Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 279: windfall

In this way, after lying naked on the ground for a long time, Tianji was finally able to move freely. I have to say that medicines in the elf world are expensive or expensive. For this panacea, it is absolutely impossible to use money to get it in a previous life. The magic medicine of measurement!

After all, it is a fairy world with extraordinary power, and it is normal to be able to make supernatural medicines.

In the past half-day, he also commanded a few elves to repel some elves that smelled blood. Fortunately, most of them were not strong. In addition, their attributes were dominant, so they were basically repelled. As for those with strength, Tian Ci took the initiative to send out a few elf corpses, and left without incident.

Anyway, the elf corpse is the least valuable resource, so it's not a pity.

"Let's go, let's go and pick up all the lost materials." After being able to move freely, Tianji put on a set of advanced protective clothing again, and took the elves to start a scavenger journey.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Here is a piece of cold iron ore!

"Wang Wang~" I have a rock-type ore with sufficient energy.

"Beep beep~" Bibi Bird flew over with a corpse of Nidolino.

Seeing that Bibi Bird was so ignorant, Tianji threw the corpse aside in embarrassment and explained it to the puzzled Bibi Bird.

"Bibibird, these elf corpses are basically worthless, and the energy has been spilled. Although the meat has more energy, it can't sell for a high price. Let's find other valuable things first, and put the elf corpses last."

Hearing Tianji say this, Bibi Bird embarrassedly patted her head with her wings, and with a "beep", she took the time to find something of real value.

However, none of the three elves were dumbfounded. It was able to flexibly manipulate several vines. It had already helped Tianji to find several valuable items, including a good medium-sized space backpack, although the zipper was opened. Yes, the contents inside fell to the ground, but after Tianji checked it, he found that it was indeed intact, so that he could bring more things back.

Suddenly, Duan Hua shouted at Tian Ci with a look of excitement, "Moo! Moo!", motioning for Tian Zi to come over and take a look. It has a big discovery, and it is worth more than all the previous materials!

"Come here, let me take a look." Hearing Kou Dianhua say that, he also put down the backpack he was sorting, and hurriedly ran towards Kou Dianhua.

"What is it? Koudouhua?" He soon came to Koudouhua's side and asked curiously.

With a "swoosh", Koudouhua mysteriously took out the things hidden behind her back.

Tian Ci took a closer look, and it seemed that it could be seen everywhere at any time, and there were still bumps on it, but even a half-baked fighter like him could feel the huge energy contained in it!

You must know that he is not really extraordinary, and his perception of energy is not as strong as that of elves, which is why he asked elves to help find materials.

"This, this is! A fragment of a huge moonstone!" Tianzi took it over in surprise, and the quality of this fragment definitely surpassed that of a top-grade moonstone!

He still remembers the previous auction in Nibi City, where a top-quality moonstone was auctioned for several million, and this moonstone that surpassed the best, let's just call it holy. The pure value of the holy moon stone may be 10-20 million, but this thing is completely impossible to find! The value can't be counted like that!

Maybe for the people of the Wu Neng family, it is still valuable and can be estimated, but for people outside, if you want to get a fragment of a huge moonstone, you can't exchange it for money, you have to buy rare treasures of the same level. It can only be exchanged. If Tian Ci is willing, he is afraid that he can exchange for several top-quality Leaf Stones.

"However, it doesn't seem to be of any use in my hand. I can't use it for Ninghui's Pippi evolution. It's too much of a loser!" Looking at the fist-sized piece of moonstone in his hand, he began to feel troubled after he was pleasantly surprised.

Yes, he can take it as his own, and the value is very high, but a treasure that cannot be spent and cannot be realized, no matter how high the value is, it is a tasteless treasure.

First of all, in terms of the alliance, he is an ordinary commoner and ordinary-level trainer. He took this thing to the elf center to exchange it. I am afraid that it is not courting death. Even if it is exchanged in other cities, the Wu Neng family in Nibi City has to kill the chicken and show the monkey. Put on the wanted list, and from then on, you can really only go to the dark side in the Rockets.

As for handing in the Wu Neng family, he said that he picked it up in the big explosion. This is a wise way to protect himself, but it is too bad. It is estimated that the Wu Neng family will not give anything valuable in return. Only the elves with elite qualifications, or those who enter the gym, will treat you better, and the value is not equal to the holy moon stone.

Then there is the Rockets side. He has been using the Rockets' channels to deal with some shameful gains before, but this time the fragments of this huge moonstone are what the Rockets want by name. You are a small team leader, only You can hand it in if you can. As for the reward, it may be similar to handing it over to the Nibi Gym, and it may even be a direct contribution to the Rockets.

As for whether you are satisfied or not, you must be satisfied, otherwise the organization will doubt your loyalty and think that you have no cultivation value.

Therefore, this commonly used channel for selling stolen goods is basically a failure.

"How about~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'll train another King Nido?" Tianji, who had a headache, reappeared in his mind the candidate spirit that he had to give up before, as well as the Heavenly King-level Nido outside the mountain range. Duo Wang's domineering posture was deeply engraved in his mind.

"Jenny~Jenny~" But at this time, the Jenny turtle also came to him with a piece of ore, and put it in front of him to take credit.

"Mmmm, good job, Jenny Turtle, keep going." Touching the Jenny Turtle's head, Tianji said with a smile.

He looked at the jenny turtle and gave up this idea for the time being. Now several elves need a lot of resources to cultivate. If he doesn't sell the holy moon stone, but instead cultivates another king Nido, even if he uses the holy moon The stone has been raised to a very high level of aptitude, and it would be a waste to have no money to cultivate it. (Refer to the bag dragon with a very high concentration of dragon blood in Shitou's hand, and what Shishi provides now is not enough.)

Moreover, he still has a little understanding of elves like King Nido. It seems that he needs to force the characteristics + life orb, and then he needs all kinds of powerful matching moves to be called the top tyrant! Otherwise, it is very likely that he is just like the ordinary high-rank Nido king he dealt with before. He has a domineering figure, but does not have the strength to match it. He was directly beaten to death by a few middle-ranked elves, even a decent one There is no resistance.

The cherished treasure of the Orb of Life is not like any poisonous sludge or bird's beak, it can be produced in batches, and the materials are cheap.


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