Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 272: trap

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! After dozens of minutes, after paying a few lives, they finally came to the pit where the huge moonstone was hidden.

This made the three of Tianzi breathe a sigh of relief, because it was their turn soon, and it was great to not need to explore the way now.

I saw that this place is no different from other caves. It is equally dark, and the surrounding stone walls are also pitted. If it is not for the sign of the map, I am afraid that no one will believe that the huge moonstone will be hidden here. Treasures should not be kept in high-tech secret rooms.

In fact, this is because of the particularity of the giant moonstone itself. It is equivalent to the core and source of this mountain range. All ores and moonstones are slowly radiated and evolved from it. If a high-tech secret room is established , will not only affect the evolution of resources, but also cause bad changes to the giant moonstone due to the high concentration of energy radiation, so the Wu Neng family gave up this plan after one attempt.

In addition, in the mind of not wasting the energy radiation of the huge moonstone, the Wu Neng family directly arranged for the elves to come here to guard, so there was no mechanism.

As for where the guardian elves have gone, you will know by listening to the deafening roar outside and the sound of fierce fighting.

The two elves who benefited from the giant moonstone and advanced to heavenly kings, King Nido and Bangira are the strongest guardians, but because they had to deal with the incoming heavenly king Apollo, they could only come out to fight.

The Wu Neng family in Nibi City cannot be said to be strong. Although there is no heavenly king on the bright side, there are two heavenly king-level elves hidden here, and one of them is the quasi-god Bangira, plus a few more. Gym-level trainers also have elite-level guards, which can be said to be powerful.

But the Rockets, who have decided not to hide their fangs, may not be as good as the entire alliance as a whole, but they can only deal with one city in the alliance, not to mention the secret transmission of information. If this can't be dealt with, then they It's a bit of a waste, not to mention the ambition to dominate the business. You must know that whether it is to create a super dream or to win over the top leaders of the alliance, there is only one purpose, that is to move from the darkness to the light, and to open up a piece of it that belongs to them. pure land!

"You guys go first!" Although she had already arrived at the designated place, Nazi obviously did not intend to let them go, and also let the rest of them take the lead, including Tianji and others, after all, compared to losing herself It is better to let these spy-type trainers explore the way.

She didn't believe that the Wu Neng family would not leave behind, so she let the two heavenly king-level elves go out to fight.

As for Nazi's order, Tianji had no way to refuse. He knew that it was the limit to take care of it, so he didn't say much, he just stepped over Nazi's direct line and kept up with the trainers who had explored the way before. , of course, he is not a fool, let the previous group walk in the front, he, Xiaoling and Shishi are a few steps behind them, and at the same time, he has already taken out several one-time protective jade talismans.

"Tadata~Shasha~" I slowly walked into the cave. I didn't encounter any traps at first. It was very easy to get in. The group of trainers who led the way couldn't believe it. There were really no traps at all. no.

And after I came in, I found that it was a very empty crater. In the center, a meteorite with a width and height of several meters was exuding a faint halo. Energy, for a while, the king of the mountain, the rumbling stone, the mosquito-repellent frog, including Tianji's mouth dumb flower, they all fell into a state of intoxication and enjoyment.

This is the natural reaction of the body. It is really difficult for them to resist the ordinary level. After all, their whole body is exuding thirst. They have good wisdom and understand that as long as they absorb enough, their aptitude will be obtained. Earth-shaking changes.

"Wow~" But when they were enjoying it, they didn't notice that there was a large black shadow gathering right above the grotto. Haoli, who was still intoxicated, was awakened in pain when the sharp teeth bit its throat, and let out a desperate scream, "Cool!" The bat swoops down and **** the blood.

Thanks to this heroic reminder, the people behind him who were a few steps behind reacted, and Tianci crushed the two one-time defensive talismans in his hand with a "click", and they also started to fight back.



"Bang Bang~"


For a while, various skills such as leaves, flames, water flow, and stones flew around in this grotto.

"Buzz~" Unprepared, a few big-mouthed bats were shot down directly, but the group of big-mouthed bats who reacted quickly returned their color. ultrasound.

Soon in this group of pathfinders, except for the three of them, they fell into chaos and began to attack each other. As for how the three of them escaped the disaster, it was an old tool that saved them. They die.

I still remember that when Tianci went to catch the ultrasonic bat's tool, the ultrasonic horn, when he saw that the big-mouthed bat was attacking them, he took out the long-eaten bat while crushing the protective jade talisman. The ultrasonic speaker was given to Xiaoling and the stone, so it was possible to avoid any trouble.

However, even with the ultrasonic horn to cancel, the three of them are confused and a little difficult to support. After all, there are so many big-mouthed bats~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and even their leader, the gym-level cross-shaped bat, has joined them. How can a supersonic wave of a certain degree be completely offset by a few speakers that deal with ultrasonic bats, it is very good to be able to maintain a trace of clarity.

"Humph!" But just when Tianji and the others were about to lose their minds, Nazi made a move. Seeing her snorted coldly, she released a yellow fox and a smiling puppet. Among them, the fox It's not lying on the ground, on the contrary, it is standing upright, and its hands are very strange, holding two spoons, but the eyes reveal pride and wisdom.

"Hu Di, the magic wall puppet, let's strengthen the spirit together!" Nazi released her two elves, and Nazi immediately directed them to attack together. At the same time, she closed her eyes and began to synchronize the spirit power with the two elves to strengthen power.

"Yongjira, you too!"

"Gotha Duck, please!"

“Gem starfish...”

Seeing that the master of their own gym had taken action, the others immediately released their elves to take action together.

"Shu~" In an instant, an extremely powerful mental force attacked the big-mouthed bats flying in the sky.

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