Pokemon the Poor

: Description and situation

The author is a teacher who teaches and trains. Now the double reduction policy, institutional transformation (high probability of bankruptcy, I am unemployed), one semester in the fall, I usually have to go to work at night, crazy time-consuming, starting from this week.

Anyone who knows the education and training industry knows that it is usually the second week after the school starts, that is, the institution starts classes this week, so it is even more busy, because I didn’t go to work at night before, but now I have to go to work at night to teach students or deal with other things. matter.

Therefore, there are also trade-offs in the case of codewords, and I didn’t expect this book to suddenly become so bad. It seems that it will drop a grade every half a month. Now the small climax of the plot is even worse. Below 500, all orders have dropped by about 100 in the past two weeks.

I read a lot of comments in the comment section saying one update a day, but it’s actually a 2-in-1 chapter of 4,000 words. Since many people say that, I will use the dead horse as a living horse doctor and resume the 2,000-word update every day. A few days, but it is estimated that there is little hope, the average order should be doubled T_T

Maybe everyone is a reader who has no concept, and thinks why the author is crying again and wants an **** again!

Let me talk about it. It takes about 3 hours for me to code 4,000 words a day. The new subscriptions per day have fallen below 500. A subscription is about a few cents. A 4,000-word chapter is 7-8 points, and a 2,000-word small chapter is 7-8 points. The chapter is 3-4 points, because I have both big chapters and small chapters, even if it is 6 points, which means that my subscription money is about 20-30 yuan a day, and it takes 3 hours, so everyone should have an impression. , there may be some readers who know the inside story about full attendance, but the order below 500 is not full attendance. According to the faster and faster drop rate, I don't know if there is any this month.

What should I say about this book, it is the first book, and it has many flaws. Maybe this is the reason why my grades are getting worse and worse, but I feel that the later plots should be written better and better, and I don’t know why. (Part of the reason for piracy can't be controlled, it's useless)

I have been tired these days, and this book, whose grades are getting worse and worse, may have really become a burden and lost the mood to create, so I adopted the opinions of many people in the comment area, and restored 2000 words and 2 more to try. Try to finish the story of this little climax in the past few days, go to sleep, wish everyone good night, finish typing, and nag a few more words, it's 2 am now, and I have to go to work T_T

Maybe whether it is the poor of this novel, or we are destined to fail in reality, alas╯﹏╰

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