Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 285: Tanji's position

"Nazi, we're afraid we don't have much time. Before, I asked Bibi Bird to inquire about it. The Wu Neng family is blocking the mountains. One by one, the mountains will be checked. We will be here soon, so we have to leave as soon as possible."

Hearing the girl's explanation, Tianji thought for a while, and decided that it would be better to take the initiative to find a meeting, otherwise there would be an accident.

"Well then, I'll trouble you, Tianji." Since Tianji had said so, Nazi didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement.

"Damn, what trouble are you talking about, I'm Nazi, your closest friend!" Of course, Tianji would not miss any chance to gain a good impression, he replied immediately, and at the same time he carried the **** his back.

As for why you don't let Dizzy Flower move with vines, are you stupid! Such a good chance of brushing goodwill can make me stunned!

Moreover, Nazi was still wearing the pink and white vacuum jk uniform. If he was carrying it on his back, wouldn't he have to hold his hand. At this time, Tanji had already felt the softness and elasticity of his hands, and he couldn't help but say "Hey. hehe~" with a laugh.

"Hmm~" With Tian Ci's hands holding her hips, the cold and arrogant Super Queen's face was ruddy at this time, but she didn't say anything. This broad back made her feel very secure, and for the first time she felt that she could rely on her.

On the other side, on a mountain farther away from the two of Tianci, Hu Di, the magic wall puppet, and the three elves under Nazi's command have gathered together through repeated teleportation. Khan continued to calculate Nazi's position, unaware that in the girl's heart, they were ranked second.

"Let's go, Bibi Bird, Heluga, please find your way." With Nazi on his back, Tian Ji greeted the prepared elves.

"Beep-beep~" As soon as Bibi bird fluttered its wings, it took the lead in opening the road ahead, and its eyesight was the best.

He Lujia walked next to Tianci, and lowered his head to sniff from time to time. After all, some elves with strong lurking ability may not be able to see Bibi Bird, but the taste is different. This is because any elves have not completely wiped except.

As for Koudouhua, it walked on the other side of Tianci and poked Tianci covertly with a vine. After seeing Tianci looking over, it called out "Moo-moo~", meaning that I would come. Back it up.

In its impression, it seems that it uses vines to take people away. I don't understand why Tianji has to carry it by himself this time.

"Cough~ Dazed Hua, it's okay, Nazi is very light, and she also needs a flat and stable place for her to recover well. As a friend, I will definitely help her."

For this question, he seemed to be answering dumbly, but he was actually telling Nazi on his back that he could hear her. He understood that Nazi, who had recovered to an elite level, at such a close distance, even if he whispered, the girl would definitely listen. see.

At that time, while his face was righteous and awe-inspiring, the movements of his hands did not stop, and they kept kneading.

"Hmm~" The cold girl with a blushing face on Tian Ci's back, although she pretended not to hear at this time, her face turned even redder, her heart was also sweet, and she was not disgusted by Tian Ci's big hand holding her.

Nazi, who woke up from the mental collapse, actually took Tianci as her spiritual sustenance. The core part of the spirit, as long as the blood-colored ghost invades there, the girl's personality will undergo a huge change, being dominated by the blood-colored ghost, she becomes a cruel and easy-to-kill female devil.

But because of Tianji's words, "I want to be your closest friend."

These words made Nazi stand up again and regain her clarity, so she defeated her inner demons for more than ten years, but she took the initiative to accept Tianji's spiritual projection.

That is to say, in the core part of Nazi's spirit, there are two people at this time, one is Nazi and the other is Tianzi, and even Nazi took the initiative to let Tianzi's part occupy more of the core part, because she likes The feeling of being loved by a friend.

Of course, Tianji didn't know all this, and Nazi wouldn't take the initiative to tell him, so although Tianji knew that his status was relatively high, he didn't expect it to be that high. In Nazi's heart, status is more important than Nazi herself!) He is still testing it out step by step.

After a burst of strong sunlight, led by Bibi Bird, the two finally came to the ground.

"Sure enough, we are no longer around the main mountain range." Tianji sighed, looking at the lush surrounding bushes that had no trace of battle at all.

If it is still near the main mountain range, it is impossible to have no traces of battle. You must know that there is a gymnasium, the main battlefield of Tianwang, and there is a self-destruction of Tianwang-level rumbling rocks.

"Well, Tianji, please help me find out if I have any clothes or pants." Nazi on her back agreed, and at the same time she said with a pretty face flushed.

"Ah! Why? It's hard to find, Nazi." Hearing Nazi's words, Tian Zixie smiled and asked, knowingly, his hand never stopped. , he felt his back was wet twice.

Hearing Tian Ci's question, Nazi blushed and began to steam, probably following the principle that the colder and arrogant the stronger, the more sensitive the back, she felt that every second in the tunnel was a torment, and Tian Ci's hand was really hard. is too...

"Mainly, it's because of you that I can't concentrate and sense~" In the end, the girl replied in a low voice with a blushing face.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I don't want to, I want you to be more stable on my back, Nazi, and the undeveloped mountain road is too difficult to walk."

Hearing what Nazi said, Tianji didn't want to take advantage of it by pretending to be, so his hand that hadn't stopped also stopped.

"Heruga, Bibi Bird, let's find out if there are any human corpses."

Tianji, who had stopped, immediately instructed the two elves to find clothes first to show his love for Nazi.

"Beep beep~"

"Wang~" The two elves glanced at Tianji with disdain, and then spread out to search.

They also need to breed birds and dogs. There is this introduction in the bloodline inheritance. Of course they can see that Tianci takes advantage. Maybe they both know more than Nazi. You must know that the introduction in their bloodline inheritance is very direct. !

"En~" Seeing that Tianji asked the elf to find clothes, Nazi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

In fact, she doesn't dislike Tian Ci treating her like that. In her opinion, this is exactly Tian Ci's intimate expression of her, but she still has to put the overall situation first. She can't sense it. Waste a lot of time.

Tianji is also very honest and doesn't make small moves, just walks slowly behind Heluga.

Because he doesn't know about superpowers either, so he regrets it a little bit. If Nazi had told him earlier, he wouldn't have been taking advantage of Nazi like this, making her unable to concentrate and unable to sense. He thought that by virtue of Nazi Powerful, it should be no problem.

In fact, Nazi in her heyday was fine, but now her serious injury has not healed.

Chapter 286

Soon, after a deliberate search, Heruga found several unrecognizable corpses that had been eaten by wild elves.

But they were all male, but Nazi didn't pick it up at this time. She called out the jenny tortoise, washed both sides with water, and then let Heruga dry it with fire, just like wearing a coat for Nazi. go in.

Because Nazi is not very convenient, so this dressing must be helped by Tianji. Even if Tianji is very restrained in the middle, there is still some fragrance. In the end, a beautiful girl wearing a large miner's clothes appeared in his clothes. in front of you.

"I'm sorry, Nazi, you can do it first, we'll find a partner, and we'll buy you a fitting one after we get out of Yuejian Mountain."

Looking at the girl's rustic, ugly and ill-fitting dress, he said something embarrassed.

"It's alright, Tianzi." Nazi, who was leaning on the stump, was not dissatisfied with this dress. She had seen Tianzi washing and drying the clothes just now, and she understood that Tianzi had done what he could do. The best.

Of course, from this angle, the girl also saw that Tianji was bulging just now because she helped her get dressed, and her face turned red again.

"Come up, Nazi, let's find other companions!" Tian Ci also saw where Nazi's eyes were staying. If it was before, he would have asked Nazi to help again. After all, he had endured for a long time since the hole in the ground. Now, coupled with the dressing just now, he felt like he was about to explode, but now that he understood the priorities, after taking a few sips of cold water, he signaled that he could continue walking.

"Tian, ​​Tianji, is this bad for your health... or I'll..." But Nazi shook her head. She thought of what the book said, to endure the harm to men, Tian Chi was her only close friend, and she didn't want Tian Chi to be hurt, so she took the initiative to speak up.

"It's alright, it's important to find a companion, it's been too long, come up, Nazi."

Hearing the cold girl take the initiative to speak, Tian Chi almost couldn't hold it back, but in the end, reason prevailed. After he suppressed the restlessness again, he replied.

"Then, then, is there a faster way?"

Unexpectedly, Nazi seemed to have to help him, her beautiful face flushed and she continued to ask.

"Yes, but there is, but Nazi, your body is not yet healthy, it is not suitable." Hearing that Nazi was so persistent, Tianji couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and looked at the stump with a presumptuous gaze. The beautiful girl, but seeing the joints that were only slightly movable, he still shook his head.

"Well, that's fine, thanks for your hard work, Tianji."

After being rejected by Tianci again, Nazi didn't insist anymore. She really didn't understand this kind of thing very well. Since Tianci has rejected so many times, she also understands that the overall situation is the most important thing, so she won't say anything more. .

But at this time, Tianji was staring at Nazi's rosy cherry mouth and didn't speak. He realized that he seemed to have missed something!

"Nazi, I've thought about it, you can..." Tianji, who was agitated again, whispered directly into the girl's ear.

It can be seen that as Tian Ci spoke more and more in detail, her originally cold face became more and more rosy, but in the end she did not refuse, instead she nodded and opened her mouth...

In less than ten minutes, Tian Ci wiped the corners of Nazi's mouth, and the two set off again.

Don't think it's too fast, the main psychological effect is too strong, who is this, this is the beautiful girl who looks at the entire alliance and is a peerless genius! She is also the real controller of Manjin City, one of the eight ancient cities. The super queen who exists at the gym level is a graceful and inviolable goddess in front of others!

Such an existence is willing to let go of his identity and come to help him, a common-level trainer from a commoner orphan, who looks mediocre or even ugly. No one can stand it!

"Tianji, are we closer now? We're very close friends." Lying on Tianji's back, Nazi pursed her cherry lips and asked the lower body's opinion.

"Nazi, we are lovers, this is a much closer relationship than friends!"

Having done all these things, Tianji couldn't continue to talk about friends without his conscience, and in order to prevent Nazi from suddenly becoming enlightened, or to find a more professional book to read, he simply pointed it out.

"Love?" Nazi repeated suspiciously. This word has never appeared in her life. She knows the clan elders, grandfathers, subordinates, disciples, and friends, but her lover has never been mentioned.

"Yes, lover, I like Nazi very, very much, and I will always be Nazi's lover!"

Hearing the girl's slightly puzzled voice, he immediately struck while the iron was hot, and said something loud and sincere.

When Tianci suddenly confessed, the girl's face turned red when she touched her face. She felt that her heart was beating so fast, and an inexplicable and complicated emotion welled up in her heart. She was very sweet and very happy. She seemed to understand what a lover was. So he gently put his head against Tanji's ear.

"I also like Tianji very much, and I'm willing to be Tianji's lover~" After speaking, he kissed Tianji's scarred face without a teacher.

"Nazi, my love, I want to confess to you that I am not only a woman like you, I also have..."

After hearing Nazi's response, Tianci's face was very happy, but he also understood that in front of Nazi, there was nothing to hide. when the emotions are at their strongest.

"I understand, Tianji, it's like the elites in the clan have many maids and women~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I don't mind."

Hearing the confession of the man under her, Nazi shook her head indifferently. Before he could finish speaking, she said directly, thanks to the maid system in this world, Nazi's acceptance was very high. In addition to the clan elders who taught her, there were basically several grandmothers, so she didn't care at all.

"Nazi, you're so nice, I really like you so much!" He didn't expect this to be a big problem for him, but Nazi downplayed it and let it go, he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Well, I also like Tianji very much." When Tianji confessed again, Nazi buried her head in embarrassment.

In fact, this kind of thing is really normal in her opinion. Because of the reason of managing the entire Golden City, the elites she faces, the gym-level clansmen, and the elites under her, there are many gym-level families, almost Every one has a maid, otherwise how could the family reproduce and expand in just a few decades!

"Hahaha~haha~" Only now did Tianci realize that he really wanted to thank himself for staying here for a few more days before, otherwise how could he have such a big opportunity!

Even if the Wu Neng family gave him the whole huge moonstone, he would not change it. What is Nibi City, which is in the middle and lower reaches of the eight major cities, and the woman on his back now holds the No. 1 ranking in the eight major cities. One is full of gold!



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