Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 116: golden finger

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After Tianji got the exchange voucher, he immediately walked towards the nearest exchange window and stood at the back of the line.

He was holding the certificate slip tightly in his hand. This was the closest he had come to the system's cultivation secrets! He couldn't help but be excited and nervous!

"Give me the exchange voucher and identity black card!"

Soon, Tianji came to the window, and the exchange staff in front of him said as if he was dealing with business affairs.

"Okay, here it is." He immediately handed over the voucher and black card.

"This USB flash drive is what you exchanged this time, and because you are a newcomer, these things are also given to you.

This dress is your rookie's uniform, and this calling card is the same as the number you are using, but it can ensure that the connection between the players will not be monitored by the alliance! "

The staff member found out that Tianji was a new member after inserting the black card, so in addition to the cheats for exchange, he also did some extra operations, and gave the other things to Tianji at one time.

"Okay, thank you!" Tianji immediately took it with both hands and put it all into his backpack.

"I'm a little surprised, why I don't have a uniform, and I contact you by phone. Isn't the real-name phone number very dangerous! It turns out that I get it here!"

After he took the things, he turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly he thought of something, and immediately turned back and asked a question

"Hello, I also want to ask, I am not a member of the base, so if I take the inspection mission, do I have to come here every time, is it too dangerous!"

"Bang!" Hearing Tianji's question, the staff member immediately took a cardboard box from the back and put it on the counter.

"Special computer, you can avoid the network information to view the task and exchange list, 10,000 yuan each!"

"Okay, okay." In order to minimize the number of visits to the base and reduce risks, he immediately took out his bank card and swiped one. Anyway, he also needed a computer.

So far, he has only 120,000 yuan left in his bank card.

After everything was done, Tanji originally wanted to find his new boss, Captain Okamoto, chatting, flattering, and collecting information, but after scanning around, he found that he couldn't find anyone at all.

"It seems that I, a spy member, are really free."

He shook his head and walked towards the exit by himself.

When I went out, there was no check password, and I came out very smoothly.

"It can be considered a blessing in disguise. As long as I hide it well enough, I can eat both ends! When it's a big deal to sell alliance information, be cautious."

This thought flashed through his heart quickly, and when he raised his hand, he also released Bobo and Kou Deng Hua, but he didn't forget that he was still in the forest!

"Moo-moo-moo (???_??)?" At this time, the mouth was dull, and after the treatment of the drug, he had almost recovered. As soon as he came out, he immediately hugged Tianji's thigh, but this time it was not Coquetry, but guaranteed!

It promises that it will train well and won't let Tianji lose to other trainers for the third time.

It clearly remembers that the first time it fought against the trainer named Ashu, it lost!

It also heard today that it lost to a trainer named Okamoto! As the main elf of Tianji, it guarantees that there will be no next time!

"Bo~ Bo Bo!" Bo Bo, who fell on his shoulders, was even more ashamed!

In the first battle with Ah Shu, it only played a small role. As for today, people just ignore it!

It told Tianji that the energy in its body was also full, it was no longer afraid of pain, and it would be reborn from the ashes just like Big Brother Louya!

"Okay, dumb flower, Bobo! Shame and courage, we have to work harder! Let's work together!"

Tian Chi looked at the two elves he had cultivated with his own hands, and he felt very relieved to hear their assurances!

He doesn't feel ashamed of losing to others. As long as he is not dead and alive, he can win back!

In this world, a victory or defeat is nothing, he feels that being able to live better is the most important thing!

Just like Ah Shu, what if Ah Shu won the elf battle against him?

Not being cautious enough, trusting others too much, in this race of life, it was me, Tianji, who won!

After comforting Koudouhua and Bobo, Tianji took the two little ones to quickly cross the forest. Even if he encountered other elves in the middle, he could avoid them if he could. Either take a detour or use a repellent spray.

It is unavoidable that one person and two pets work together to resolve the battle quickly.

He didn't forget that he now has two more space backpacks on his back! The value of these elves is definitely not as valuable as these two backpacks, so he is now thinking about going back and sorting out the backpack and sorting out the harvest!

After a hurried march, Tian Ci finally walked out of the forest. He also kept his mind and clipped Ashu and Aze's space backpack into his jacket.

Fortunately, as long as the space backpack is not full, the backpack will not bulge, so it is still smoothly clipped on both sides of the inner layer of the jacket, although it is still a bit bloated.

But he also made up his mind. Without taking off his helmet, he quickly walked through the city gate and returned home with his head down, ignoring no one in the middle!

Not far from the city gate, Tian Ci quickly took back the two elves, then took out the prepared alliance trainer certificate, quickly lit up in the guard's eyes, and walked in immediately!

"This person is quite strange? With his head down? He's quite fat?"

After the guards at the gate of the city had clearly seen the certification of the alliance, they did not ask any further questions and let Tian Ci go in.

After many years of guarding the gate, the guard has long understood that he is only the most primitive line of defense, why bother to be serious about everything, just let it go!

As long as he can prove that he can pass the automatic protection of the sky above, he doesn't care.

"Huh~ Fortunately, I got through, and sure enough, these old fried dough sticks are too lazy to work conscientiously." After successfully passing through the city gate, Tian Ci did not dare to stop, and continued to move towards the house.

It was not until he entered the house and locked the door that he calmed down his excitement and nervousness.

"Come out, dumb flower, Bobo!"

In the room, in order to share the joy of picking up leaks, he immediately called the two pets out.

"Koudouhua, Bobo, let's count the money! Hahaha"

"Moo? ω?"

"啵?ω?" After living for so long, the two pets of course understood the importance of money, and their eyes lit up after hearing Tianji's words!

"First of all, it's Ashu's." He then took out Ashu's space backpack~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Whoa!" Tianji threw the backpack down, and a lot of things appeared in an instant!

"My golden finger!" He immediately found the white illustrated book that Ah Shu had shown in the pile of junk, and brought it over immediately.

"Di~" He pressed the switch and turned on the screen. Tianji looked at the few functions above, his face was full of joy!

"I am also a data-sighted person now, although I can only measure my qualifications after receiving it! It's really not easy, my golden finger, I am also a passer-by!"

He was holding the illustrated book, and his face was very happy! Although every alliance direct trainer has this link, it's even better!

But for him, a poor man who started from scratch and struggled to survive, this is the golden finger he dreamed of!

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