Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 138: Fighter's Extraordinary Potion

"Is this the one you sent?" As soon as he entered the door, the young man standing in front of the operating table asked.

"Yes, Lord Luke! Tianji, don't put people on the operating table!"

Hearing the young man's question, Okamoto immediately replied, and at the same time ordered Shimodaji.

"Yes!" Tianji also kept in mind the principle of talking less and doing more, and let Koudouhua slowly stretch out the vine and gently put the person on the operating table.

"Xixi~Soso~" For a while, there was only Luke left in the room, and he took the instrument to detect the sound.

Tianji also took this opportunity to secretly raised his head. On the operating table in front of him, a strong young man with brown hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes was using various instruments to test Takashima.

"Damn, he's so handsome! No matter the genius, he's still handsome!"

Tian Ci understood that this young man should be the captain of Luke's squadron. He thought of the scar on his face, and he couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Well, it is indeed a trainer of the fighting department. You have solved a problem for me. I am worried that there is no experiment."

After Luke finished checking, he locked the Poké Ball with his wrist strength and small fist stone to one side, and looked at the two who bowed their heads.

"Take this mission certificate, and who of the two of you caught this person?"

"Master Hui, it was captured by my little soldier Tian Ci."

Hearing Luke's question, Captain Okamoto immediately stepped forward and replied respectfully.

He also wanted to take it down by himself, but he understood Luke's temperament. Although he was in Team Rocket, as a genius, what he disdained the most was this kind of conspiracy and tricks! So he answered truthfully.

"Oh? Your name is Tianji, right?" Hearing that Captain Okamoto was so honest and aware of current affairs, Luke nodded and asked Tianji, who had been standing beside him.

"Yes, Lord Luke, it's an honor to be able to help you!"

Hearing Luke's question, Tianji also stood up, lowered his head and replied.

"I am clearly rewarded and punished, you should reward me if you help me!

Judging from your physique, you have also practiced "Physical Training", but I didn't feel qi in you. Take this potion. Taking this will help you get started as soon as possible! "

Seeing Tianji who kept his head down, looking at the same burly physique, Luke nodded with satisfaction, took a tube of blue reagents from the shelf next to him, and handed it to Tianji.

"Lord Xie Luke for the reward!" Although Tian Ci was a little afraid of this unexplained potion, he still took it with both hands and bowed to thank him, who knew his superiority and inferiority.

"Okay, let's go, I'm going to start the experiment, but it's been stagnant for a long time!"

Seeing Tianci accepting the medicine, Luke waved his hand and turned to look at the experimental product lying on the operating table, his eyes were full of fire.

"Yes, my subordinates retire." Seeing Luke entering the experimental state, Okamoto took Tianji out of the laboratory and walked to the mission area.

On the way back, Tianji looked at the potion in his hand and struggled mentally. Finally, after thinking for a few minutes, he handed the potion to Captain Okamoto next to him.

"Captain, please accept this potion."

It's not that he doesn't want to drink it by himself, it's really this kind of potion that can help people comprehend qi, he has never heard of it, and this potion comes from the biggest terrorist organization - Team Rocket! He was really afraid of any side effects, sequelae or something.

"Tianji, drink it yourself, I don't need this, I have been transformed, my body already has extraordinary power, and I don't need to comprehend Qi anymore.

And I don't dare to take the things that Lord Luke gave you. Because that Lord is a genius, he is very disgusted with this kind of behavior! "

Okamoto looked at the potion in Tachi's palm, shook his head, explained it, and lowered his voice in the second half of the sentence.

"Aoao, thank you Captain, Captain, I have a question I don't know if I should ask?"

After hearing Okamoto's explanation, Tianji was obviously surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a person in the Rockets. After thinking about it, he thought that it was probably because he was too talented and had not experienced the struggles of society.

However, with such a squadron leader, his life in the Rockets should be a little easier. After all, when he saw Okamoto stand up just now, he thought he was going to be falsely claimed credit!

"You want to ask if this potion has any side effects, okay, you don't have to worry, this potion is actually in the exchange list of the alliance, it's called Burning Qi Potion.

As the name suggests, this kind of medicine is a medicine that helps ordinary people burn the whole body qi and blood to help the feeling of qi. The only side effect is that it will consume a lot of qi and blood in the body. A few kilograms of ordinary elf meat will do. "

Seeing Tanji's tangled expression, Okamoto directly guessed what he was thinking, and immediately explained the effect of the potion to Tanji.

"Aoao, I didn't expect it to be like this. Thank you, Captain. That potion should be expensive, right?"

After listening to Okamoto's explanation of the potion, he looked overjoyed, and immediately received it in his backpack solemnly, but he seemed to have thought of something, so he asked another question.

"It's not expensive, but in the alliance, it can only be exchanged for merit. It seems to be a 30-point merit. In our case, it is 25."

Hearing Taji's question, Captain Okamoto replied casually.

"Ah? Medicines that can help people understand extraordinary power are so cheap!!"

Hearing that the potion was only 25,000 yuan in money, Tianji was a little unbelievable.

"Hey, how precious do you think this potion is~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The amount of qi sensation depends entirely on your own physical fitness. With your current physical fitness, although qi sensation can be produced, it is estimated that it is only a few strands. The size of the hair, the next step is not to rely on you to practice hard, but to shorten the time for the feeling of qi to appear, and you have to pay the price of temporary loss of the body.

And this kind of medicine is a poison for people whose physical fitness is not up to the standard. Ordinary adult men will not feel qi at all after taking it, and will burn alive to death. This is why the alliance does not sell it, but can only exchange it with merit points s reason. "

Seeing the surprised Tanji, Captain Okamoto smiled and explained the advantages and disadvantages of this potion clearly.

"Aoao, that's how it turns out, but it's also very precious to me, thank you, Captain!"

After listening to Captain Okamoto's explanation, Tianji suddenly realized that he still thanked Captain Shimo-Okamoto for leading the way, so that he got an extra potion.

"It's good for you to know, okay, hurry up and go to the task area to hand over the task, but one-tenth of it belongs to me!"

Seeing Tianji bowing his thanks again, Okamoto waved his hand and strode towards the task area.

"That's right, I have to change Bibi Bird's breeding secrets."

Tianji also murmured, and immediately followed!



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