, and the others With the help of the elves, this effect can naturally be achieved under heavy rain.

There are only 4 teams now, with 20 or so people working together. If the number of ordinary players who cooperate with them is doubled, Lord Lorraine will be able to cover a city with the strength of the low-level elite. This is a gym-level talent. do it! "

After speaking, Ewha and her team members showed proud expressions.

"However, although rainy days will increase the advantages of the water-type elves on your side, there should be a lot of water-type elves on the wind chime side~

In this way, it doesn't seem to make much sense? "

Tianci admitted that this combination has a wide range of rainy days, but the internal effect does not seem to be too strong. With the strength of the dual-material warlord, he directly detected that in the black market there, many guards released water-type elves. I was happily playing in the water, so I also asked.

In this regard, Lihua smiled "hehe", and instead of explaining it immediately, she motioned for the two to continue watching.

Tianji has no dissatisfaction with this woman who sells the secret. On the contrary, he patted the buttocks under the uniform of Lihua, and joked:

"Okay, it looks like I need to train you a lot!"

"Yeah~ Master Tianji~" Li Hua, who was suddenly attacked, let out a low cry, her face flushed under the mask.

In fact, being blindly respectful was not what Tian Ci wanted. Lihua's actions showed that she actually still had some feelings for Tian Ci, at least the relationship was not so rigid and cold.

Before Nazi's persuasion, he agreed to the blood relationship plan, so he became a lot warmer towards the women of the Shimizu family later.

At least when he was cultivating with these ordinary apprentices, he did not treat the female elites the same way he did before, but only regarded them as cultivation medicine pills, and his superficial skills were still very good.

Chapter 373 Terrifying Combination Skills

So in this way, Tianji's progress in ordinary female apprenticeships is still quite good, after all, the first impression is still relatively good.

As for women, it is inevitable that they will have different feelings about the man they meet for the first time. If the man was very warm and caring for women at that time, then the impression would be even deeper.

On the contrary, his progress in the female elites can be said to have made little progress. After all, the impression he left on these female elites at that time was too bad, barbaric, ruthless, cruel ~ all kinds of negative words are them Impressions of Tanji.

Although the attitude is respectful now, and they will take the initiative to cooperate when cultivating together, but they can feel that they have no feelings for Tianci at all.

But there is no way, things have already happened, we can only talk about the long-term plan.

Back on the battlefield on the black market side, after the pear blossoms were sold for a while, it didn't take long before a huge thunder sounded over there.

"Boom! Boom!"

Relying on his own mental power, Tianci saw a few blue tyrannical carp dragons in the air, roaring up to the sky, and under the leadership of one of the elite tyrannical carp dragons, they used the thunder trick together!

"Boom! Boom!"


"呲呲~ Here~"

That's not all, at the moment of the thunder, multiple lines of electric light were also "crackling" on the ground. With the speed of the lightning, in the blink of an eye, the originally peaceful black market was shrouded in a piece of electric light.

"This~this..." Seeing this scene, both Tianji and Xiaoling felt chills in their hearts.

They can guarantee that under this world-destroying thunderstorm, if there are no special means, even the elite level may not be able to survive.

At this time, seeing the shocked two people, Lihua smiled again, and then proudly continued to explain:

"Lord Tianzi, Lord Ling, how are you? We didn't let you down!

Our Qingshui family is one of the eight major cities in the alliance, and it is not a false name. This combination of skills - thunderstorm is only an incomplete version. As I said before, if you double the number of people you cooperate with, the There is absolutely no problem in one city, that is to say, with the cooperation of the legion, an elite low-level trainer can play a gym-level attack effect! "

"It's very strong! It's really strong!" Tianci directly praised him without trying to save face.

"Okay, that's amazing!" Xiaoling did the same, and she was a little uneasy when she was shocked.

This scene also gave Tian Ci a clearer understanding of the Eight Great Families of the Alliance.

Before Nazi and the Rockets broke through Hualan City so easily, he actually really looked down on Hualan in his heart, and felt that Hualan City was really weak.

Thinking about it now, it is really like sitting in the well and watching the sky, looking at people through the crack of the door!

Golden City and the Rockets were able to break through Hualan so easily, and I have to say that the traitor Pinglang really did a great job!

If it weren't for him to reveal the details of Hualan City, let the Rockets and Nazi count their every step to death.

Really let a Heavenly King-level trainer who doesn't know the details bring troops here, I'm afraid he won't be able to win Hualan City at all!

If nothing else, there are still many ordinary-level trainers in Hualan City. After a little running-in with the elite-level disciples, although it is definitely not as good as a real gym, it is definitely possible to contain some gym-level energy. .

Moreover, the elite-level low-level cooperation has such power. He believes that the gym owner Shuiyuan Qingzi will definitely have the power of the king when he goes into battle in person! Not to mention the older generation figures at the peak of the gym in Hualan City and Granny Lan at that time!

So it seems that the Qingshui family in Hualan City hates Pinglang the most, and it's over. He thought it was because of Nazi's forcible transfer by contract. Now, it turns out that the victim is the most clear.

Returning to the battlefield, under this sudden thunderstorm, the guards, merchants, and guests in the black market all screamed.


"This is! Ah!"


"do not want!"


Some of these trainers who had not exercised extraordinary strength were electrocuted to death without even releasing the elves.

You must know that this thunder and lightning is not an ordinary electric shock. In addition to thunder, 100,000 volts is a big help.

The elites of the Qingshui family basically have a starfish in each hand, and the electricity system trick is basically a must-learn as a countermeasure.

The pouring rain that fell before acted as a good guide. Under such a strong current, even the people in the house could not escape...

The mourning slowly decreased, and the electric light also dissipated in the air.

In the end, only a dozen people in the entire black market survived without much impact. Some of them rely on their warrior-level extraordinary physique, some rely on elves to save their lives in time, and some are emergency life-saving tools.

Among them, there was a woman with a mask, and a water arrow turtle beside her was holding a green protective cover to protect the trainer steadily. There is no doubt that this is a unique trick.

Of course, after escaping this wave of attacks, they had no brains to think about organizing a counterattack, and a dozen people immediately fled for their lives everywhere.

"I left two elves to cooperate with your three teams to clear the battlefield of this black market, and the others will chase after me!"

Seeing the woman riding on a Kentaro, Lorraine left her two elite elves behind. After a little explanation, she rode on the big-billed gull, and led a small team to chase after her. go with.

From the elite-level fluctuations it radiated, and the water arrow turtle that was immediately put away, she knew that the woman was Pinglang's confidant—the wind chime!

Out of resentment against Pinglang, she would definitely kill this woman herself!

Although the big-billed gull does not fly very fast, it adds a layer of tailwind to itself and the elves of other companions around it, so it is still a little faster than the rampant Kentaro.

"Big-billed gull, water gun bursts!"





After reaching the attack range ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lorraine immediately let the big-billed gull launch an attack to interfere, and the few people who were fleeing in front were quickly left behind. Apparently it's been treated as a scumbag.

This kind of strength, in front of the killing intent Ling Ran's team, only supported for a few seconds, and even the elves under his command were crushed into corpses.

"Damn it! It's almost here! Just hold on!"

Seeing the Hualan City chasing soldiers who were catching up again soon, a cold light flashed in the eyes under the wind chime mask. In her eyes, there was a faint intention of encircling and attacking her, but she had no choice but to say another word.

In this regard, the remaining 4 people around did not say much, but silently let the elves under them maintain their speed and hold on for a while.

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