Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 124: personnel

When Tianji went to the elf center to find people who met the requirements to form a team, he also found a truth that was good news for him.

That is, there seems to be no mission to detect Team Rocket in the alliance's mission list, which shows that Qiu Ze is lying! It also proves in disguise that the Rockets have not been here for a long time!

That means that there are absolutely not many members of the Rockets in this town, maybe there are only two or three of him!

According to his speculation, the Rockets should be dormant and infiltrating at this time, and there will be no major moves, so his identity is still safe for the time being.

After temporarily letting go of his worries about identity exposure, he began to ask someone in the Elf Center to ask questions.

"This big brother, do you still need people in your team?"

"I'm missing a tanker, can I be dumb?"

"I have a Bibi bird. I can be a scout. I wonder if I can join you?"

I saw Tian Ji shuttled around in the mission area, and when he encountered someone who seemed to be looking for someone to form a team, he went up to ask.

Of course, even if the other party showed the intention of agreeing, Tianji did not agree immediately, but found a reason to look at it again.

He wants to find a team of people who are relatively weak and whose reputation in the wild is not very good!

After looking around, he sat on the sofa in the lounge area.

"I seem to be too naive! Who would take the initiative to speak out about their bad reputation, and if they have a bad reputation, they don't have the face to wait for someone to form a team at the Elf Center."

Looking at the documents in his hand, he found that none of them felt malicious. No matter what happened in the wild, when he came up to ask, these people were all smiling and kind-hearted.

"md, these people really know how to pretend! Forget it, then I can't blame me for this, then I'll find a weaker person to form a team, and be sure.

I don't believe that in the wild, when the benefits are huge, all of you are really so kind! "

A cold light flashed in Tian Ci's eyes. He didn't think that these ordinary trainers were all good people. Since they all played so well, he would remove the third condition and choose the one who was the most confident to win. .

"This is not good, attributes restrain me"

"This is also in the middle section, so you may not be able to win it!"

I saw that after Tianji made a decision, he began to flip through the information staff he had sorted out and began to pick his next "teammate".

"Just him." After choosing for a while, Tianji nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the page of records in the notebook in his hand.

Name: Takashima Yuhara

Strength: Ordinary low level?

Elf: Arm strength, small fist stone?

"This one is almost 30 years old, and he doesn't seem to be motivated at all. The two elves who saw him were obviously fed by ordinary people."

Thinking that when I was inquiring before, this person came to the door on his own initiative. It seemed that his strength was not good enough, so he was also looking for people to form a team.

"I basically spent my money on myself, so I'm still just a low-ranking person at such an old age.

And the small fist stone released is obviously a little smaller than Qiu Ze's, and the body luster is not very good.

As for the arm strength, it looks strong, but Bibi Bird should be able to defeat it easily! "

Tian Ci thought for a moment in his heart, and found that one-on-one, this person would never be his opponent in the wild.

Of course, just in case, he actually put a question mark on the key information, but he probably didn't have anything to hide.

Anyway, after he leaves the field, he will definitely release all the powerful elves. If he really misses the point at that time, this person is a tough person who can't take it down, then give up if it's a big deal, and just do the normal tasks of the alliance. .

After confirming the teammate candidates, he immediately looked for someone in the mission area.

"Hey, I remember seeing him and me looking for a team in this area before? Have you found it?"

"Where did you go, my good teammate!"

I saw Tianji wandering around in the mission area, looking for the best teammate.

"Eryuan-kun, you were originally here."

After some thoughtful searching, Tianji still found the depressed Takashima Erhara on a stool on the far right of the mission area, and he immediately stepped forward to say hello.

"Are you Tian Ji-kun?" Takashima Erhara raised his head when he heard someone call him, and looked at the young man in front of him.

"Well, it's me, Eryuan-kun, weren't you looking for a teammate before? Did you find it?"

Seeing the slightly decadent Takashima Erhara, although Tianji understood that this teammate should be stable, he still asked.

"No, no... It's all my fault when I was young, I didn't care about the power of elves and spent money! I didn't cultivate them well, and now they are about to evolve, but I don't even have the strength to find a teammate to cooperate to earn resources."

Speaking of this, Takashima Futara scratched his hair with his hands in annoyance.

After being promoted to an ordinary-level trainer, his speed of making money is already very fast compared to ordinary people, but he basically spends all the money he earns on himself. It can be said that there is almost no cultivation of wrist strength and small fist stones. Your own strength is fine.

Now that they are going to evolve, it is entirely because of his accumulation over the years. He, a trainer, can't even afford the resources to help them evolve.

This is the first time that the two elves have asked him for so many years~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Looking at the wrist strength and the small fist and the stone eyes looking at the energy crystal, he really feels that he is a failure!

"I'm ready to sell houses, as long as they can evolve successfully and normally, then I can earn them back!"

"By the way, Tian Cijun, are you looking for me? Could it be??"

After Takashima finished talking about his final decision, he suddenly thought of something, as if he had seized a little hope, and looked at Tianji with anticipation.

"Yes, I actually only have two elves, the controllers and the scouts of the flight department, but the other teams gave too little share, so I thought about forming a team myself, how about joining my team? , as a tank and close-range attacker!"

Looking at Takashima, who was looking forward to it, Tianji didn't play the game, and sent an invitation directly!

"Ah, this! Thank you so much, Tian Cijun, but please forgive me. I still need to know your strength first."

Hearing that the young man in front of him was thinking of forming a team of his own, and even sent an invitation to himself, Takashima Eryuan had the urge to agree immediately, but his reason still told him that he had to ask clearly about the strength of this young man before he could do it. make decision.

Otherwise, if they are two unevolved, bred weak chickens like him, then even if the two of them are combined, they will not be able to earn hundreds of thousands in this short period of time!

His initial elf arm strength has clearly told him that it can evolve, so Takashima Erhara, a completely incompetent trainer, wants to buy a high-quality fighting energy crystal for his initial elf.

"Of course, my mouth dumb flower is in the middle section, and Bibi Bird is in the middle section, how can it be?

And you are the first member of my team after all, so the two of us will be allocated 55 points! "

A lucky teammate has been found...

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