Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 179: Mosquito coil frog and accident

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Time passed slowly, and Shitou's ability to adapt was obviously much stronger than Xiaoling's. In the next few days, Shitou and Xiaoling went hunting in the wild. They hunted more and more prey, and the money they got more and more. more and more.

In the end, it probably stabilized at more than 8,000, which is 40% of the stone, and Xiaoling has about 13,000 per day.

After almost a month, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles are about to evolve. Fortunately, it is because of the pure water system, so the evolution plan is not complicated, and you can directly use the high-grade water energy crystals.

Although Tianji estimates that there are definitely better ones, it shouldn't be much worse for this pure elves to use top grades to assist in their evolution.

It was night, and Xiaoling, who bought a high-quality water crystal, came to Tianci's backyard with mosquito coils and tadpoles.

The stone has been waiting there for a long time, after all, it is the first time he has seen evolution.

It is worth mentioning that because Shishi has already started to make money, Tianji asked Shito to replace the food of Xiaoquan Stone with refined iron ore according to the suggestion of the cultivation recipe.

Now Xiaoquan Stone eats about 4 to 500 yuan of iron ore concentrate a day.

After cultivating it for a month, the size of the small fist stone is also larger than that of the same kind, and its gray body is even more glowing with a silver-gray luster. At a glance, it can be seen that its defense is very good.

And this month, Xiaoquanshi's strength has also increased to the high level of the freshman, and he seems to be more talented than Tianji, but he can't say that.

After all, Shitou and Tianci are in different situations. Shitou has Tianci to provide the cultivation method of small fist stones to help with training, and Xiaoling also takes him with him in the wild. It can be said that the treatment is basically the same as that of the children of those big families.

Xiaoling, who came to Tianci's open space, looked nervously at the mosquito coil tadpole not far away.

"Is there really no danger? Brother Tianji?"

This is the third time she has turned her head to ask Tianji next to her.

"Don't worry, Xiaoling! There will be pain, but you must believe in the bond between you and the mosquito coil tadpole."

Looking at Xiao Ling who was worried, Tian Ci reluctantly explained it again.

"Okay! That mosquito coil tadpole, let's evolve!"

After hearing Tianci's repeated explanations, Xiaoling's eyes became firm, and she shouted loudly at the mosquito coil tadpole.

"Yo yo!" Mosquito coil tadpole also responded loudly, and then the body flashed a white light of evolution!

I saw that the small body of the mosquito coil tadpole was slowly getting bigger, but the big blue tail was shrinking a little bit.

"Right now, Xiaoling, give the mosquito coils and tadpoles energy crystals!"

When he saw that the mosquito-repellent tadpole was approaching one meter in size, Tianji hurriedly said to Xiaoling.

"Aoao, mosquito coil tadpole, absorb energy crystals!"

Hearing Tianci's reminder, Xiaoling immediately threw the water crystals that he was holding tightly in his hands.

"Bang!" I saw the mosquito-repellent tadpole smashed the surface of the crystal with its newly grown hand, and instantly countless blue energy wrapped the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

"Yo! Yo!" The originally white light of evolution turned blue completely, and the mosquito coil tadpole's body, which was about to stop growing, began to grow again.

"Yo-bo!" But soon, the painful cry of the mosquito coil tadpole came from the blue light. It felt like it was being devoured by countless little Radas, and the pain of being torn from flesh and blood was everywhere.

"Woooo (┯_┯), mosquito coils and tadpoles! Woo~ Come on! Woo~"

Hearing the piercing cry of the mosquito-repellent tadpole, Xiaoling also began to shed tears, choked to cheer for the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

"Come on! Mosquito-repellent tadpoles!" Seeing this scene, Tianji seemed to return to the scene of the evolution of trumpet buds, and he couldn't help cheering loudly for the mosquito-repellent tadpoles!

"Get over it! Mosquito-repellent tadpole!" Even Shishi, who didn't speak at all, cheered loudly after seeing the tragic condition of the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

"Moo!" "Beep!" "Hey Cha!" As for the other three elves, they are also cheering for their companions

"Yo Bo!" Encouraged by his trainer and other partners, the mosquito coil tadpole shouted, and jumped up a few centimeters!

At the same time, unexpected things happened.

"唰~唰唰~" I saw that the water energy that originally surrounded the mosquito-repellent tadpole suddenly separated a part and poured into Xiaoling's body, and the girl herself also separated a small energy band connected to the mosquito-repellent tadpole's body.

"Hey~ what's the situation, Brother Tianji!"

The girl who was suddenly shared by the energy was a little panicked, and immediately turned her head to ask Tianji.

"Cough cough~ Xiaoling, don't panic, it should be a good thing. You didn't notice that the mosquito coils and tadpoles don't seem to be so painful. It's probably good for you. You should concentrate on maintaining the status quo!"

Tianji, who didn't understand himself, could only pretend to be calm at this time, but he also thought of the extraordinary ceremony when Xiaoling contracted, and it should not be much different.

"O'ao, okay." Seeing Tianji with a calm face, the girl felt that she had also found the backbone. She also calmed down and began to feel this energy sharing.

"咻~咻咻~" I saw that the energy of the water system was flowing between the two sides, but a large part of it also spilled into the air.

"It seems to be beneficial, but it seems that a lot of energy is wasted. It seems that I need help!"

Seeing the comfortable girl and the mosquito coil tadpoles, Tian Ci nodded secretly and made a decision in his heart.

"Bang!" I saw that he smashed a low-grade water crystal that he had left before (using True Qi!), and then threw it over the mosquito coil tadpole.

"Yo po? ω?" The mosquito coil tadpole, which received another wave of energy, didn't show a painful expression this time, but let out a comfortable cry.

"咻咻咻~咻咻" The energy band flowing between the two of them is also a lot faster~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The time just passed a few more minutes, "咻咻~咻..." The water energy that enveloped the two also slowed down. Slowly exhausted, and finally revealed the appearance of Xiaoling and mosquito-repellent tadpoles, no, it should be called mosquito-repellent frog now.

What appeared in front of everyone was a blue-white elf with healthy limbs. The feet were still blue, but the two newly grown hands were white, and the abdomen was still surrounded by dazzling patterns. , the tail is gone, and the corresponding body size has almost doubled from the original half a meter!

Tianji's visual estimate is about 1.2 meters.

"Hey! Brother Tianji, the water energy in my body seems to have increased a lot! I feel like I can use 17 to 18 water bombs now!"

While Tianji was still carefully observing the mosquito-repellent incense frog, the girl's surprise sound attracted him.

Tian Ci heard the sound and found that the girl's appearance did not change, but looking at the way she flexibly manipulated water bombs into water arrows, it was estimated that it should only enhance her water energy and control ability.

But he is still so envious! You must know that after this month of hard training, his True Qi can only barely exert the power of a single blow!

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