Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 155: Kentaro's Wrath!

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"Zi~" Bibi Bird found that she really ran out of stock, so she could only shoot a waterline from the tail.

"Tick~tick~" The pale yellow water with a bit of fishy smell dripped from the young leader's face, and the Kentaro leader was stunned for a while. . .

"Beep-beep!" Hahaha, after eating feces, you need to moisten your mouth, how about it, Bird Lord's water is delicious!

Bibi Bird doesn't care so much, as long as some things break through for the first time, there is no psychological pressure at all to continue doing them.

"Moo!??(◣д◢)??" There is no such bully! I am the parent and son of the great patriarch! No one has ever done this to me, this bird! This bird **** and urinates on me!

The leader of Kentaro, who had never suffered such a great humiliation, his only sanity was swallowed up by anger, and his eyes became blood red!

"Moo!" If I don't kill this bird, I swear I won't be a cow!

I saw the leader of Kentaro with blood and tears in his eyes, screaming in the sky, as if calling for something, and the voice spread far and far!

"Bibi Bird... You are better than blue!"

Before Tianji could swear by himself, he saw the picture of Bibi Bird killing Kentaro with a pee, and he instantly felt like he was a teacher.

"Moo!" "Moo~" Soon Tianji heard the sound of a cow's bark echoing in the distance.

"Hu Long Long ~ Long Long ~" The sound of rushing attacks also came one after another.

"Moo! Moo!"

At the same time, the Kentaros in front of Tianci began to struggle frantically one by one under the long howl of the leader.

"...Run! Go back to the Poké Ball, Bibi Bird needs you to attract hatred, fly ahead!"

When Tianji saw the crazy appearance of those Kentaros, he immediately took back the slow-moving Duomo, and then let Bibi bird and him flee towards the territory of the big needle bee.

On the way Tian Ci came, he first encountered the Abo monster, and then encountered two patrolling cannon fodder, the giant needle bee, so the giant needle bee's territory was not very far.

He estimated that the reason why this large stinger bee group set up their territory near here is because Kentaro does not eat meat, is usually mild-mannered, and is not weak, so he chose such a good place.

"However, now I don't know if you still think it's a good place!"

Tian Ci looked back at the spectacular scene of dusty and galloping cattle, and couldn't help but mourned for the giant sting bees.

Of course, in order not to calm down the group of Kentaro, he would often make Bibi Bird turn back, do excretion actions, and taunt him.

As for himself, he can't fly, he can only run with all his strength.

After Tian Ci ran for several minutes, he looked at the illustrated navigation in his hand, and found that it was getting too fast, and the originally sore legs seemed to have new energy.

After running for another minute or two, Tian Chi had already seen two types of elves on the branches from a distance, and knew that they had arrived.

"Iron Shell Kun, Iron Armor Pupa! I love you so much!

Bibi Bird, pierce the talisman and rush in! "

When Tianci saw these two types of elves, he immediately shouted, hoping to attract the attention of the giant needle bees inside, and at the same time took out a disposable protective charm from his backpack.

This amulet, he bought another one from the department store before he came to do this task, and the other one was left over from the last time he teamed up with Takashima.

Because after using it last time, I found that although it is expensive, it is very useful. It is a life-saving prop. Just in case, he will still prepare two!

"Kacha, Kacha!" After Tian Ci shattered the amulet, a faint protective shield appeared around his body.

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