Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 341: Elite duel

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Tian Ci also took back Helujia. As for the mouthful flower, he did not take it back. They also needed an elf to protect them, and the vines of the mouthful flower could be of any help. No matter how bad it was, it could be offset. A few tentacles of the stinger jellyfish, the strength of the ordinary high-ranking, can barely make a little struggle, especially when there are elites on the side.

"Beep ~ beep" Tianji, that jellyfish should be the strength of the middle of the elite, I'm probably not an opponent!

At the same time as the stinger jellyfish has big eyes and small eyes, Bi Diao also passed his judgment to Tianji through a spiritual contract.

"It's okay, it's rare to encounter an elite-level opponent. We have two moves, give it a try, and then retreat if we can't beat it."

Regarding the information from Bi Diao, he immediately responded by telepathy.

At this moment, the elite-level stinger jellyfish was finally ready to take the lead, only to see it screaming, "Gol!", the purple poisonous mark on the eyebrow flashed, and a large number of poisonous needles, "Swish! ' shot towards the Beagle in mid-air.

"Bi Diao, the storm is blowing back!" Seeing that it was a poisonous needle that was not very powerful, Tianzi immediately asked Bi Diao to use the storm to face it head-on.

This move of the storm is a move that was awakened from the bloodline inheritance after the evolution of Bidiao, and it was naturally mastered very well.

Hearing the trainer's order, Bi Diao's flight-type mark also flashed, and then his wings began to flap violently.

"Hu~hu~" A strong gust of wind greeted the flying poison needle from mid-air, and even the surrounding gravel and trees were swept up by the strong gust of wind.

Storm, as the name suggests, the wind strength is very violent, Tianci looks like a 13-level typhoon in his previous life.

Under such a storm, the poisonous needle, which was not very powerful, was immediately blown back, and even faster due to the acceleration of the wind.

Regarding the reflected poisonous needles and the gust of wind, the stinger jellyfish was quite a bachelor, and dived with a "thump" underwater.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Whoa, whoa!"

Although the Beagle attack made a lot of noise on the river, and even the poisonous needles that blew back turned the river purple, but to the stinger jellyfish, nothing happened. He popped his head out unharmed.

As soon as it came out, its 14 tentacles made a "swoosh" sound, quickly stretched out, and headed towards the Bidiao scroll in mid-air.

Judging from the tentacles glowing with purple light, and the poison element mark that has been shining between its eyebrows, it is obviously a combination of entanglement and poison attack.

"Koudouhua, use the thorn poison whip to find two to try.

Dodge the eagles, move at high speed to get out of the way, and cut them off with an air blade! "

Tianji was interested in this trick of the stinger jellyfish. It looked similar to the thorny venomous whip of the mouth dumb flower, and he immediately issued an order to the two elves.

"Moo!" Upon hearing the order, Kou Denghua immediately stretched out 5-6 purple-green vines with stingers from behind, and greeted the tentacles of the stinger jellyfish.

It also knows the gap, and not one vine blocks one tentacle, but 2-3 vines block one.

It's a pity that even so, the gap is still a bit big. I only saw that the tentacles of the vines and stinging jellyfish made contact with each other, and they made a "slap" sound of whipping each other.

Then soon, the vines of the mouth dumb flower were interrupted by the force, and even the contact part turned dark purple, and it continued to spread towards the mouth dumb flower body.

Obviously, even if Koudouhua is in the poison element, he has already looked down on most ordinary elves, but in the middle of the elite level, especially in front of the stinger jellyfish that also uses the power of the poison element, this poison is still poor. very far.

"Kouduhua, continue to cut the vines!" Tian Ci saw that the deep purple was still spreading, and he immediately continued to order to the mouth.

"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua also understood that this was completely beyond his tolerance, and immediately "puchi" twice, cut off some of the vines that were recovered, and only then stopped the spread of the toxin.

The sap from the severed vines dripped onto the river beach, making a corrosive sound of "hiss~", obviously the toxin was too strong.

On the other side, after Bi Diao moved at a high speed, he easily avoided the attacking tentacles. At the same time, he waved his wings, the mark of flight between his eyebrows flashed, and a few sharp air blades of "Swish" flew away.

Under the blessing of the power of the elements, the flying blade of air cut off several tentacles with a "puchi".

"Grumbling!" His tentacles were cut off, and the stinging jellyfish made a painful cry, which is different from the vines of the stunted flower. The vines of the stunted flower are actually just spawned by grass-type energy. , but the tentacles of the stinger jellyfish also contain part of its own flesh and blood.

However, that's it. Under the infusion of elite-level energy, those tentacles that were cut off regrew with a "puchi" sound. Although there are pain nerves of flesh and blood, such a small injury is for it. No problem.

Seeing that the tentacles couldn't keep up with Bibi Diao's speed, the stinger jellyfish opened its mouth again, and waves of purple waves "swish, swish," hit Bi Diao.

"Beep~" Under the 14 tentacles and the continuous waves of sludge, Bibi Diao was very thrilling. Fortunately, with the blessing of high-speed movement, he avoided the attacks again and again.

It understands that it must not be caught by this tentacle, otherwise it will lose its greatest advantage.

"Xuuuuuu!" Of course, Bi Diao was not immune to attack. Under Tianji's telepathy, it also released a few sharp blades of air from time to time.

It's a pity that this stinger jellyfish is a thief. Either use its tentacles to block it, or hide back under the water, and counterattack several times in a row, and it is still unscathed.

"Hey ╯﹏╰ I know it's not so stupid, there's really no one to mess with at the elite level."

Seeing such a stalemate, or in other words, the situation where Biyao was gradually falling behind, Tian Ci sighed and thought to himself.

This still has the advantage of the sky, and it can last so long than the eagle. If he can't fly, he is afraid that he is almost alive.

"Forget it, Bidiao, fly towards us, we withdraw, and we won't fight it."

Thinking that Bidiao is only at the lower ranks of the elite, and the power of the elements is limited, after a few fights, Tianji is ready to withdraw.

"Beep~" Bi Diao received telepathy from his trainer and agreed, the white light outside his body flashed, and he ran away directly by the flash of electric light.

With a "swoosh", it came to Tianji and the others who were hiding on the side.

Tianji and the others, who had been ready for a long time, jumped and landed firmly on Bibi Diao's back.

"Beep~" Goodbye, flightless jellyfish!

After receiving the trainer, Beagle immediately took off, and when it flew to high altitude, he even laughed at the stinging jellyfish that was furious below.

Chapter 342 The Compulsory Mission Is Coming

Not to mention the angry stinger jellyfish, after they got on the back of Bidiao, they were safe. Because they were taught by Tianzi before, the journey back was not so arrogant, and they returned to Huahua in peace all the way. The main city of the Blue City.

First go to sell the materials, and then go to the Elf Center to hand in the task, they will get 1.2 million alliance coins, and about 100 alliance merits.

It seems to be quite profitable. There are so many gains after going out for two or three days, but it costs 500,000 more than a low-grade elemental crystal used for carving. One can be used for 5 days, which is equivalent to 100,000 a day. Adding in the various expenses of the elves, it can only be said that two or three days of hard work can be considered a small profit.

About a week later, Tian Ci took Xiao Ling to do the task, and at the same time he was waiting for the action of the Rockets. According to what Na Zi told every night, it should be soon. It's been a long time since the city attacked, it's been a month or two.

Sure enough, this morning, as soon as Tian Ci picked up his mobile phone, the special calling card showed that he had received a message.

"Come, come!" Seeing the red R logo on the screen, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The first two rows of words that came into view were mandatory tasks.

"Task number: 00000

Task Level: Mandatory Task

Mission description: Cooperate with the local rocket branch of Hualan City to attack the Hualan Cave!

Task time limit: follow the command of the cadre

Mission reward: Participants contribute 500 points to the base, and a drop of the Sacred Spring contributes 3,000 points. During the battle, the enemy's spoils belong to the participants. "

"What, Brother Tianji, are you going to start?"

Seeing the excited Tianji, the girl with blue hair who just woke up on the bed, asked with a smile.

"Well, Xiaoling, you and Ninghui have been staying in this room for the past few days, remember not to run around."

Hearing the girl's question, Tanji rubbed her snow-white honeydew melon and replied.

"Well, then, Brother Tianci, remember to bring the mosquito repellent frog and sea star with you."

Feeling the pair of mischievous hands, the girl blushed a little, and immediately handed the two Poke Balls to Tianji.

"Well, it's alright." This was something that was discussed before, so Tianji took it directly and put it between his belts. In this way, he was considered a full trainer.

"Then I'll go first, you and Ninghui should be careful."

After packing up his things, he turned his head and said to the two women beside the bed.

In order to avoid doubts, they had changed to a mid-to-high-end room a few days ago, which was also directly under the name of Hualan Gym.

After all, in case, during the review, it was found that Xiaoling had changed to a room with higher security the day before the accident in Hualan City. This is a bit too coincidental. Pay more attention.

It is obvious that the inspector can roughly skip the experience, why do you have to leave a doubt, do you think it is?

As for why you don't change to the highest grade, with the best security, that's because you're afraid that something will happen. You know, robbers are not fools. This place is the most expensive and has the best security. There must be a lot of valuable things inside. So in this way, the more upscale rooms are the least safe and most vulnerable to attack.

"Be careful, Brother Tianji!"

"Safe journey, Master~"

The two women nodded obediently and sent a blessing.

After leaving the hotel, he went straight to Pinglang Town around Hualan City.

After all, it is to attack Hualan Caves with great fanfare, and personnel transfer or something must not be a stronghold in the town. Even if Hualan City declines again, a large number of trainers who are not weak will flood in, and people will be able to detect it, dark. If there are too many people, there will be no secret or secret.

And the Rockets are going to attack Hualan Cave, not Hualan City, so they must gather at the base outside.

Tianci looked at the final assembly time of the mission, it was 6 pm, and it was still early, so he went to pick up two missions in ** Wave Town, and then did the missions around, and returned naturally at that time. Go to Pinglang Town for supplies.

Time passed by like this, and those two tasks were easily solved in front of his elite-level strength.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he walked into Pinglang Town. This town is similar to Tianci's hometown of Qingmu Town. The general manager of the Rockets' so many strongholds in Hualan City.

Or how to say that Hualan City is in decline? According to the Rockets soldier who brought him in, Hualan City is also the main city and is still firmly controlled by Hualan Taoist Hall, but the surrounding villages and towns have long been under their control. The Rockets have secretly infiltrated.

The only male gym owner on the bright side is still the general manager of their Rocket Team. This is not down, who is down, sometimes the order of Hualan Gym has to be discussed with the Pinglang gym owner.

"Oh, hard work, Nuo, this is for you." He took out a low-grade water energy crystal from his backpack and handed it to the soldier who led the way. It was a reward for sharing so much secret information with him. Went into the room.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!" I didn't expect that just talking about the situation of their local Rocket team would be able to get such a big benefit, and the soldier who led the way took it with great gratitude.

"Tadata~" Accompanying him into the underground hall of the main base, many people looked over, not because of how handsome Tian Ci was, but also at the logo symbolizing the squadron leader on Tian Ci's chest!

"It turned out to be the squadron captain!"

"I didn't expect that there are elite-level trainers in the surrounding spy members!"

"I don't know if he will act with us, or if he will be pushed to a higher level"


There were secret discussions among the ordinary Team Rocket members who were in two rows about Tianji, the spy squadron commander~www.wuxiamtl.com~.

Tian Ci didn't care so much. Nazi had already told him about his arrangement a few days ago that he would not be assigned to the local attacking force.

At this time, he walked to the pile of non-staff members, thinking about the situation that the Rockets soldiers told him just now.

I always feel that there is still one obstacle in controlling Hualan City. That is Team Rocket. The Rockets who have penetrated so many villages and towns around Hualan are really willing to quit directly?

Even if it was the order of the boss of Sakagi, but the mid-level cadres of the Rockets who developed in the local intertwined relationship were really so obedient and gave up this piece of cake?

Tian Ci doesn't believe it. If it were him, he would definitely quit most of them on the surface, but secretly he always had to keep a small part to continue to control some resources in the villages and towns around Hualan City. Although a small village, the small town's income Not much, but it adds up to a lot!

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