Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 329: elite status

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Of course, you can also do without elemental crystals, which is very slow. He asked Bidiao, if you do not use elemental crystals and cultivate by yourself, its progress will be very slow, almost the kind of progress that is invisible to the naked eye every day. Bidiao's aptitude is only related to the elite and the upper class, so if you really let it cultivate by yourself, I am afraid that it will take decades to climb to the middle of the elite.

As for Uncle Sam's Aberdeen, he reckoned that he might only be the elite, or the aptitude among the elites, otherwise, why would Uncle Sam give up so early.

Said a thousand words and ten thousand, whether to change or to change, he still changed 5 to try the effect.

But just when he thought that his contribution points were almost deducted, he found that his contribution points still had about 800 points!

He was a little surprised, so he went to the message column to look at it, and found that there were two unread messages, and opened the first one with a beep.

"Dear Aoki Squadron, congratulations on your promotion to squadron captain, this is your welfare subsidy for this month-500 contribution points, please check!"

He understood how the 500 points came from. It turned out to be an elite monthly subsidy.

It seems that Uncle Sam said that there are also alliances. From this point of view, the elite level is indeed different from the ordinary level trainer. This is equivalent to a talent subsidy.

Then he clicked on the second email, which read

"Dear Aoki Squadron, because of your special talent rights, the 5 elemental crystals you just exchanged will reduce your cost by 10%, and the actual contribution will be deducted by 2250 points."

"I c! Special talent rights, this means that I have entered the eyes of those big men, won't it be approved by the boss of Sakamoto?"

Seeing the above information, Tianji looked surprised, but he didn't know that his joke was the truth.

To be honest, this is quite good for him. After all, it is impossible to trouble the people on Nazi's side. It is one thing to lose face, and it will also appear very petty. Maybe it will last for a long time. Nazi has left a bad impression, and the wool is not like that!

You just talked about the 5 elemental crystals today, please Nazi, I'm sorry, it's only a few thousand points contribution, not a transaction of tens of thousands of points.

So, this was a surprise for Tian Ci, he had decided long ago that this kind of small-scale exchange was done by himself.

"Well, just change another one, it's just a month."

Since he still had 800 points, he changed another one, and immediately revealed another 450 points of contribution, and he still had more than 300 points in his account.

"Ninghui, look, do you have any ingredients you use to make food?"

After he finished changing, he asked Ninghui to come forward and let her pick out the materials she needed.

Team Rocket would definitely be cheaper if he had his special deduction, and because this sub-base is located in Hualan City, the price of water-type materials is lower than that in Nibi City, so she just asked her to add that Xiaoling's elf also has She is responsible for all his Kamui turtles.

"Hmm!" Ning Hui nodded, her eyes shining brightly, and she exchanged items of materials, and soon the more than 300 points, that is, more than 300,000, were exchanged by her.

"Your balance is insufficient, please recharge now!"

At this time, there is a big blue box on the machine, which indicates that Tianji's account balance is insufficient.

"Uh... I'm sorry, master, I just saw that they were too cheap, so I couldn't help but bought the normal high section."

The little maid said something to Tianji with an embarrassed face.

"It's okay, I originally wanted to buy it. Since you think it's cheap, you can also buy the materials that the high section needs."

Tian Ci didn't care at all, these hundreds of thousands were just trivial to him, he immediately took out his bank card, swiped 1 million in, and soon there was an extra 1,000 Rockets contribution points in his account.

"Hmm!?ω?" Hearing Tianji say that, Ninghui also let go of her courage and quickly swept away.

In the end, there were only more than 500 points left in Tianji's account, and she spent nearly 500,000 on materials.

"Enough, master." Ninghui said to Tian Ci with a large amount of exchange coupons.

"Okay, let's go get the things." He didn't understand, since Ninghui said enough, he took the card back and walked to the exchange window.

It is worth mentioning that there is also a fast lane with few people in the exchange window, which is prepared for the powerhouse above the elite level.

As the squadron captain, Tian Ci, a newly promoted elite-level powerhouse, can of course take this channel.

And when the two of them walked towards the green channel, many people looked enviously in front of the exchange window full of queues on the other side.

"Another squadron leader!"

"I don't know when I will be able to advance to the elite level and walk through the green channel."

"Yeah, and look at the maid behind him, holding a handful of exchange coupons, my God, a handful! How much does it cost!"


In this regard, Tianji, who has a good hearing, of course also heard it and enjoyed the envious eyes of everyone. He was very happy, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. If it wasn't for the purpose of maintaining a strong demeanor, he would have laughed proudly. Woke up.

However, as a maid, Ninghui was not so reserved. She held her head up and her chest out, holding a large amount of exchange coupons in her hand, with a proud expression on her face.

When one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky, nothing more than that.

Because of the lack of people, after a squadron leader in the front row was replaced, it was his turn.

"Sir, please give me the exchange voucher and your ID card."

The staff inside stood up and said something humbly.

Although there should be no stupid b who want to fish in troubled waters in order to exchange quickly, but just in case, you still need to check your identity. If someone is really bold and pretends to be a middle-level and high-level person, then the Rockets are still short of experimental subjects. .

After all, the position of the strong cannot be offended by the weak!

"Well, good." Tianji didn't say anything about this, and handed over the black card and a lot of exchange coupons.

"Di~ Aoki Squadron!" The staff put the black card on the machine and swiped it, and the machine soon recognized Tianji's identity.

"Aoki Squadron, please wait a moment. You exchanged a lot of things. I will arrange them later and send them over."

Since there is no problem with the identity, the staff accused Tian Ci of the crime, and then quickly asked the warehouse handyman in the back to collect and sort out the information that Tian Ci wanted to change through the computer.

"Good." Nodding, Tian Ci waited here with Ning Hui.

About 5 minutes later, the staff handed a tin box and a large space backpack to Tianji.

"Aoki Squadron, in this iron box are the crystals of the flight element that you exchanged. This large space back packs the materials you exchanged. You can order it."

"No, I trusted the Rockets."

Tianji was very satisfied with the thoughtful service of the Rockets. With his mental energy swept away, he knew the number of elemental crystals was right, so he said a beautiful sentence, then handed the large space backpack to Ninghui and left.

"Thank you newcomer, you can walk slowly~" The staff behind heard the words and thanked him, bowed slightly, and watched Tian Ci leave.

Chapter 330 Hualan Cave

After changing things and meeting with Xiaoling, they went outside the city to do tasks, and also to test the strength of Bidiao.

When Tian Ci took Ninghui to the Rockets base just now, Xiaoling was in charge of picking up a few tasks.

As soon as he left the city, Tian Chi called out Bidiao.

"Beep!" As soon as Bidiao came out, seeing the vast surrounding environment, he cried out happily.

"Xiaoling, all the tasks you took are on the waterway near Hualan Cave, right?"

Allowing Bidiao to fly in the air, he turned his head and asked the girl behind her who was full of envy.

"Yeah, yes, Brother Tian Ci." The girl came back to her senses when she heard Tian Ci's question, nodded, and showed him the picture of the task on her phone.

Well, although out of the field, the mobile phone can't be used and there is no signal, but the pictures can still be saved and viewed.

"Okay, then let's fly there directly."

He took a general look and found that these tasks are indeed in the waterway near Hualan Cave, both simple and difficult.

But he didn't care, he originally wanted to go there to explore the terrain.

"Bidio, come down!"

"Beep~" Hearing the trainer's shout, Bibiu immediately swooped down and obediently stayed in front of Tianji.

"Bi Diao, take us to this No. 6 waterway." He showed Bi Diao the navigation on the illustrated book to let him know which direction to fly.

"Beep beep~" Bi Diao nodded, indicating that he knew.

Seeing that Bi Diao understood, he immediately jumped and jumped onto Bi Diao's back. Xiao Ling, with the reverse thrust of Ninghui's water flow, also landed firmly on Bi Diao with a "whoosh" sound. on the back.

"It's so soft, and it's very flat!" The girl stepped on the back like a yellow blanket under her feet, feeling that the touch was great.

"Beep~?ω?" Bidiao shouted happily for the girl's compliment, and then the energy on his body floated, and soon a light windproof shield enveloped his body.

Then it "huhu~" flapped its wings and quickly flew into the air.

"Brother Tian Ci, Pidiao is amazing. It's not bumpy at all, and it's flying so fast. You can see Hualan City is smiling so much."

The girl who went to heaven for the first time was pulling Tian Ci at this time, pointing to Hualan City, which had become only the size of a palm, and said excitedly.

Next to her, Ninghui looked at the blue sky and white clouds around her excitedly. It could be seen that both of them were in the sky for the first time, and they were in a good mood.

"En~" Tian Ci was also in a good mood. In two lifetimes, it was the first time for him to go to the sky. As a low-level person in his previous life, he never even flew planes. . . Now relying on the carvings to achieve this dream.

He looked at the small city below, and the reduced version of the mountains and rivers, and couldn't help but stretch out a hand and shook it, as if holding them in his hand.

I have to admit that, as long as you are not afraid of heights from a high altitude, you will have a self-confidence that the world is nothing but fascinated, feeling that all beings are just ants under you, as if you have become a god.

"What do you think? The elite level is just the middle class. As a newcomer who has just entered the new class, it is better to have a calmer mind."

But soon, this kind of mentality was adjusted by himself. In the past life, plus the bottom of the 18 years in this life, the struggles along the way are still useful, at least let him understand that he can't float, the world There are many stronger than him!

"Beep~beep~" is a sculptor, obviously it hasn't been converted yet. As an elite eagle, it has a feeling that he is the overlord of the sky at this time!

The elite-level aura on his body is undoubtedly revealed, and he is still arrogantly shouting twice.

In this regard, Tian Chi didn't say anything at first. The child has just been promoted, so it's right to be proud for a while, and the area just now was cleaned up by the alliance on a regular basis. remind.

But now that he is about to fly into the unmarked area on the map, he is so arrogant and can't sit still. You must know that there are three of them sitting on him now. If you stimulate the flying elves in those areas, Fear of crashing!

After all, although the back of Bibi Diao is wide, but the three of them have already stood there, and they can't call out a few elves. Let's change the angle, air combat, mouth dumb flowers, mosquito coil frogs, and they have never experienced it, and this is not a crash. , who crashed.

"Bidiao, although we have been promoted to the elite level, we are already much better than others, but you have to know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are birds outside the bird. You can't beat Nazi's weakest dream-attracting tapir, and also, I know you're excited, but in case you get caught in the air..."

In response to this, he immediately began to teach Bibi Diao through telepathy, taking Nazi as an example not long ago.

So, trainer, it's not just about fighting and killing, you also need to pay attention to the mental health of elves, and guide them all the time when they find clues, which is similar to being a parent.

Bidiao is like a child who has just been admitted to a key university. He is proud and proud for a while. He feels that the world is nothing but talented, but that is because he has not yet entered the school and has not communicated with other elite elves. After entering the university, the surrounding After they are all elites, it will understand.

Of course, the dauntless teachings of Tanji's father are still useful.

After listening to Tian Ci's teaching, Bi Diao nodded, and took back the aura of the elite level, revealing only a trace, so that the ordinary level flying elves could automatically give way, and to other elites and gymnasiums. The big boss of the rank expressed that he was just passing by, so as to avoid disputes.

What it didn't know was that in the dense forest below, a wild eagle with an elite-level high-level strength was about to fly up, but now it stopped and silently let Tianji's eagle fly past.

It turns out that this elite high-ranking eagle ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is going to teach Tianji a lesson, after all, who made it so ignorant! So arrogant!

But since it has now converged, and it is still the same family, it is fine.

On Bidiao's back, Tianji, who didn't know that he had walked on the line of life and death, was obedient to Bidiao and nodded secretly.

In this way, after they flew for more than ten minutes, the Beagle landed on the lake near the No. 6 waterway.

It is worth mentioning that because it is close to Hualan Cave, and Hualan Cave is the source of all water sources in the city, there are many lakes and rivers nearby.

I heard from the local trainers in the city that the original Hualan Cave was also an open resource point. It was like a big labyrinth with water channels extending in all directions. Except for the core main water channel that was blocked, other areas were the moon of He Nibi City. Just like the mountains, you can enter by paying the tickets.

But now that the sacred spring is exhausted, in order to fully support the sacred spring, the Hualan Taoist Hall has blocked the entire Hualan cave, and now no one except the Qingshui family can enter.

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