Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 280: Nazi in a coma

Of course, he still has a choice, that is to go to the black market, or go to the auction house to hide his identity and sell it, but even in these black markets, the auction house guarantees that the identity will be kept secret, but this is really the case, after all, the dead can't jump out to question Their.

Therefore, Tian Ci is still skeptical about the black market and the credibility of the auction house. The black market was originally co-organized by the local gangsters and the participation of the alliance, and whether the auction house can block the pressure of the Wu Neng family is also a matter of fact. Of course, there must be. , but on that scale, as an ordinary civilian, he really can't touch it.

"No, the huge moonstone fragment is in this place, so is Nazi also nearby!" Thinking of his status, Tianji suddenly flashed in his head and thought of Nazi. With Nazi's status, it is definitely possible Dispose of these extra pieces, of course, you must convince her!

He was only injured so badly in the aftermath. Even if Nazi, who faced the self-destruction of the Heavenly King-level Longlongyan, was stronger, she would definitely be hurt more than him. Isn't that a favor? My life-saving grace, please help me deal with it. An extra huge moonstone fragment is always fine, anyway, she must have to deal with it herself, incidentally.

As for whether Nazi is dead, he is not worried. As a gym owner, it is impossible for him to have no means to save his life. Death should not die. What he is worried about is that the huge moonstone fragments are just scattered. It was just an accident, Nazi wasn't actually with him at all.

I didn't see Xiaoling and Shishi who were together before. Now they don't know where the explosion went, but they shouldn't die. He didn't die when he stood in front of the two of them, so the two behind him must also be dead. He won't die, but I don't know if he is so lucky, and a pixie with a broken pokeball came out for treatment.

Thinking of this, Tianji immediately gave a new order to the elves under his command.

"Everyone, first help me find out if there are any humans around!"





The four elves all responded and began to look for it. They were all looking for materials with energy before, but they really didn't pay attention.

Soon, Heluga had a harvest, and I saw it screaming "Wangwangwang~", indicating that it has found a human, and it is still a woman!

"Jenny, Jenny?" The jenny turtle subconsciously thought it was Sister Xiaoling who taught it to train before, so she immediately replied in surprise, is it Sister Xiaoling?

Heeluga heard Jenny Turtle say this, and looked carefully, and found that it didn't seem to be hey, it still knew Xiaoling, and the person with the blue hair was not, so it "barked" twice and shook at the same time. Shaking his head, he signaled to the Jenny Turtle that it was not.

"Tadata~" Tian Ci also heard the interaction between the two elves, and his mood was a bit complicated. His first reaction just now was to hope that it was Xiaoling, but when He Lujia said that, he knew it should be Na Zi, a little lost, but also a little happy.

Quickly came to another river beach, and saw a ragged, blood-stained woman lying on top of it. The black and white Rockets uniform on her body had long been torn into holes, and her long waist-length hair was scattered randomly. On the ground, except for her face, the rest of her body was covered with scars, and bones could be seen in some places. As for the Poké Ball on her body, of course, there was no one left, and I didn't know where it flew.

"She looks so beautiful, no wonder she has to protect her face~" Looking at Na Zi's cold and delicate pale face, Tian Ci complained, and even with her toes, she knew that her whole body was covered with trauma, only her face was intact. No damage, I must have used all the energy to protect my face at the last minute. It can only be said that even if she is a powerful Nazi, she is a woman who loves beauty in her heart.

"Should be still alive~" Tian Ci came to a conclusion after poking his breath with his finger.

However, he didn't immediately take care of him. Instead, looking at Nazi, who was seriously injured and dying, Tian Ci was in a battle between heaven and man.

"Do I want to use the spiritual contract scroll and give Nazi as I did with Kwai! In this way, I will have a powerful gym-level slave girl, and I am also a natural power user. I can also borrow the Rockets' big plan. This is a fortune!"

At this time, Tianji had already taken out the spiritual contract scroll from his backpack, and his face was uncertain. How similar this scene was to his previous situation when he subdued Jiang Qikui!

In the Rockets base before, Nazi's slender, hot and domineering appearance kept appearing in Tian Ci's mind. She was such a cold and arrogant girl of the sky. Now as long as he makes a contract, she will crawl. Under his feet, being whipped and taught by him arbitrarily, just thinking about this scene made him extremely excited!

And it's not just for beauty. With Nazi around, he can be considered a big backer in the Rockets, and it will be much easier to do everything, so that his road to a trainer will be smoother.

But in the end, he still sighed "Oh~" and gave up this tempting idea.

Because he suddenly thought that this was just the lowest spiritual contract scroll, and its utility could only be maintained to the middle of the elite level. Although Na Zi was seriously injured now, he should be able to make the contract successfully, and he could even take advantage of Na Zi not fully recovered. After she was cured, she played with it for a while, but when she recovered, I was afraid that she would not be chopped into meat and fed to the dog, or even made him die.

Because he doesn't know anything about superpowers, he doesn't know when Nazi will recover~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is impossible to guard against.

And even if it is a high-level spiritual contract scroll, Tianji does not dare to use it on Nazi now. After he calmed down, he also thought that the spiritual contract scroll seemed to be invented by Nazi's family in Manjinshi. As the manufacturer, I'm still afraid that I can't solve it, not to mention that Nazi is still the strongest natural superpower. Using this thing on her is not a banal axe!

"But let's have some thoughts, or a handle." Although he gave up the idea of ​​forcibly controlling, but for future consideration, Tianji still took out the mobile phone in his backpack, took a picture of the unconscious Nazi, and then asked The Jenny Turtles, like they treated him before, helped Nazi take off her clothes and treated him. He filmed the whole process on the side, recorded it as a video, and even opened some important parts and took several close-up photos. video.

Tian Ci is not a good person. Now there is such a good opportunity, although he can't forcefully control it, but what if there is a turnaround in the future, not to mention that he has to protect himself. It is difficult to guarantee that the recovered Nazi will not directly Killing his savior, after all, she will definitely know that she has been seen when she wakes up, but she has scars all over her body.

For the sake of his own innocence, kill Tianzi, an ordinary little trash fish. This kind of thing can't be done by Nazi who joined the Rockets. He doesn't know, but he has to guard against it. Zi takes good care of the members of the Rockets, but when it comes to the girl's innocence, it's hard to say.


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