Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 123: rocket mission


Task number: 00001

Mission level: no level

Mission Description: Recruit a new recruit

Mission time limit: none

Task reward: Contribution points are given based on the strength of the newcomer, 10 points for ordinary people, 20 points for freshmen, 50 points for ordinary, and 1000 points for elite.

"Sure enough, it's still there! This task is more difficult for the members of the Rocket Team who are not visible, but for me, hehehe"

Seeing this task, Tianji's eyes lit up! Because other Team Rocket members couldn't enter the town, recruiting new recruits could only rely on robbery and looting in the wild.

But he is now a serious alliance registered trainer. As long as his identity information is not exposed, the various alliance security facilities at the gate of the city have no effect on him.

I think this is also the reason why the Rockets will give him a great free identity!

After all, the city of the Kanto League is impossible for ordinary Rocket members to enter. As long as your identity information is listed as a wanted criminal, the automatic protection sky eye at the gate of the city can rely on big data and morphological characteristics. Compare and recognize you!

After all, generally speaking, ordinary people will be registered by the alliance as soon as they are born, and any pupil membrane fingerprints and blood will be recorded as soon as possible.

When your identity is listed as a wanted criminal, unless you are promoted to the elite and your body is reborn, it is possible to deceive the automatic protection sky eye and enter the city to which the alliance belongs.

"People are easy to find, the gangsters in the town are definitely willing to join the Rockets, and those orphans must have people who are willing to give it a try.

But the trouble is that if they are exposed, how can they not involve me! "

He believed that after those people successfully joined the Rockets, there would be more secure and free spy identities to choose from.

Then if there are too many people he pulls in, it will be difficult to ensure that these people can keep secrets when it is messy.

Those people in the police station followed the clues and found that he was absolutely inevitable.

After thinking about it carefully, he found that it should not be a problem for ordinary people to pull one or two in, but it is too dangerous to rely on 10 ordinary people to collect 100 points.

"It seems that you can't pull ordinary people casually. Since you can't take the quantity, you have to take the quality!

Uncle Sam! ! ! 1000 points ω"

When he thought of relying on quality, he immediately thought of Uncle Sam, which was 1,000 points!

But soon he shook his head. It was not realistic at all. After contacting him in the past few days, he probably understood that Uncle Sam had exhausted his potential.

Then it's not good for him to be a happy and happy little family elite in the alliance. He can accept maids, live in villas, and form a family! Why go to the Rockets to be scared and die.

After all, no matter what level it is, as long as you expose the identity of the Rockets, then you can only hide in a dark corner in this world where the alliance is heaven.

Of course, if you don't expose it, you can eat both ends, and the benefits will be huge! This is also the reason why some families and some high-level alliance leaders take risks.

"Then, am I going to find someone to form a team and learn from Qiuze!" A cold light flashed in Tian Ci's eyes, and he had some ideas in his heart.

"It doesn't seem to work. I only have two elves, and my strength is not strong at the ordinary level. I can't win it by myself. It is bound to need to ask Captain Okamoto to help like Qiu Ze, so this contribution point, I definitely don't have much. "

Originally, the idea was very exciting, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, Tianji still rejected it. He dared to promise to cooperate with his captain, and he might only have a drink of soup.

"Besides, I'm not adding enemies to myself!"

Selling your teammates to the Rockets, although you get a contribution point, but the teammates who are sold will definitely be hostile to you.

"Actually, the best way should be to recruit ordinary people to join them, and while they are still weak, give these people to you right away..."

Inevitably, the darkest thoughts appeared in his heart, so that if he had reached the contribution point for nothing, he might still be able to reap the resources that these people just exchanged.

"No, no... I can think of such an idea, and there must be other people who have thought about it, but no one has done it. It seems that there must be some restrictions!"

He finally shook his head and abandoned the idea, not that he couldn't do it, but since the Rockets have been established for so long, no one has done this before, so there must be a reason for it.

In Tianci's view, after these ordinary people joined and successfully subdued the elves, they would most likely have a newcomer protection period or something. After brainwashing and their strength reached a certain level, they would be released.

This avoids meaningless consumption of resources within the organization.

In order to verify this idea, and to completely dispel this idea, he specially used the newly given calling card to call his boss, Okamoto, and asked about matters after ordinary people joined.

After a side-scrolling call, Tianji put the phone aside in frustration.

Sure enough, as he expected, such ordinary people can only join the Rockets if they successfully subdue the distribution elves, so that they can get 10 points of contribution, and they will stay at the base to train elves until they reach the middle of the freshman stage. .

"I can't help it, it seems that I can only find other tasks~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and Qiu Ze didn't seem to be recruiting new people at all that time, it was completely aimed at the two of us!"

Tianji touched his chin, recalled every bit of the battle, and found that Qiu Ze didn't look like he wanted to recruit him into the team and continue to be a teammate, but more like he wanted to be captured or killed.

"And Okamoto seems to have taken away Qiu Ze and Ashu's elves, and Team Rocket is also famous for human body modification and in vivo experiments! It seems..."

He changed his mind and found that there should be different types of tasks. Sure enough, after scrolling down, he found a different task of collecting people and elves.

Task number: 00249

Mission Level: 2 stars

Task description: Help the organization collect experimental materials, such as: materials after the elves burn all their lives/living elves/hostile trainers (note that the minimum requirement is ordinary!)

Mission time limit: none

Quest Reward: Contribution points will be given depending on the materials submitted, 25 points for the low level of the common level, 40 points for the middle level, and 60 points for the high level. If you catch a trainer of the corresponding level alive, it will be doubled!

After reading the mission, he realized that Team Rocket is indeed a terrorist in this world, and Qiu Ze should have gone for this mission.

After all, with him as an inner responder, it was really easy to get rid of Ashu, the highest combat power of his own, which was much easier than fighting wild elves to death in the wild.

It's a pity that they were all taken by Captain Okamoto in the end. He calculated that the elves of Ashu and Qiuzawa could bring nearly 200 contribution points to Captain Okamoto.

"Then it seems that we need to find out the situation of the trainers in the town. It is better to find a few wind reviews, and the strength is not very strong!"

After making a decision in his heart, he immediately began to do his best to investigate the information, and also went to contact the small teams who were looking for teammates one by one...

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