Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 29: start experiment

After lunch, the two rested for a while and then set off immediately.

"Speaker bud, you must stop and leave a living mouth, understand?" Tian Chi looked at the three green caterpillars in front of him and thought they were the perfect test subjects.

"Moo |???ω??)???" Trumpet Bud nodded, and immediately prepared to attack.

Use the growth in advance, lurking slowly, and the trumpet buds do this set of actions, giving people a beauty like flowing clouds and water!

"The future generations are terrible!" Seeing that the trumpet bud had already learned the essence, Tian Ci couldn't help but give birth to a wave of the back waves of the Yangtze River that pushed the front waves, and the front waves were beaten to death! ! !

"Bah, bah! It's not auspicious to die." Tian Ci shook his head and watched from a distance, without any intention of helping.

Although the freshman level is only a stage of energy accumulation, the power of the moves after breaking through the high level will also increase.

So he also wanted to see if Trumpet Bud's current whip of thorns could drop the green caterpillar in seconds. He was seriously injured by the previous blow, but he didn't lose his ability to fight.

"Moo( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄/// has already touched the horn bud in the position and shot it instantly

"Crack! Pah!" "Wow!"

The two green caterpillars that hadn't reacted were instantly swept away and hit the big tree!

"Bang Bang! (?_?)?" Tianji saw that the green caterpillar that fell to the ground had lost its ability to fight!

"Sure enough, it has reached the normal-level attack power, and the speed of the vines has also reached the normal-level threshold."

The bonus of the growth move, coupled with the original power of the whip of thorns, directly gave the trumpet bud, who had just broken through the high level, the attack power of a normal-level elf.

"Moo" didn't care about the two green caterpillars that had already been swept away. Although the trumpet bud didn't know if it could be killed in one hit,

However, before it broke through, it dealt with the green caterpillars in the middle of the new generation, and a whip of thorns would seriously injure them.

It doesn't make sense. After its strength breaks through, it can still make them resist.

"Ugh!" The green caterpillar, who was already scared to death, immediately spit out a ball of silk thread, and ran to the side without looking at it.

"Moo!" With a flexible side flash, he bent the vine again, and the green caterpillar was **** in an instant.

"Swish" a burst of powder flew directly at the green caterpillar.

"Oh, woo~ woo~ oh" The green caterpillar, who was still struggling, slowly fell asleep. This large dose of inhalation made the green caterpillar forget that there were still wood thorns on its body.

"Good job, Hornbud, let's go back to the entrance and test it!" Tian Ci walked over with the dagger he just cut, and let Hornbud carry the green caterpillar back.

"Moo" Horn Bud nodded. He saw the blood-stained dagger and knew that the two green caterpillars that were swept away must have lost their ability to fight, and then they were dealt with by Tianzi.

Otherwise, according to Tianji's cautious character, he would definitely ask himself to make up for the knife.

"Moo~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" Thinking of how terrifying his attack power was, he couldn't help but feel a little happy, and the swaying green caterpillar also swayed with the vines!

"Don't shake the trumpet bud. If the green caterpillar wakes up, we don't know what level of sleep we can put it into."

"Moo" Hearing Tianji's order, Trumpet Ya walked quickly and earnestly.

"Whoa!" A stream of water fell on the green caterpillar's head.

"Woo! Woo!" The green caterpillar, who felt that he was still alive, cried out happily at first.

"Woooo (┯_┯) oh" But it immediately saw that it was still tied to the vine, and the green caterpillar, who knew that it was inevitable to die, immediately became saddened.

"Stop calling! Green caterpillar, listen, we are going to do an experiment on you now, as long as you cooperate well, I won't kill you! Do you understand!" Tianji, who was called out, was upset when he saw the green caterpillar wake up , and immediately said to the green caterpillar.

He felt that the green caterpillar should be able to understand what he meant. After all, the old scars on his body were also proof of the elves' survival time in the wild.

And the one who can survive for a long time must have been in contact with human beings, and should be able to understand what he means, which is also the reason why this one is specially kept.

Otherwise, if you don't understand people's words, you'll just scream, how can you experiment!

"Woo, woo." Hearing that there was a chance to survive, the green caterpillar nodded hurriedly, expressing his absolute cooperation!

"Okay, let the trumpet buds release it to a distance of about one meter. If they dare to escape, they will kill them directly." Seeing that the green caterpillar really understood, Tianji was ready to start the test.

"Moo" Trumpet Bud nodded, contracted the vine whip, and put down the green caterpillar.

"Oh!" The green caterpillar really didn't run away, at such a close distance, it wouldn't dare to try that terrifying vine whip.

"Okay, Trumpet Ya's all-out hypnotic powder, try to control the direction as much as possible."

"Moo Moo" Trumpet bud quickly opened his handsome hands, a tickling sensation appeared on his hands, and he waved towards the green caterpillar.

"Swish" a lot of powder flew to the green caterpillar

"Cough, woohoo, cough! Wooooo~" Soon, in about 5 seconds, the green caterpillar that inhaled a lot of hypnotic powder lost consciousness.

"Okay, let's take a look at the sleep level of a lot of inhalation." Tatsu put on a mask and took out a dagger.

"Crack! Slap!" First, he slapped the green caterpillar's head with his hands.

"Woo~woo? (ˉ﹃ˉ? The green caterpillar didn't respond.

"Ok, light sleep passed"

"Shuh!" Tian Ci took the dagger and quickly slashed the green caterpillar's body with the knife

"Wu?(ˉ﹃ˉ? The green caterpillar had begun to bleed slightly, but it still did not respond.

"Moderate sleep has passed" It's like we scratch ourselves unconsciously in our sleep~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but we don't feel it.

"Pfft!" The sharp blade plunged into the green caterpillar instantly!

The green caterpillar didn't respond when it first plunged into it. As the dagger went deeper, the green caterpillar began to struggle, but it still didn't wake up. In the end, Tian Ci slammed it fiercely!

"Woo~ oh! Woo!" The green caterpillar, who felt the severe pain, woke up instantly.

"The horn buds are tied to it! Deep sleep, you can control the direction at will within one meter, and the powder concentration is the highest, which will make you fall into deep sleep!"

Tianji saw the awakened green caterpillar, tied it up, sprayed it with wound medicine, and recorded it in the notebook.

"Okay, trumpet bud, let it rest for a while, look at it! Continue later" Seeing that the wound was already healing, Tian Chi couldn't help but sigh at the magic of the elves!

"Woo oh (?_?) woo oh? (;'Д'? Hearing that the green caterpillar still wanted to continue shed tears of sadness.

Half an hour later, a new round of tests started again, this time at a distance of 5 meters.

"Moo!" The trumpet bud controls the direction of the powder, but it is still slightly out of its control

"Woo, woo? Woo~woo" The green caterpillar obviously took twice as long this time, but he felt drowsy for about 8 seconds, and fell asleep after 12 seconds.

Tianji stepped forward and started three rounds of testing.

"This time, the level of sleep is moderate to deep. The powder can be mostly controlled, and the concentration is moderate. The phenomenon of lethargy occurs in about 8 seconds, and it falls into sleep in about 12 seconds."

"Woo oh? Woo oh?" The green caterpillar asked in a low voice, is it over? Can it go!

"Stop screaming, there is still the last round of quizzes, you can go after the quiz." Tianji, who was recording, immediately shouted to the green caterpillar!


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