Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 137: Squadron Leader - Luke

After waiting for a while, the base channel opened, and Captain Okamoto, who was beaming, immediately saw Tashi next to the tree, and of course Takashima who was unconscious.

"Hahaha, boy, I really have you. It didn't take long for us to send a gift to Team Rocket."

Captain Okamoto immediately stepped forward and patted Tanji on the shoulder friendly.

"At the right time, at the right time~ Captain, look where we are going to send him, so that he will never survive!"

When Tianji heard Captain Okamoto's praise, he immediately humbled himself twice, and then asked with a sullen face.

"Well...the success rate is not high, I remember there are fire-type ability transplantation experiments, and organ grafting experiments... Anyway, there are quite a few, as long as you find that kind of experimental platform that is just starting, this person will definitely not survive."

Okamoto touched his chin and explained it to Tanji.

"Aoao, then listen to your command, captain ~ I will give it to whichever you say."

Hearing Captain Okamoto's answer, Taji immediately said flatteringly.

"Hey, you kid, it suits my taste, don't worry! I will never let this person come out alive.

By the way, tell me, the strength of this person and the type of elves, so I can arrange it for you. If you encounter a test bench that is just in short supply, maybe you can get more benefits. "

Hearing Tianji's reply, although he knew he was flattering, who doesn't like to listen to flattery and flattery, so Captain Okamoto was very happy and took the initiative to ask a key question.

"Captain, this person is an ordinary low-ranking trainer. The initial elf is a wrist strength, and another elf is a small fist stone, all of which are ordinary low-ranking strengths, and they are all still alive!"

Hearing that there might be additional benefits, Tanji immediately explained Takashima's information clearly.

"Fighting and rocks! You're lucky, come with me! I'll take you to see our immediate squadron leader - Lord Luke."

After listening to Tanji's reply, Captain Okamoto replied a little surprised, and then walked towards the entrance of the base.

"Okay, captain, wait for me." Seeing Okamoto who was walking in front, Tianji immediately let Koudouhua hold the captive and follow.

"Hey, that captain, tell me what kind of person Lord Luke is. I'm afraid that I will offend him unintentionally. If there is no reward, I may be punished."

After checking his identity, Tanji followed Captain Okamoto to the experimental area. On the way, he started to collect information with a sullen face.

"Yes, then I'll talk to you." After hearing this, Okamoto thought for a while and thought it made sense, so he was ready to introduce it.

"Lord Luke, the current position in our Rocket team is squadron captain. There are 5 teams under his command, and our team is one of them. So when you see him, you must be respectful, understand!"

Okamoto first introduced his position to Tianji, which gave him an intuitive feeling.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely respect you."

After listening to Tianji, he immediately expressed his position, and then immediately asked another question.

"Then Captain, what kind of strength does Lord Luke have?"

"I'm an ordinary senior, what kind of strength do you think he is?"

Hearing Tanji's question, Okamoto immediately replied, but before he could answer Tanji's answer, he continued on by himself.

"Lord Luke is an elite trainer. In addition to being proficient in fighting, he is also the main person in charge of an experiment. He is an uncompromising genius in our Rockets!"

"I didn't expect Lord Luke to be both civil and military! What a genius!"

Seeing that Okamoto admired this Luke so much, of course Tanji would also like to praise him.

"The captain, can you tell me what kind of experiment Lord Luke is presiding over?"

After blowing a few words, Tian Chi rolled his eyes and immediately asked again.

"Cough, this is no secret to the people in our team, I'll tell you.

The experiments hosted by Lord Luke are mainly related to the qi of fighters. The research direction is whether the energy of fighting spirits can be converted into qi of fighters.

So he needs a fighting trainer to do the experiment, and after the experiment, he needs to analyze it, so after handing this person to Lord Luke, I believe you will never see him again. "

Hearing Tanji's question, did Okamoto hide it and explain it to Tanji generously.

"Okay, it's almost there, don't talk nonsense, kid, what Lord Luke says is what he says, do you understand?"

Okamoto had already heard the wailing from the experimental area, and he immediately straightened his face and warned Tianci with a serious look.

"Yes, Captain!" Seeing Okamoto with a serious face, Tanji immediately returned to his indifferent face and silently followed behind Okamoto.

"Ah! Kill me~ Kill me!"

"Jie!" "Puha~Pucha!"

"Bang! Boom!"


Along the way, Tian Ci was greatly shocked, this is indeed a terrorist.

In it, he saw many organs soaked in green solution, both human and elves.

I also heard the screams of an unknown person, as well as the shrill cries of all kinds of elves.

Although along the way, apart from seeing the organ containers outside, the others are small compartments that are isolated and opaque, but every compartment will be made loud noises from time to time, announcing that the inside How a man or a spirit wants to go out!

"Don't look at it, the outermost part of this place is the place of detention, hurry up and go to the laboratory. I believe that if Lord Luke knows that a new fighting experiment has been sent, he will definitely be very happy!"

Okamoto also noticed Tianji's slowing pace, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com immediately reminded him.

"Okay, Captain." After hearing Okamoto's reminder, Tian Chi also came back to his senses and stepped up his pace immediately. He was really shocked just now. This kind of thing was only possible in the previous life by such international super terrorists. Do it.

After about a few minutes of walking, they came to the laboratory. Unlike the detention area, it was unusually quiet here, and each room was much larger.

"Dong dong dong~" I saw Captain Okamoto cautiously approaching the door of Laboratory No. 9 and knocked on the door gently with his hand.

"Who, what's the matter!" A young male voice came from inside.

"Lord Luke, I'm your squad leader - Okamoto. We caught a fighting trainer and sent it to you specially."

Hearing the male voice from the laboratory, Okamoto immediately replied respectfully.

After Okamoto finished speaking, Tanji only heard a creak, and the door opened by itself.

"come in!"

"Yes, Lord Luke!" When Okamoto saw the door opened, his face was overjoyed, he responded immediately, and then gestured to Tianji.

The two entered the No. 9 laboratory one after the other.



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