Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 117: Financial freedom?

Tian Ci was happy for a while with the illustrated book, until he understood all the functions, then he reluctantly put it aside and began to clean up other things.

This picture book is a first-generation picture book, which was eliminated by the direct line of the alliance a few years ago, so he doesn't have to worry about any remaining problems when using it.

The latest map, elves information, etc., can also be upgraded by using the self-service computer at the elves center, but luckily, he found that Ashu has already been upgraded, and he can save him another trip.

"This is a tent in the wild, a warning bell, a wound medicine, an antidote, ... a stack of money! Bobo, your eyes are so bright!"

One person and two pets are in the small house, cleaning things, and occasionally Bobo will take out a stack of money from the sundries, he knows that Tianji likes this!

Mouthflowers use vines to classify larger items and repetitive items into categories.

"Huh... Ah Shu has so many things! As expected of a boss who has been at the ordinary level for a few years!"

Tanji looked at the neat things next to the wall and showed a satisfied smile.

What surprised him the most was Ah Shu's cultivation note. Although it was just a wild way, the fighting power of Ah Shu's Lada was also considered strong, which showed that this cultivation note still had merit!

Of course, there are also notes on the cultivation of Ba Dahu and pangolin, but it is obvious that Lada has more pages, which also indirectly shows that Lada is the initial elf of Ashu.

Then, in terms of money, he counted more than 30,000 banknotes and a bank card.

Obviously, this bank card is the entire net worth of Ah Shu. When he was shopping in the black market before, he also found a shop that cracked the bank card. When the time comes, he will definitely get rich!

When he applied for a bank card before, he discovered that the level of development of banks in this world was significantly lower than that of the previous life, and the security of passwords was not particularly high.

According to the high-tech technology in this world, he has a bank card and an ID card in his hand, so there must be someone capable of cracking it, but he doesn't know how much the handling fee will be.

"The next thing is Qiu Ze's traitor, but I don't know what his contribution points have changed?"

After finishing Ashu's backpack, Tianji immediately took out Qiu Ze's backpack and fell to the ground again.

"Crash~" Another pile of things fell to the ground.

"Another tent, medicine... this notebook?"

Tian Ci rummaged through the sundries, and threw some worthless sundries to Koudouhua, who took them away with vines and classified them. Among them, he found a notebook first.

"It's very ordinary... No wonder Ah Shu has been an ordinary middle class for a year or two, and you only recently broke through."

Tianci looked over and found that it was basically cultivated according to the method popularized by the public. The only bright spot is that in the past few days, the small fist stone is not fed with ordinary iron ore, but a relatively rare alloy ore. It is estimated that This is also the reason why the small fist stone has recently evolved.

"There is also a USB flash drive!!!" Tianci took out the USB flash drive and compared it with the one he just got, and found that it was indeed a USB flash drive exchanged by the Rockets.

"It seems that Qiu Ze should also change the cultivation secrets. Judging from his note, it is estimated that it belongs to Xiao Quanshi."

Tian Ci carefully put the two U disks together, after all, this is his background.

"Moo-moo! Moo-moo ω" At this moment, Kou Dianhua suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and cried out in surprise.

Tianci looked back and found that Koudouhua was dancing with excitement while holding up a purple gemstone.

"Moo~" Seeing Tianci looking at it, Koudouhua immediately placed the gem in front of Tianzi with a vine.

"This is, this is the Chinese poison crystal we bought before!"

Tianji was also very surprised. He estimated that this was prepared by Qiu Ze for the evolution of the Abo snake!

But now it's cheaper for him, how can the poison energy of his original headache be increased?

It's not worth the money to buy it, and it's not enough to hunt down ordinary poison elves! Iron shell kun and iron armor chrysalis can't be killed too much at one time, for fear of attracting a combination of butterflies and bees to hunt down, and to be honest, their poison sacs have little effect on the current dumb flower.

And Abai Snake is not so easy to kill, easy to find, as for the walking grass clan at night, if they want ordinary poison sacs, they can only enter the inner circle, but in the inner circle at night, he dare not!

So he originally planned to buy energy crystals for Kou Dianhua, but now he saved 100,000 yuan in vain.

"Leave me here first, Dumb Hua, I will arrange how to use it for you after I have read the cultivation manual."

After Tian Chi reached out and took it, he put it in his backpack, and then instructed the two little ones to continue to pack up together.

"Moo~" Kou Dianhua nodded, it already understood, Tian Ci and Bobo definitely couldn't use this, anyway, it was their own in the end. He didn't say much, and handed it over to his trainer very readily.

Another half an hour passed, Tian Ci sat slumped on the ground, looking at the piles of supplies, especially the two bank cards in his hand, he was very satisfied.

"Sure enough, murder and set fire to the golden belt... No, I was forced to do it for heaven!"

He muttered, and started to update his supplies. First, there were field tents with higher security, various medicines, blank pokeballs... Some of them would be used later, but now there are extras, he will use them all. Packed into my small space backpack.

Then I took out Ah Shu's medium-sized space backpack~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and put the things I needed in the field into it.

In the end, all the materials that were useless and unnecessary for him, including the materials that were hunted from the outside this morning, were also put into Qiu Ze's backpack, ready to be sold on the black market together with the backpack!

Of course, some of the characteristic items of the Rockets were included in his bag.

It was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon. They set off together in the morning. After this incident, they didn't eat lunch. Now that they are all packed up, they feel hungry.

After quickly finishing the lunch, he put on a mask, changed into a public protective suit, and went to the black market to prepare for the harvest.

About an hour later, he took the two pets out of the black market.

"It's really black!!! Crack a bank card and charge me 40% of the handling fee!"

Thinking of that person sitting in front of the computer, knocking on the keyboard and taking away 40% of his life and death, he regretted that he didn't study hard in his previous life and did not major in computer science! ! !

"Alas, knowledge is power, and the ancients did not deceive me!

But now I still have a lot of money to spare. Originally, I had 120,000 in the card. After the pile of cash was charged, it reached 170,000. In addition to the 60% of the two bank cards, I didn’t expect that I already had 65. Millions of huge sums of money, more than enough, more than enough! "

Touching the bank card in his pocket, Tian Chi threw away the depression, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He had never felt so at ease.

"Hey ╯﹏╰ If these two people don't use their money to buy a house or a car, how good it would be to save it!"

Thinking of the large consumption records he saw when he cracked the bank card before, Tianji felt very distressed, but he also knew that this was the normal state of indigenous civilian trainers, and they basically made the first money if they didn't see much. time to improve their living conditions.

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