Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 156: Kentaro VS Big Stinger

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"Long Long ~ Moo!" After directly killing the insects that were in the way, the young Kentaro leader continued to charge forward with the herd.

"Buzz ~ hum ~" The stinging bees who rushed over saw that the group of mad cows had already started to rush wildly in the territory. In order to protect their homeland, they had to start to fight back.

"咻咻~咻" I saw more and more stinging bees began to use poison needles to carry out long-range attacks, hoping to block one or two.

It's a pity that the real leader hasn't come yet, so the big stingers are fighting in twos and threes.

"Moo! Moo!" The Kentaros who were attacked by the poison needle became more and more angry!

"Moo~" I saw more and more Kentaro let out a long whistle, and white general energy appeared on the surface of the body, and the eyes became blood red.

"This is using anger, come on! It's up to you to open the way."

On the other hand, Tianji hid in the thorn bushes at the very edge. Of course, Bibi bird had been put away by him. Just in case, he also sprayed a whole bottle of powerful repelling spray around him.

At this time, he was hiding and saw this scene through the gap in the jungle. He felt that the nearly 100 Kentaros were invincible as the vanguard!

"Bang! Rumble~ Boom! Hiss!"

After using anger, the Kentaros charged together again, tearing the stragglers to pieces, and the corpses of giant stingers were all under their feet.

"My k! This mighty tmd elite level dare not stand in front of you."

Tianji, who saw this scene, was so frightened that his eyes widened. He had seen Uncle Sam's elite Aberdeen, so he was not too unfamiliar with elite strength. The impact force, an elite-level head-on collision will have to die or be disabled!

As for the twenty or so ordinary stinging bees, they were torn to shreds like paper!

"Buzz!??(◣д◢)??" "呒噫!" At this time, dozens of barbs and giant bees finally flew in the distance, and the leading one was full of Angry face! It exudes a powerful breath!

"This is... elite level! Sure enough, if a group wants to stand up in the inner circle, the leader must be elite level!

On the contrary, those Ba Dahu should be the reinforcements who went to beg, and the leader should also have the strength of ordinary high-ranking. "

Because when the leader of the big needle bee came, he happened to see so many people die in front of his eyes, so he was very angry, and he didn't mean to restrain his coercion at all.

This caused Tianji, who was hiding on the side, to easily feel the strength of the leader of the Big Needle Bee!

Back on the battlefield, after seeing the tragic death of the tribesman just now, the leader of the Big Needle Bee gave up the idea of ​​persuasion and immediately began to form an army.

"Buzzing~" I saw it first said a few words to the leader Ba Dahu, and then began to command the clansmen under his command.

"呒堫~呒~" Ba Dahu, who heard the order, immediately divided into two rows, and one of them began to gently flap his wings with phosphorus powder.

"Shashasha ~ Shashasha~" A large amount of yellow powder slowly gathered in front of them.

"Huhuhu~" The other row of big butterflies immediately flapped their wings vigorously, and the strong wind instantly blew these paralyzing powders towards the Kentaros.

Seeing that Ba Dayu was already spreading powder, the leader of the big needle bee immediately raised his spear.

"Om!" As soon as it gave an order, the other large needle bees also raised their spears in accordance with the formation, and purple poison-type energy began to appear on the tip of the spear.

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