Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 287: confluence

Next, under the guidance of Nazi, after the two climbed over a mountain range, they finally merged with the three elves under Nazi's command.

Tian Ci also saw Nazi's third elf, a dream-citing tapir. This is also a yellow-colored elf standing upright. It also looks like a fox and holds a ring pendant in his hand. That is the prop it uses to guide others into the dream state.

"Hu Di!" Hu Di was the most excited when he saw Na Zi's figure, and came to Tian Ci in a teleport, without even looking at this ugly man, he shouted at the **** his back, From its point of view, this ordinary human being is nothing more than a temporary mount for Miss Nazi.

"Su Gel, Su Gel~"

"Ba Li, Ba Ha~"

The slightly weaker magic wall puppets and the dream-citing tapirs were a bit slower. After Hu Dixian said hello, they also moved in an instant. They came to Tianji and said hello to Nazi. .

As for Tianji and his elves, they are just ordinary trash fish. Being able to be used as a mount and guard by Miss Nazi is an honor for these trash fish. What's there to say hello to?

As pure super-type elves, they are very proud and generally do not surrender to non-super-powers. In their view, except for elves of the same powerful attribute type, other elves and humans are low-level creatures. It's a pity that there are no dragons, superpowers, and ghosts in Tianji's elves, and Tianji is not born with superpowers, so Tianji, Kouduhua, Helujia, and Bibibird are all equal to low-level creatures.

Of course, Tianji also noticed the ignorance of the three elves, but what could he do? He could only helplessly smile, and sighed in his heart, "Sure enough, the pure super-type elves are very proud!"

As for the dumb flowers, they have long been suppressed by the powerful momentum of the three elves. It has nothing to do with backbone and personality. In the face of the crushing strength, the weak are indeed not even qualified to face the strong. As for why Tianji He could still raise his head, because the three elves were worried that Na Zi was still on his back, so they took the initiative to clear their aura.

"Long time no see, Hu Di, the magic wall puppet, the man who attracts the dream tapir, I haven't fully recovered yet. Thanks to my lover, Tianji, for saving me, or I might really die."

Nazi looked at her three elves with a smile and responded, and also introduced Shimoda to the three elves. She also saw that the three elves didn't seem to be very friendly to Tianji.

Although it seems that super-type elves are born like this, Tianji is her lover of Nazi, so I still need to remind them.

"Hoo! Hoo!" Tianji! Miss Nazi's lover!

"Barley!" Are you kidding me! Is his lover just him?

"Su Li! Su Li~Su!" Isn't he your temporary mount, Miss Nazi!

The three elves were very shocked by what Nazi said, and finally looked down at the man who had been ignored by them before. The jenny turtle in the ball was not spared.

"Cough~ Hello, Hu Di, the magic wall puppet, the dream-citing tapir."

Hearing that Na Zi had introduced himself, he tried his best to show a smile that he thought was very kind. Of course, in the eyes of others, the scarred face looked a little hideous.

In fact, Tian Ci made so much money that even if it was an old wound, it was enough to remove the scar, but he was used to it, so he kept it.

The three elves were silent for a few seconds without speaking. In fact, they were communicating quickly through telepathy.

"Boss Hu Di, I scanned it three times. This man's physique is barely average, and he is not born extraordinary!"

"Yes, yes, I've also scanned the elves under his command twice, and the aptitudes are only reluctant. How could Miss Nazi fall in love with him?"

"Nonsense, how do I know, but you dare to disobey the decision made by Miss Nazi!"

"However, this is too weak, and the aptitude is also very average!"


In just a few seconds, the three elves had already exchanged dozens of sentences through telepathy, all of which were full of contempt for Tianji and the elves under his command.

No way, if Tianji's achievements are considered among the commoners, it's really good, but in the eyes of the three elves, it's really too bad, not enough to be the direct descendants of Miss Nazi, you know that they are standing in full force. The Golden City was at its peak, and Manjin City was already the most prosperous city in the Alliance, so all the trainers they saw were strong, and Tianji was indeed much worse than them.

For others, their elite-level aptitudes are one-of-a-kind, but for them, they are barely able to. You must know that among the three elves, the worst magic wall puppets are all leaders. And other qualifications, and Hu Di and the people who attract the dream tapir are all king-level qualifications!

They are just barely qualified for elites, they are indeed very general, and I can't say that they are poor, they are mediocre.

"Why, you don't recognize me! It seems that I was injured, so the three of you have a lot of ideas!"

At this time, the cold **** Tian Ci's back saw that a few seconds passed, and the three elves did not reply to Tian Ci. She was a little angry. This is her lover, and strictly speaking, it is also considered to be their three elves. How can half a trainer treat you like this! So the tone gradually became cold, and at the same time, there was a glittering light in her eyes. At this time, she was the super queen who spoke the best in the golden city!

"Hu Di, I've seen Mr. Tianci!" Seeing Na Zi's anger, her expression turned cold. As the oldest elf who has followed for the longest time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hu Di seems to have recalled some bad memories. After a shiver, he immediately gave Tian Ci a slight bow and bowed, and at the same time his aura was completely restrained.

"Magic Wall Puppet (Dream Tapir), I've met Master Tianji!" Seeing that the boss was cowardly, and Miss Nazi was also angry, the other two elves also hurriedly bowed and restrained their aura.

"Moo!? ω?" Kou Dian Hua Ma, who was finally able to raise his head, looked at Tian Zi with admiration. He didn't expect that even such a powerful elf would be obedient in front of Tian Zi.

It secretly poked Tianji's calf with a vine, and used a spiritual contract to send a message.

"Tianji, Tianji, you are too powerful. I didn't expect the woman to be rescued to be so strong, are we going to send it out!?ω?"

As the initial elf who was most seriously influenced by Tian Ci, Kou Dian Hua followed Tian Zi for money and robbed resources during the trumpet bud period, so he also developed the personality of seeing money and being open-minded.

"I'm going to send it, but it's not easy to say." As for the message from Koudouhua, he also used a spiritual contract to send it back.

In fact, he has been thinking about this issue when he was crossing the mountain range. Although it seems that he has mastered the wealth code (Nazi), he actually thinks deeply and is affected by various conditions, such as status, strength, family Wait, there is not much that can be obtained, and it does not mean that you can sit back and relax in the future.


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