Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 28: Strength breakthrough

Soon, Tianji packed up the three unicorns and called up the trumpet buds to continue their worm-hunting journey.

After all, in the outermost part of the forest, unicorns, green caterpillars, and little Rada are the most common during the day.

However, you can occasionally see Bobo, Lei Que, and Arbor snake coming to feed, and some people have even seen one or two monkey monsters in the periphery.

Tianji actually thought that if he was lucky enough to encounter an order, then he would bring it back, whether he used it himself or sold it, it would be very profitable!

For this reason, when he went to sell video tapes, he made a detour to the department store and bought two blank Poke Balls.

It's a pity that Tian Chi came all the way, and what he saw was either a green caterpillar or a unicorn!

This also proves from the side how powerful the reproduction ability of insect elves is. It can be said that they have supported the entire forest by themselves!

However, in the outermost part of them, they generally have the qualifications of ordinary medium and lower. Only those who have evolved into the iron armored chrysalis or the iron shelled Kun can go to the inner circle of the forest and enter the group!

Then, after another batch of eliminations in the group, although some have evolved to the second rank, their vitality is not enough, and they are not even qualified to forcibly burn life to evolve.

It can only be hung on the periphery of the group, serving as a warning or as food for powerful elves.

This is the way of survival of the insect elves. Through a method similar to raising gu, the clansmen with low aptitude can dedicate their strength to the clan.

"Horn Bud, Whip of Thorns" soon encountered three green caterpillars, but under the powerful offensive of Horn Bud and the assistance of Tian Ji,

After a while, the three green caterpillars were completely divided and lay in Tashi's space backpack.

"Woooo, woohoo"

"Clap! Clap"

Along the way, as long as they came across a unicorn or green caterpillar, the two of them cooperated to kill them.

Most of the time, I dealt with 6 green caterpillars at one time, but luckily they were green caterpillars!

Most of the green caterpillars among the six only spin silk, and only two of them collide.

However, the oncoming 5.6 **** of silk thread made the trumpet buds exhausted, and finally got stuck.

There was no other way, I still took two hits to defeat the green caterpillars of the two leaders. As for the remaining scum that only spins silk, I saw that my strongest leader was defeated, and immediately fled away. .

It's a pity that they are not little Ladas. The slow speed coupled with Tianji's cold knives from time to time resulted in them being beaten half to death by the trumpet buds.

Then, as a blood bag, it was absorbed by the trumpet bud.

It was also when he was absorbing the last one, that the trumpet bud felt that the energy in his body was recovering, and suddenly it suddenly rose!

Tianji himself also felt the feedback to him under the contract. It was not the slight increase before, but this time the amount was significantly larger.

It's a pity that the previous battle was a bit louder. To prevent being a fisherman, Tianji just put all the green caterpillar corpses in his backpack and immediately evacuated towards the entrance.

At this time, in the bushes near the entrance of the forest, Tianji was spraying the trumpet bud with wound medicine.

"Hanja, your strength has broken through! Now you should have the strength of a new high-ranking section." After putting away the wound medicine, Tianci asked to the rooted trumpet.

"Moo~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" Trumpet Ya nodded happily, saying that the energy in her body has increased a bit, almost doubled!

"Sure enough, the new stage is the accumulation of energy. Have you comprehended any new moves, trumpet bud?"

"Moo moo? Moo moo" I saw Lou Ya was puzzled for a while, then closed his eyes and immersed himself in the bloodline memory, and a new memory appeared in his mind in an instant.

"Moo (?>?<? Trumpet bud opened his eyes, playing with enthusiasm, and violently threw a small ball of powder from Ye Zi's hands to Tianci

"Cough! Cough!" Tianji, who didn't pay attention, was hit in an instant, and some powder entered his body

Tianji felt his eyelids get heavy, and he felt a little groggy.

"Crash, crash!" Tian Chi immediately took out the kettle next to him and rushed it down his face.

The cool water instantly pulled Tianji out of his drowsy feeling.

"Huajia, you really are, this is a hypnotic powder! You finally learned this trick!

Exactly, the paralysis powder I bought has been used up. Now, while I am dealing with the corpse, put hypnotic powder into this bottle and train it too! "

Tanji, who was sober, took out a large empty bottle and placed it in front of Trumpet!

"Moo?" Lou Ya looked at the big empty bottle and felt a little remorse for her playful behavior just now.

"Well, Trumpetya is now a freshman in the high-ranking class, and he has finally grasped the control skills! He is considered a master at the outermost part of the forest!"

Tianji, who was handling the corpse with a dagger, thought of this, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"However, it's definitely inconvenient now. When I go back today, I'll train the hypnotic powder of the trumpet buds at night to see the effect and scope!

Now there are 21 wire sacs, 7 sharp horns and 7 poison sacs! "

Looking at the loot worth over ten thousand in his backpack, Tianji nodded in satisfaction.

It's just noon now, and we can continue in the afternoon. I believe that after learning the hypnotic powder, it will definitely be easier to face 5.6 bugs!

"No, why do I have to go back and test again? Isn't there the best test subject here, hehe!" Looking at the corpse next to him, Tian Ci had a flash of inspiration and felt that he had fallen into inertial thinking.

"Let the trumpet buds keep a live port in the afternoon~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and bring it to the entrance to do the test! Hey, hey! I'm really a genius!"

After all, this kind of powder skill, as long as the range and effect are tested, it is good. If you want to deepen the power, you still need to eat poisonous materials for the trumpet buds.

Whether it is hypnotic powder, paralysis powder, or poison powder, it is actually a type of poison. It's just that the focus is different, so as long as Hornbud understands one of them, I believe that the other two will be unlocked soon.

At this time, the unicorn poison sac can be eaten by the horn buds. Thinking that there are still three poison sacs in the refrigerator, and now there are 7 in the bag, he decides to hunt more unicorns in the afternoon!

"Well, wait for the unicorn's poison sac to be ineffective, then replace it with another one!"

"Speaker bud, come over to eat, after eating, let's grab a live one and come to test it!" After finishing packing, Tianji took out two kilograms of fresh unicorns.

"Moo moo!" The tired and collapsed trumpet bud immediately picked up the bottle filled with brisk walking and walked to Tianci's side.

"Well, I can put all the energy in a big bottle. It really isn't worth it to sell powder. I'd better use it myself!" Looking at the full bottle, Tianji shook his head and gave up the extra money.

"Moo moo??? Moo moo!" Hearing Tian Ci's words, Horn Ya's body trembled suddenly, you are a devil!

"Okay, you don't need to be a powder extractor, let's get a bottle or two for our own use!" Tianji explained when he saw the frightened trumpet buds.

"Moo-moo, woo~woo-woo" The trumpet bud, who was relieved, began to eat the elf meat happily.

"Well, after earning money, you can also appropriately upgrade your food." Seeing how delicious the trumpet buds are, he eats the multi-grain cakes that taste like chewing wax.

Tianji decided to go back and buy meat with meat, and eat meat patties in the future!


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