Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 135: trade

"Come on, go to Team Rocket's base!"

After everything was arranged properly, Tianji took out the illustrated book and began to position himself. At the same time, he also used the labels of the illustrated book to find a safer way.

"You will still have to work **** this journey, Dude Hua."

Looking at the mouthful flower that was still holding up with the vine, Tianji touched the head of the mouthful flower in encouragement.

"Moo-moo~(??????`??)*????*" Kou Dianhua responded happily, saying that it is trivial for me to lift a person, but I have been lifting weights with vines before. trained.

"Okay, Bibi Niao, you are not only a scout, you are also the main force, because the vines of the mouth dumb flower have been occupied, so our safety is up to you next, do you have any? confidence!"

After encouraging Xiakouduhua, Tianji turned his head to Bibi Bird again, and reminded him solemnly.

"Beep~(??????_????)??" Bibi Bird immediately called out confidently, saying don't worry, I will protect you this time!

"Okay, then let's go!"

After the explanation, one person and two pets embarked on the journey to the Rockets base.

There is not much danger along the way, because there is a picture book marked, so the dangerous area that can be circled, Tianji has gone around.

On the other hand, the prisoner Takashima woke up once in the turbulence, and saw that he seemed to be taken somewhere, and felt that his life was temporarily saved, so he began to ask sideways.

"Captain, where are you taking me?"

"Captain, if you don't let me down, I'll go by myself, I'm tired of looking dumb!"

"Moo (??????_????)??" Hearing the captive said that he couldn't stand it, he immediately tightened the vine again.

"It hurts, it hurts! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Takashima, who was strangled even tighter, immediately cried out in pain. He felt that if his physical fitness had not been strengthened, he would have been strangled to death if he were an ordinary person.

"Okay, dumb flower, let's hypnotize powder again, and wake him up when he's almost there!"

Seeing Takashima chattering non-stop, Tanji also felt upset, so it was better to hypnotize him.

"Moo~Shashasha~" KouDaihua nodded, it also felt very annoyed, and immediately released the hypnotic powder

"Don't~ I'm honest~ I'm honest..." Under a lot of hypnotic powder, Takashima immediately fell into a deep sleep.

"Okay, let's speed up, it's better to go back at night!"

Seeing the quiet Takashima, Tanji nodded, and after talking to Bibi Bird, he quickened his pace.

After some near misses, their group finally arrived at Team Rocket's base.

Tanji also wore the R badge on his chest, which was explained when he first came to the base.

Although it is well hidden, if there are too many people in this piece, the Rockets are also afraid that one lucky person will accidentally trigger the mechanism and be discovered.

Therefore, this area is actually patrolled by powerful elves belonging to Team Rocket. When they find that the human beings who come in do not have the R-sign, they will attack. This is also the first line of defense of the base.

"Okay, dumb flower, wake him up, it's almost here, and finally ask if there is any hidden property!"

After Tian Ci put on the badge, in order to squeeze all the value, he was also going to ask if there were any luxury items of gold, silver, jewelry, etc., that he could exchange for money. Although he didn't report any hope, what if!

Knowing that making money is not easy, he said that even if it was 1,000 yuan, I would try to see if I could squeeze it out!

"Crack!" Hearing Tianji's order, Koujia immediately slapped Takashima in the face with a whip. (The helmet has already been taken off)

"Pain~ Pain! Captain, have you arrived at the place?"

Takashima, who was awakened by the awakening, only called twice, and immediately saw Tianji staring at him indifferently, and immediately lowered his voice and asked.

But when he looked down, he immediately noticed the badge.

"This is! Captain, are you from the Rockets?? I actually wanted to join the Rockets for a long time. Captain, are you here to pull me into the Rockets?

I absolutely agree. In the Rockets, I am still the captain of your little brother. What do you say? "

Takashima looked happy, and immediately showed a series of loyalty.

"Oh, I don't want a teammate like you, and this guy's face looks like this?"

Hearing this series of loyal words, Tianji seemed to have seen his previous self, and he felt more and more that such a person would be better off as an experiment.

Of course, in order to squeeze the remaining value, Tianji did not say this sentence, but smiled and said the following words.

"Oh? You won't hate me when you join Team Rocket! And why should I let you join, you must know that you were going to kill me before!"

Hearing Tanji's question, Takashima knew that his chance to survive was coming. Asking this question must be beneficial. As long as his performance is valuable, he will definitely be able to join the Rockets and survive. When the time comes, hum!

"Captain, in my backpack there is a small Lada with ordinary high-level qualifications, and two ordinary middle-level talents."

Takashima thought for a while, and realized that he really didn't seem to have much money, so he told the truth about his hidden gains.

"I've seen this before, and you are my captive now. Everything in your bag is mine. What I want is other things, think about it!"

Hearing that Takashima thought for a while and only said this, Tianji's face darkened and he interrupted him immediately.

"Yes, everything in the backpack is yours, I'll think about it again, think about it~"

With his own life at stake, Takashima was sweating profusely.

"The password of my card is 446285, and I still have more than 15,000 yuan in my card"

"Crack!" Hearing Takashima's answer again, Tianji directly motioned for Kou Deng Hua to lash out with a whip.

"You can't say anything more valuable~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You can just die here, do you really think I must let you join!

You must know that the Rockets made their fortunes in human transformation! "

Taji tugged at Takashima's hair and said word by word.

"Okay, give me one last chance, I'll think about it, think about it."

Takashima, who was in pain by the cane whip, did not dare to cry out in pain this time. He looked at Tianji with a sullen face, and realized that next time he had nothing of value, he might really be sent away. to remodel.


"Looks like I'm going to send you to human body transformation." Seeing Takashima, who couldn't release a pup for a long time, Tianji was too lazy to lie, and prepared to be hypnotized and sent to the human body for experimentation.

"No, no, I have valuable news! My cousin, Tianshui Ling is likely to be a natural superhuman. I can pull her into the Rockets. Is a natural supernatural trainer enough?"

For the sake of his own life, he still chose to tell the news.


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