Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 331: No. 6 water supply

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In this regard, Tian Ci feels that this decision is quite right. After all, the Sacred Spring is the root of Hualan City. Now that the root is almost gone, he must gather the branches and leaves and try his best to keep the root alive.

As for this, the hardships of the two generations have passed, and the most important thing for the family is inheritance!

"The first task is to collect ten horns, right?"

After disembarking from the carved plane, Tian Ci asked Xiao Ling, who was still excited.

"Yeah, that's right." The girl replied excitedly, and from time to time she turned her head to look at the 2-meter-tall Bibi Diao, obviously not sitting well.

"Okay, let's go to the nearby river first, and turn around in the lake. If you encounter other target elves, they will all go hunting."

Seeing the girl's unsatisfactory appearance, Tian Chi smiled and signaled the girl to leave quickly. After all, in such a place with many waters, Xiaoling must be better at it.

"Oh." Xiao Ling nodded, stuck out his tongue, and called out his elf.

"Come out, everyone!"

A few red lights flashed, and Xiaoling's elves, mosquito coil frogs, sea stars, and marsh jumping fish appeared on the grass.

"Come out too, Kamui, dumb flower!" Tian Ci also called out the two elves.

Exploring the waters is definitely inseparable from the water-type elves, so Kamui is a must, and Kouduhua is definitely easier to deal with the elves here because of his attribute restraint, so Kouduhua is also necessary.

As for the fire-type Heruga, it's better not to come out and suffer.





The four water-attribute elves felt the extremely active water-attribute energy in the air as soon as they came out. They felt extremely comfortable about it, and they let out a comfortable cry.

As for Bidiao and Kouduhua, they only felt that the water vapor in the air was heavy after all, but the others didn't feel anything, after all, they did not have the property of water.

They are still a little puzzled. Haven't they been to the river before, where the water vapor is quite heavy, and they have never seen the four elves so happy?

In fact, this is because water vapor and water element energy are different. In other words, it is the difference between the presence or absence of water aura. For water-attribute elves, the water aura born from the water spirit veins, that is, water-attribute energy, is the key.

And Hualan Cave can give birth to a sacred spring. The water spirit veins in this place are definitely the top. Even if the cave is blocked by the gym, the extra overflow has also created a high concentration of water spirit energy around the site. .

Correspondingly, of course, the elves in this place will have better aptitude, faster cultivation, and stronger strength.

The original Honda didn't want to put the Kamui tortoise in danger. After all, it has the lowest strength, but if you think about 4 of them acting together, the safety is still there, and the Kamy Turtle is ordinary no matter what, and the defense of the turtle shell is even better. It is far superior to its peers, there is no need to protect it like a baby, so it is released.

"Let's start from here, Kamy Turtle goes into the water, if there is something that can't be beaten, lead the opponent out of the water, and I will let Bi Diao and Kou Dianhua shoot."

After arriving at the nearest lake, he said something to the four elves.

The 4 elves nodded, and all jumped into the water with a "plop, plop" and began to look for their targets in the lake.

On the other hand, Tian Ci, Xiaoling and Ninghui were all waiting on the shore, and from time to time they would walk around based on the feedback from the spirits sent by the spiritual contract.

This place is almost common to the bottom of the water, and it is very complicated. Tianji didn't plan to understand it, but at least he should know where he is when running.

"Bang bang bang!"




"Yo bo!"


It was relatively smooth at the beginning. Although there are few new students here, the four elves joined forces and have superpowers like starfish. They are four kings underwater, and soon one after another elves were captured. Be in a state of incapacitation.

Their first mission, 10 horned goldfish, was completed in just over an hour.

"Kami~Kami? ω?" Cammy turtle was swimming in the deep water with several seniors. It felt so relaxed. He just used the tortoise shell to resist the horns of the horned goldfish, and it didn't take long for it to end. .

"Yo bo!"



Although the other three elves consumed a lot, they recovered quickly at the bottom of the water. They also liked this kind of environment, and they fought very smoothly, and their power was a little bigger than usual.

But what they don't know is that such arrogant and domineering behavior has also attracted the attention of the king of the lake, the king of goldfish!

Originally, this place was the territory of the Horned Goldfish Clan, which is why Xiaoling marked this place, because their first mission was to hunt the Horned Goldfish.

Although there are other small races in this area of ​​water, such as the ubiquitous carp king, mosquito coil tadpole, etc., but the actual overlord is the horned goldfish clan, which can be called the last clan, and the leader is of course an elite existence.

This lake is one of their territories, led by an ordinary high-segment goldfish king. After all, as I said before, most of the surrounding waterways are actually common.

"Oh!" The disappearance of more than a dozen capable generals under his command, of course, made this King Goldfish furious. After obtaining the positions of the four elves of Cammy Turtle through the spies in the water, it flicked its tail with a "swoosh". Swim towards that location.


"Dusha! Duo~"


In addition to the other horned goldfish, there were also several mosquito-repellent frogs and the carp king. . . What can it do if it doesn't evolve into a tyrannical carp dragon, send food to the other party.

There really is a Tyrannosaurus in this lake, and it will be picked up by the Tyrannosaurus group instead of staying in it.

Although the surrounding major groups have been discussed, for the sake of ecology, the clansmen are mixed in small areas, but with a strong evolutionary form, they must return to the territory of their own race.

Otherwise, it is very easy to grab sites and grab materials.

Don't look at the mosquito-repellent incense frogs in the elves it carries, but these mosquito-repellent incense frogs are basically ordinary low-level, and they will usually return to another water area when they reach the ordinary middle-level.

It didn't take long for the arrogant group of four to become arrogant. The two weakest elves, Kamui Turtle and Marsh Leaping Fish, were desperately fleeing and swimming towards the lake. As for the mosquito coil frog and Sea Star, they were responsible for the break.

It is also thanks to the super-power detection of sea stars that they can escape the encirclement in advance, otherwise it will be really bad luck when those elves are surrounded.

"Kami~Kami~" Tianji, Tianji, there is a big guy behind us, and he brought a lot of people, so Big Brother Bidiao is ready!

As the saying goes, you can be arrogant if you have a background. Sorry, Kamui really has it, and it is passing news to Tianci through a spiritual contract.

Chapter 332 Elite Strength

"Bidio is ready! Koudouhua, you are also ready!"

At this time, Tian Ci, who was on the shore, received the call for help from Kamui Turtle, and immediately gave an order to the two elves.

"Beeping~" When Bi Diao heard it, he was eager to try, and the imprint of the wings on his head flashed even more.

It has long wanted to play against ordinary high-ranking elves and try its own strength. In Tianci's large team, only Koudouhua is an ordinary high-ranking man. big brother!

As for Heiluga, Mosquito-Cream Frog, and Sea Stars, the middle-level elves had all fought against each other when they were training, and it can only be said that they were not all enemies.

So it is very lonely, and now the opportunity has finally come.

"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua didn't think so much. Its duty, Tianji had already told it before, first to shoot the seed machine gun, and then use the vine whip to catch all the elves that were incapacitated to the shore.

All in all, it is to clean up the trash and grab the spoils in an instant.

As for Ninghui's two elves, Pippi and Big Milk Tank, they are responsible for guarding against sneak attacks. Although they have Tianji's spiritual power detection, the elves have strange abilities, and superpowers are not omnipotent, unless they are very careful, It is a waste of mental energy to detect little by little, otherwise it will be difficult to cover everything.

"Wow!" Before they were allowed to wait long, Cammy Turtle and Swamp Leaping Fish rushed out of the water first.

Having received the news in advance, Kou Dian Hua, who was already standing, immediately threw out a few vines, only to hear "咻咻~", and the two elves were pulled back to the river bank.

The next group battle is too dangerous, and it is better for the two ordinary low-ranking little guys to stay away.

It didn't take long for the starfish and the mosquito-repellent frog to surface with a "crashing" sound. They both had serious injuries. After all, the two of them were only stronger in the ordinary middle section, but not only did they have a dozen helpers in the middle section on the opposite side. , There is also a high-level goldfish king who shoots cold guns from time to time, and it is very good to be able to escape.

"Shu~" After the mosquito-repellent incense frog surfaced, it also brought a gift. It was also a mosquito-repellent incense frog, which was frozen and threw it to the shore with a "bang", which was defeated when it was close to the water.

Although they are both mosquito-repellent incense frogs, Xiaoling's one doesn't feel that he should be merciful to his fellow men. People are divided into good people and bad people, not to mention frogs!

The mosquito-repellent incense frog raised by Xiaoling, of course, thought that the mosquito-repellent incense frog that the girl and Tianji wanted to kill must be a bad frog, so it would clean up the door for the frog family!

This is the influence of the spiritual contract and the elves cultivated the day after tomorrow. As long as the trainer orders them, they will not be soft on the same clan.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to drag a heavy trophy all the way. This mosquito-repellent frog was defeated when it was about to surface. Thinking that it was going to arrive, he brought it with him.

The ice cubes thrown up did not attract Xiaoling's attention. Although it was also a mosquito coil frog, she knew that it was not hers.

But Tian Ci was surprised, thinking that Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog was defeated, but after a closer look, he found that it was not at all!

Maybe it's because I'm used to seeing Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog. I think that mosquito-repellent incense frogs should have muscles and sharp eyes. Now I look at the mosquito-repellent incense frogs in the wild, only to find that Xiaoling's is not the same at all. It has not evolved yet. The fast-swimming frog looks like, and this one is frozen by ice cubes, with thin arms and thin legs, and big eyes are the mosquito-repellent frog.

"Ah~ I don't know Shishi, if you had a good time in Nibi City."

Thinking of this, he thought of the stone that has been carrying the mosquito coil frog special training, and Tian Ci sighed in his heart.

"Wow!" But it didn't take long for a lot of splashes to appear on the water surface, one horned goldfish, mixed with a few mosquito-repellent frogs appeared, and there was a huge orange-red goldfish king with huge sharp horns on its head.

"It's now! Bidiao, air blade!"

"Mouth flower, seed machine gun!"

Hearing the main lord floating up, Tianji immediately used telepathy to let the two elves shoot.

Because it is the telepathy of the spiritual power, almost the King of Goldfish and the others have just surfaced, and Bi Diao and Kou Duihua received the order and immediately shot.

I saw Pidiao's wings waving, and the imprint of the flight element between the eyebrows flickered. Under the blessing, "Shuhuhuhu~" several invisible air blades flew towards the Goldfish King.

Kouduhua also slammed her mouth, "咻咻咻~" and kept shooting green bullets out.

"Oh!" The Goldfish King didn't expect that as soon as he came up, he was waiting with a big surprise gift. This breath, this power, it has only been seen on elite leaders, and it screamed in horror.

But now it can't hide, there is no way, let the younger brothers beside it, collide with it to resist.

I saw a white light on the top of the head of the horned goldfish standing in front of the king of goldfish. Unfortunately, it seemed that there was no obstacle at all. I only heard a "puchi". Flying, the blood splattered all over the ground, and the belly of Bai Huahua floated on the water, just a few sharp air blades, they not only lost their fighting ability, but also suffered serious injuries.

"Moo? ω?" Kou Dianhua's eyes lit up, the seed machine gun in his mouth didn't hold up, but the vines on both sides of his body stretched out with a "swoosh", and immediately pulled his trophy over.

If there is no more than the carving, the king of goldfish must make the mouth dumb flower look good!

But now it can't protect itself. Although these sharp air blades were partially offset by a few horned goldfish, it still exceeded its resistance range. Only a crisp sound of "Bang!" was heard, and the top of the head of the flying goldfish king It's all blood. Although it hasn't lost its ability to fight, it's obviously the end of the shot. The sharp corners that seemed to be invincible before even had cracks.

"Beep!" Seeing this scene, Bidio nodded secretly, then fluttered his wings, and white light lit up on his wings, this was a wing attack!

Like this horned elf, it knows that their horns are generally very hard, so Bi Diao deliberately entered the horn of the King of Goldfish to test his strength. There is such a scene~www.wuxiamtl.com~ it I am satisfied. After I know my strength, of course I don't need to keep it.

With the speed of the eagle, the goldfish king only saw that the terrifying enemy just flashed, and he flew its subordinates, and slammed into it with a bang.

"Oh!" The powerful impact combined with the destructive elemental power of the flight system made it scream, but soon, its energy was eroded by the elemental power. He became dizzy and lost his ability to fight.



The few remaining horned goldfish and mosquito-repellent frogs immediately dived underwater when they saw it. They did not expect the enemy to be so terrifying. Remnant!

Don't run away, keep it for the funeral!

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