Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 134: captive!

PS: Oh ╯﹏╰, I still hope that book friends who are still reading pirated copies can come to the starting point and subscribe. Starting from the starting point, you can also spend more than 100 points every day for free. This book is more than enough for a chapter of 10 points. The data is slowly slipping, and the mood is not very good. I don't understand the meaning of coding until about 12 o'clock in the middle of the night every day~

"Bibi Bird, let's find out where our teammates are!"

After everything was arranged, Tianji ordered Bibi Bird to investigate.

To Tianji's surprise, within a few minutes, Bibi Bird came back excited.

"Beep-beep" Bibi Bird told Tianji that the human was very close to us, only about 1,000 meters away, and he was still dealing with the injury with his wrist!

"Oh? It seems that I thought I was going to die, so I didn't escape all the way. I wanted to restore my arm strength first and then go out more safely."

After listening to Bibi Bird's message, Tianji grinned, not expecting it to be so easy!

But it's not wrong. After all, if he didn't prepare in advance, he would definitely die in that situation.

Therefore, Takashima's method of restoring his own combat power first is definitely correct in his opinion, anyway, a dead person will definitely not catch up.

"Let's go, then let's find our teammates! Let him know that everyone has to bear the corresponding consequences for their choices!"

Tianji said hello and let Bibi Bird open the way to find a place.

He really didn't expect Takashima to be so cruel! He didn't even want the second elf small fist stone, and let it explode directly.

If he hadn't acted cautiously and had bought an amulet that could defend against ordinary high-level attacks, he would probably have been seriously injured in that explosion.

"Fortunately, I'm not greedy for cheap!" Tianji, who followed Bibi Bird, thought happily.

In terms of his own personal safety, since the last time he formed a team, he has been holding the most rigorous attitude.

"Beep~" After walking for a while, Bibi Bird told Tianji softly that the human was in front.

After hearing Bibi Bird's voice, Tianji picked up the binoculars and looked at it.

Immediately, the arm strength and the figure of Takashima appeared in his field of vision.

"Hey 嘁~\(;??□')/" It is obvious that the arm is crying. After all, he is a companion who has been with him for several years.

"Alright, alright, arm strength, the small fist stone has taken over for us, those of us who are still alive need to cheer up and live well!"

Looking at the sad arm strength, Takashima comforted him casually.

In fact, he always felt that the elves were just tools to make money for human beings and let their family enjoy themselves, and he only invested part of his feelings on the original elves.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to enjoy all the money he earned. Although the evolutionary resources were mentioned by the arm force, he did not prepare the evolution resources entirely for the better evolution of the arm force.

He is more afraid that if there is not enough energy, the evolution of both elves will fail, so he will lose the ability to make a lot of money, and there is no way to maintain his current life.

After all, the amount of money he spent on two elves for so many years is very small, as long as he maintains his strength and does not retreat.

"With this resource, arm strength can definitely evolve successfully, and Xiaoling can also become a trainer. She likes elves so much that after selling the bag, she can buy a water-type elves just to give her, anyway, yes I don't even need money!

When the two of them make money together, my life will be better! "

After a few words of comfort, Takashima put his attention back on the space backpack full of harvests. In his opinion, exchanging the small fist stones for so many things is definitely a worthwhile sale!

"Hey!!" Just when Takashima was about to call Arm Force back together, he suddenly heard Arm Force shouting in pain.

"Bibi Bird, let's take it to the road with the big tornado!"

"You, you!!! You are still alive!!"

Takashima looked at Tianji in disbelief.


"Hey!" Tianji ignored the dying man at all, and directly instructed Koudouhua next to him to tie him up with vines.

"Ah! It hurts~" Just in case, Koudouhua tied Takashima several times with vines with thorns. Although he didn't pierce the protective clothing, the sharpness and oppression still made him hurt. called out.

"Boom! (??_??)??" On the other side, after being caught off guard by a flash, he was swept into the air by a tornado. When he fell to the ground, he was already scarred and lost his ability to fight.

"Captain! Let me go~ I lost my head for a while, I don't want any of my gains this time, as long as you let me live!!! Please let me go."

Looking at Tanji walking towards him, Takashima, who thought he was dying soon, started begging for mercy in horror.

"..." Tianji ignored the captive. After finding two Poké Balls from Takashima, he sprayed some wound medicine spray on his wrist before taking them back.

"Captain, I can also give you arm strength, as long as you save my life! I will convince arm strength, it will evolve immediately! By then, it will definitely be one of your generals!"

Takashima, who saw Tanji's actions, thought he had guessed Tanji's thoughts, and immediately opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

"Humph! Shut up, I didn't expect that after you gave up the Little Fist Stone, you were even willing to give up your original elf!"

Hearing Takashima's begging for mercy again, Tianji scolded sharply.

"Aren't elves the tools of our trainers~"

After hearing Tian Ci's reply, he muttered softly, feeling that he had found a way out. As long as he was willing to answer, he would still have life.

"Heh~ No wonder you're still in the low-ranking class for so many years. Forget it, Koudouhua should hypnotize him first!"

Although the voice was relatively low, Tanji still heard it, and he instantly understood that Takashima's personality should belong to an extremely rare category among current trainers - a human-first trainer.

This type of trainer is very indifferent to their elves' feelings, or even has no feelings! What they fancy is only themselves~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The elves are just a powerful tool for them.

In fact, this kind of trainer theory still occupied the mainstream at the beginning, especially in the civilian class!

Because it takes a lot of resources and time to cultivate by yourself, but now I just need to conquer the stronger ones and use them, so I won't skip this stage.

But the real implementation is particularly difficult. Even if the powerful elves in the wild are subdued by various means, the fixed three views cannot be reversed by such a contract!

Disobedient, lazy, and even a super-type elves with powerful mental strength secretly and slowly annihilated the contract, and finally killed the example of the trainer!

So this kind of theory was just a short-lived in the history of trainers, and was immediately wiped out.

Now, whether it is the Alliance or the Rockets, the trainers have basically devoted their feelings to their main elves, and they have truly achieved a bond. Only in this way can both parties grow faster and stronger!

After hypnotizing Takashima, Tanji took back his backpack, let Koudouhua take the prisoners back to the previous battlefield, and successfully took back the small fist stone.

Of course, in order to avoid actually dying, Tianji gave Xiaoquanshi a simple treatment.



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