Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 339: grilled jellyfish

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After complimenting the figurine, Tianji let it go to alert the surroundings, and by the way, restore the power of the elements just consumed.

The other elves helped to pick up the agate jellyfish and stinger jellyfish on the lake.

Soon, there were more than 50 jellyfish corpses piled up on the shore of the lake, and they were basically ordinary low-level jellyfish, and 5-6 were just ordinary middle-level stinger jellyfish.

But don’t look at it a lot, in fact, it doesn’t make any money at all. The agate jellyfish family has valuable materials on their bodies, that is, poison sacs. The freshman level is 400, the average is low, and the middle is doubled to 800. There are more than 50 here, probably just More than 40,000 yuan, this money is the elite-level Bidiao, and it seems that it is very profitable to make a profit. In fact, it is a loss to hunt for an ordinary-level trainer. It is better to go hunting for horned goldfish.

After all, the agate jellyfish family is much stronger in combat than the horned goldfish family, and they will also use poison, which is difficult to deal with. Even if they win, the price of the poison sac is far worse than the horn of the horned goldfish.

However, Tian Ci is not going to sell this poison sac. It just happens to be eaten as a snack for Kou Deng Hua. Of course, in addition to the materials, the meat of the jellyfish family can also be sold for money. The fresh meat is 100 yuan per kilogram, which is generally low and mid-range. Doubled, that is 200 yuan per catty, and an agate jellyfish is about 80 catties, and the sting jellyfish is about 100 catties. It looks a lot, but you must know that jellyfish, jellyfish are full of water. !

Other people's butcher shops recycle, how can it be possible to collect a lot of water back, they are all dried and turned into jerky.

Since it needs to be dried, it needs fire.

"Come out, Heluga!" He took out the Poké Ball and released Heluga, who had never come out.

"Ouch~ Wang Wang~" He Lujia called out as soon as he came out, and then he felt that the environment was not right. The fire attribute energy was poor, and it was all the water attribute energy that he hated.

So at this time, He Lujia, with a sad face on the dog's face, looked at Tianji speechlessly after barking, as if asking this kind of environment, what did you train me for?

"Cough, Heluga, you haven't come out for a long time, let's breathe, and use the flames to roast these jellyfish into jerky."

Seeing He Lujia with an uncomfortable and resentful face, Tian Chi coughed twice and explained.

Of course, it is also possible to let Heluga bake by himself. After speaking to Heluga, he also asked Bi Diao, who was next to him, to chop down a big tree, chop it into firewood, and set up a fire to dry it.

"Wow!" Helujia didn't believe Tianji's nonsense, he just worked, and he said let me out to breathe. Which trainer would put fire-type spirits in such a place with strong water-type energy to breathe? !

I saw it "Ta Ta Ta~" and walked to the side of an agate jellyfish, opened its mouth, and with a "huo" sound, a small flame enveloped the agate jellyfish inside.

"Crackling ~ 呲呲~" The flame touched the body with a lot of water, and immediately made various sounds, and it didn't take long for the sound of "hiss~" water vapor to evaporate.

After a few minutes, Heruga walked to the next one, and the dried agate jellyfish, although the body surface was slightly burnt black, but it was obviously not cooked yet, Heruga's superb fire control ability, After the moisture of the agate water evaporates, the flame is closed.

Tian Chi walked over and picked up the dried agate jellyfish that had shrunk and shrunk, and found that it was really much lighter.

I took out a small portable scale from my backpack and found that it was only about 20 pounds. The jellyfish jellyfish is really a lot of water. In this way, an ordinary low-to-mid-end agate jellyfish can be sold for about 4,000 yuan. Here, more than 50 are 20 Come on, it's alright.

The main thing is to win by quantity. This is more than 50. In the waters of horned goldfish, there were only about 20 in a lake. The harvest of elf meat was about 100,000, which was about the same in proportion.

On the other side, Xiaoling and Ninghui also used the firewood brought by Bidiiao to raise several fires, and then began to dry other jellyfish.

"Crackling ~ crackling"


Few smokes rose from the lakeside for a while, and the few people who couldn't control the heat sometimes even cooked the jellyfish directly, and the smell of seafood was slowly dissipating.

"Well~ the taste of pure natural is good." Since there are roasted ones, Tianji didn't waste them. He directly shared with Xiaoling and Ninghui. He ate them with "bae, bae" in his mouth, and it tasted quite good. Like grilled squid in a previous life.

Because elf meat is rich in energy and nutrition, it does not need any complicated seasonings. It is delicious just by relying on the original flavor of the ingredients.

"Woooo~ It's really delicious and fresh!"

"Huhu, it's a little hot, there's really no sea smell at all."

Xiaoling and Ninghui, who were eating together, were also full of praise for it.

Looking at the mosquito coil frogs next to them, they are a little drooling.

"Huh!" Heruga even increased the firepower directly and roasted a stinger jellyfish that was drying.

"Wang Wang? Wang?" Heeluga showed a smug smile after smelling the seductive fragrance, then raised his innocent dog face and barked at Tian Ci twice.

It means, Tianji, Tianji, I didn't control the fire well, and I cooked a whole one, what should I do?

Looking at Heluga's innocent dog face, and the elves who peeked around from time to time, Tianji felt a little dumbfounded. He actually just wanted to say that the elves would also bake and eat it. He cut it first and then played it. Of course, he wouldn't be stingy with the meat of a few jellyfish.

"Okay, okay, bake a few more and eat them separately."

Tanji waved his hand at Heruga and said.

"Wow!" Heruga agreed excitedly, and walked to another stinger jellyfish, his mouth "huhu" spit out a lot of flames, and soon another one was roasted. As a vicious dog, of course, he understands that he must eat it biggest!

The other elves didn't fight for it immediately, but waited for the three of Heruga to bake before eating together.

"Moo? ω? Woo~ bah~" As soon as the stinger vine exerted force, it tore a part of the stinger jellyfish, and then stuffed it into its big mouth, and a peculiar seafood smell spread to its taste nerves Here, it's delicious!

"Beep!" Bi Diao also lowered his head to peck at a few roasted tentacles, feeling that the taste was really good.

"Wang~woo, let's go!" Helujia was biting, swallowing half-cooked jellyfish meat, it still likes to eat it like this, and it also eats a few bites of fully cooked, and doesn't like it very much.

As for the other mosquito-repellent frogs, sea stars, kammies, and Pippi, they all tasted a little bit, and even the big milk jar was eating with a tentacle.

Obviously, the elves who eat seafood for the first time like the taste of this grilled squid.

Chapter 340 Accidental Attack

Of course, Tianji and the others are having a barbecue party by the lake. Such a great taste will definitely attract the attention of some land elves, but these elves, who are not even the strongest, have not reached the elite level. dare not approach.

Why is Tian Ci so courageous now, with such a strong **** smell, he still engages in barbecues, that is because this is not an unmarked place, and the Hualan Cave is operated and cleaned by the Hualan Gym all the year round, so the elite level There are very few, basically in the four major ethnic groups.

Tian Ci guessed that the so-called leaders of the four major ethnic groups were probably the elves inside the Hualan Taoist Hall. They were kept here to help manage the situation outside the cave and also act as the first line of defense.

Therefore, as an elite class, Bi Diao is of course a big boss in this water area. He is also afraid of wool. He should eat and drink. As long as he pays attention to himself, don't really make the four major ethnic groups angry. Well, it can still be done on this rampant side.

In the lake, none of the remaining agate jellyfish dared to show their heads, even if they knew that the killing **** above was killing their own kin and eating their flesh and blood, they did not dare to show their heads.

It's not bad to be able to escape by chance. As for asking for help through the underpass of the river, don't make trouble, let's not talk about how to ask an elite leader. How far is the journey, that is, after the invitation, whether the killing **** is still there or not. The two said that, after all, it is only a eagle and can fly, so it is better to hide in the water honestly, wait for the killing **** to eat and drink, and it is better to go by himself.

On the shore of the lake, after Taji and the elves had satisfied their desires, they picked up the spoils quickly.

At the same time, he also let the starfish go down again, on the one hand to seek benefits, and on the other hand to explore the waterways in the lake.

In this regard, the Kamui turtle turned around to agree, and then jumped into the water with a "thump".

"Gol~gol~" For these elves, the remaining agate jellyfish knew that this was the companion of the killing god, so they didn't dare to stop them, and they found that the other party didn't mean to attack them, so they didn't dare to act rashly. .

It only took ten minutes. Kamui and the others figured out the water channel at the bottom of the lake, and passed the flow direction of the water channel to Tianji through the spiritual contract. He also quickly drew the water channel.

After searching in this way, Haixingxing and the others all returned to the shore with a "swoosh". As usual, the mosquito-repellent incense frog handed over the resources obtained from the stinger jellyfish's nest to Tianji, and the 12 energy crystals were also of the middle and low grades. , Among them, the water type and the poison type are more than half, but it is a pity that there is no evolution stone.

"Sure enough, fighting sting jellyfish is really worthless, poor ghost!"

Thinking of the evolution stone that was obtained from the horned goldfish, he didn't expect that there was not a single stinger jellyfish. He cursed inwardly and continued to walk to another stream with the others.

Not long after they left, there was still a lot of blood in the place, and a lot of elites were welcomed, including Lada, Abo monsters, the most common such as giant pincer crabs, mosquito coil frogs, etc. Amphibious elves with omnivorous water attributes, corpses scattered randomly on the lakeshore, and their internal organs are their delicious lunch.

As for chasing and killing elite-level bosses along the **** smell, they don't dare, it's better to just eat two bites.

The gap between the elite level and the ordinary level is in their bloodline inheritance, and the invincible aura is also felt. If they really catch up, there is nothing else to say except courting death.

On the other side, after Tian Ci and his party came to the stream, they repeated their tricks and killed the agate jellyfish family in this stream, and then instantly figured out the flow direction of the underground river in this place. Of course, it was them that corresponded. There are more than 30 jellyfish jerky in his backpack, and seven or eight energy crystals, which also makes Tianci understand that sting jellyfish are poor ghosts, and it is a thankless thing to beat them.

From the morning until the afternoon, Tian Chi finally found out the waterway of this water. He was finally disposing of the jellyfish corpse in the last lake. This was the fifth high-strength poison they killed. The sting jellyfish is gone, that is to say, in one day, they killed five frontier officials of the stinging jellyfish family.

Eh... With this speed of death, no matter how tyrannical the stinger jellyfish are by nature and their cold nature, they will definitely send experts out to check. If they can face killing 5 ordinary high-ranking enemies in a row, they can only be Elite level!

So he is also ready to withdraw. In fact, he should go to a river and find out where it is. The flow of the dark river in this water area is truly complete, but he dare not. From the small rivers and waterways everywhere, the stinger can be obtained. The jellyfish family has already begun to act, and he is afraid that it will be too late if he does not leave.

Besides, there are 5 nodes in the flow direction graph, and he can make up for the missing piece with a little time. After all, this whole piece is in circulation, and it is still easy to make up for only one node.

But things will never happen according to your plan. At this time, Tianji and several people were dealing with jellyfish corpses, and suddenly several tentacles in the river "swoosh" toward the cammy turtles who were playing next to them. Come.

Unprepared, the two playing friends, Kamui Turtle and Marsh Leaping Fish, were pumped out with a "bang".


"Goooo (?_?)?"

The two little ones didn't understand what was going on, they only felt a sharp pain hit, and they lost their ability to fight when they were knocked to the ground.

Hearing the screams of Kamui and Swamp Leaping Fish, Tianji and the others immediately turned their heads to look. A stinging jellyfish with a strong breath in the river was slowly turning its head towards them. The two red orbs on the blue head cover It was still flashing in the sun, and not far away, the Cammy Turtle and the Swamp Leaping Fish had lost their ability to fight, and their eyes fell there in a dizzy state.

"Come back, Kamui!"

"Come back, Swamp Leap!"

The two first took back their respective elves for the first time.

"Beep!" Bi Diao had also flown in front of the two of them at this time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ called out threateningly, in its perception, this stinger jellyfish is very strong!

"Goooo~" With one move, the stinger jellyfish that swept over the Kamui turtle and the Marsh Leaping fish, looked at the Beagle in mid-air, and responded with a sound, and its aura became stronger and stronger.

"Damn it! Xiaoling, Ninghui, put away all the other elves, and you can run straight away when things go bad."

Feeling the pressure of the stinger jellyfish, and the information that Biao Diao might be defeated through the spiritual contract, he immediately transmitted telepathy to the two women.



The two women nodded when they heard the words, and followed Tian Ci to secretly put away their elves. Since they could whip the crippled turtles and marsh jumping fish at will, the ordinary middle-level elves would be no different in front of it.

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