Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 180: Born extraordinary to be able to foul like this!

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"Mosquito-repellent frog! You've become so big? ω?! And you've also become cuter!"

Xiao Ling, who was simply familiar with her own abilities, immediately turned her eyes to the mosquito-repellent incense frog standing beside her, and looked at the mosquito-repellent incense frog that had reached her abdomen. She was very surprised and excited.

"Yobo~yo" Hearing Xiaoling's praise, the mosquito coil frog was also very happy.

"Have you learned any new moves that mosquito-repellent frog?"

After all, he had grown up. After playing with the mosquito-repellent incense frog for a while, Xiaoling immediately asked about the change in the strength of the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

"Yo~yo!" Mosquito incense frog immediately nodded after hearing Xiaoling's question, and began to show it to Xiaoling.

"Gulu ~ 咻咻咻" I saw countless foams quickly spit out of the mosquito-repellent incense frog's mouth, but compared to the previous foam skills, the speed and volume of this foam were improved by several grades.

Especially in terms of speed, it is very fast. Anyway, the distance of the stake is 10 meters, and it will be attacked in a second or two.

"It's the foam light! That's great, mosquito coil frog!"

Seeing this move, Xiao Ling immediately shouted in surprise.

Because Tianji specially gave them two make-up lessons during this time, they remembered some common elf information and descriptions of moves.

"Wow! Then we won't let them run away next time we go to kill the little Lada~"

Seeing this move, Xiaoling immediately thought of what happened when he hunted several small Ladas before.

At that time, although the foam can also reduce their speed, because the speed of the foam moves is relatively slow, and there are more enemies, so little Lada often runs away or besieged together. Fortunately, there were small fist stones with stones at that time.

"Yoyo~yobo!" Seeing Xiaoling so happy, the mosquito coil frog was also very excited, and immediately showed its second skill.

I saw a pale white general energy appearing on its body, then jumped up sharply, and then fell in mid-air to a tree stump about 10 meters away.

"Boom!" The strong impact directly drove the stake into the ground.

"This is??" Xiao Ling was a little puzzled, she just memorized the water-type move carefully, and she really couldn't recognize this move.

"It's Taishan pressing the top~" At this moment, the silent stone suddenly said, although he remembered not many Xiaoling, but because he was a tank, he focused on memorizing the moves of the rock-ground elf, which included this move. .

"That's right, it's Mount Tai pressing the top!" Tian Ji next to him also gave a prepared answer, and walked to the stake, ready to see how powerful it was.

"It's okay." Looking at the wooden stake that was smashed in, Tianji nodded and said to Xiaoling.

Of course, this move must be the bigger the weight, the greater the power will be, and it is definitely incomparable with the carbine, but for a mosquito-repellent incense frog that only weighs more than 20 kilograms, this power is not bad.

"Well, is there any more? Is there any more?" With Tianji's affirmation, Xiaoling nodded again and again, and asked the mosquito-repellent incense frog standing up if he had any new tricks.

"Yo~yobo" Hearing the girl's questioning, the mosquito-repellent incense frog shouted proudly, and then pointed at Xiaoling's hand, signaling the girl to hit it with water bombs.

"Hey? Is it alright?" Looking at the confident mosquito-repellent tadpole, Xiaoling hesitated a bit. Although the power of the water bomb is not great, it still hurts the mosquito-repellent frog, which is also of the water genus.

"Yo!" Mosquito incense frog called out confidently, signaling to come.

"Come on then!" Xiaoling didn't hesitate when she saw the confident mosquito-repellent incense frog. A water bomb quickly appeared in her right hand and hit the mosquito-repellent incense frog straight.

"Bang~" The water bomb accurately hit the mosquito coil frog.

"Yo~yobo~" However, the mosquito-repellent incense frog didn't show a bit of pain, on the contrary, there was a happy expression in its eyes.

"Zizzi ~ Zi" and the water droplets splashed on it are also quickly absorbed by the mosquito-repellent incense frog. This small water bomb is quickly absorbed by it.

"This, this! This is the water storage feature! But how can it be!"

Tianji, who witnessed this scene from the side, was almost shocked.

He remembered that the mosquito coil tadpoles that he bought for Xiaoling were moisture characteristics!

Because taking into account the actual situation in the wild, after all, many elves such as small fist stones, gas bombs, and hazelnut **** can learn to self-destruct in the wild.

Moreover, he also found that many trainers regard this kind of elves as living bombs, as trump cards of perishing together, or tool elves of the Yin people.

After all, as long as it does not burn all life, it is equivalent to a reusable living bomb! The power is not to be underestimated, he has not forgotten the scenes of the explosions.

Especially the small fist stone of Takashima that time, if he hadn't been cautious, he might have died in the explosion.

"Water storage property! Mosquito coil frog, you have a second property! It's awesome? ω?!"

Xiaoling, who dropped out of school, was only happy that the mosquito coil frog had a second characteristic, and he had no idea how surprising it was.

She had also tried the moisture properties of mosquito coils and tadpoles in the wild before, but for little Lada and bugs, which would not explode, it was of no use at all.

Now that she has water storage, she can restore herself to the mosquito coil frog anytime, anywhere.

And in the face of water elves, it will also have a certain advantage!

"Cough~ Xiaoling, take back the mosquito-repellent incense frog, and I will test your qualifications."

Looking at the girl who hugged the mosquito-repellent frog again, Tianji said helplessly.

"Aoao, okay, mosquito coil frog, come back first."

Seeing the black picture book in Tianci's hand, Xiaoling immediately let go of the mosquito coil frog, and then took it back with the Poke Ball.

"Here, Brother Tian Ci." After taking back the mosquito coil frog, Xiaoling handed the Poke Ball to Tian Ci.

"Well, okay!" He actually took out the picture book in front of the two of them half a month ago, when Shi Shi was on the right track as a trainer.

After all, it can't be hidden all the time, and it's just a picture book of a generation that has been eliminated long ago.

"Ka~" Tian Ji took the Poke Ball and fixed it on the groove of the illustrated book.

After scanning the "Di~" illustrated book, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com began to broadcast the specific situation of the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

"Elf: Mosquito coil frog

Attribute: Water

Category: Tadpole-like elves

Height: 1.23m

Weight: 24.6kg

Description: It can live on both land and water. When on the ground, it sweats to keep its skin sticky and slippery, so even if it is caught by an enemy, it can swipe to escape.

Qualification: good and superior

Strength: Normal low level

Status: In good condition

Cultivation plan: Although the mosquito coil frog is an amphibian elves, it is still necessary to pay attention to keeping its body hydrated. The hands obtained after evolution will also be a powerful attack method after training! "

"Congratulations, Xiaoling, the mosquito-repellent incense frog is now a good and high-quality elves."

As expected by Tianji, he did not have the aptitude to be directly promoted to the elite.

After all, it is a big leap from being good to the elite, but according to his estimates, even if it is not the elite, it is not too far away. It is very likely that 20 pounds of honey can help the mosquito-repellent incense frog cross this big ladder.

"Well, thank you Brother Tianci!" Xiaoling was also overjoyed after hearing the good news.

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