Outside the light red gym, Ye Chen fell from the sky, but before he could stand firm, a trap suddenly appeared under his feet, and Ye Chen fell directly.

"This trap is quite interesting to make."Ye Chen was suspended in the air, rising slowly.

The pits below were filled with sharp bamboos and the like. Once you fall in, even if you don't die, you will definitely not be able to escape intact.

"Only someone with super powers like me can come out safely and unharmed."Ye Chen levitated out, landed firmly, and patted the non-existent dust on his body easily.

The antique building in front of him was very square.

There was a square wall, and there was a slightly larger courtyard inside. , there is a square house at the back of the yard.

Generally speaking, this temple feels like a courtyard.

When you push the door in, there is no noise as expected, but it is very quiet.

"It seems that as the Kanto region reaches the later stages, these gyms are no longer accessible to ordinary people."Ye Chen turned around and looked at the open space outside. Using his super powers of perspective, he could clearly see that there were many traps below.

There was a slightly larger courtyard at the end of the gym. , unlike the yard in front of me, there are many players in that backyard.

"It seems that this is the simplest test. Only by passing this trap can you enter the gym to challenge, otherwise you will not have this opportunity."Ye Chen nodded, this is indeed a ninja gym.

"Are you here for the gym challenge?"A girl wearing tight-fitting black ninja clothes suddenly jumped in front of Ye Chen from the roof.

Ye Chen looked at the girl up and down. Her body was beautifully outlined by the ninja clothes. There was a ribbon behind her neck, which was half covered. The face looks very charming

"Yes, it's me."Ye Chen nodded.

"Then please follow me. You passed the first test of the gym and successfully entered our light red gym, but this does not mean you can fight against our trainers here."The female ninja walked straight inside.

The wooden door automatically opened to both sides without her having to push it.

"Another agency."Ye Chen raised his eyebrows.

When he walked into the house, he saw a very large and elegant structure inside. The sliding doors divided the whole room into several small parts.

"I don’t know what level of challenge you want to challenge as a gym trainer."The female ninja looked at Ye Chen and asked politely:"Each gym is divided into students, administrators and gym owners. I think you should know this.……"

"I want to challenge the gym owner, and it will be one against three, challenging the three Pokémon of the gym owner at the same time."Ye Chen said

"ah?"The female ninja was stunned and felt that she heard wrongly.

"I understand the rules. You can challenge the three oddballs of the museum owner at the same time. Even if the challenge fails, I still have enough experience points to pay the compensation. Please arrange it as soon as possible."Ye Chen said lightly.

"OK"The female ninja looked at Ye Chen and finally agreed. Then she took out a rolled up paper from her arms and gave it to Ye Chen:"This is the location leading to the battle site. Now please go there by yourself."

"go by self? ?"Ye Chen blinked.

"Yes, depending on the challenge level of the trainer, our gym will set up different levels of traps, just like the one you just saw outside. What you want to challenge is the owner of the hall. The battle venue is in the innermost room. You need to pass all the mechanisms and reach there before you can challenge. And during the battle, the trainers in the backyard can also watch."The female ninja spoke slowly.

"So does the time I spent finding my way count as the time I spent actually fighting against the gym leader?"Ye Chen asked.

If this time is included in the 3 minutes specified in the task, it would be a trap!

"No, why do you ask?"The female ninja was stunned and looked at Ye Chen.

"It's nothing, just don't count it. Ye Chen smiled slightly and said,"In that case, can we start?""

"I must tell you that if you touch any mechanism along the way and are caught by the mechanism and cannot escape, then it will be considered a failure and you will be invited to the backyard with those failed trainers. And along the way, no house structure must be destroyed, and no damage must be caused to the house itself, otherwise it will be immediately counted as a failure."The female ninja looked at Ye Chen's faint smile and said

"If you're all set, now...start."As soon as she finished speaking, the female ninja's body disappeared.

"Just a little trick."Ye Chen looked at the small gear above and said with a smile.

She disappeared not because she really knew any ninjutsu, but because she used a very thin but very strong and transparent thread to hang herself up in the air and quickly It was transferred.

It was just that he was better at it. There was nothing special about it.

When he opened the so-called map paper in his hand, Ye Chen looked at it with a blank expression.

"Which ungraduated engineer drew this? This sketch is worse than the hopscotch that a primary school student drew on the floor."Ye Chen frowned.

On the paper, he simply drew a few frames, and then used a line as a route, such as where to go after passing this room.

Go south or north, continue to move forward or retreat. , it’s that simple.

There is nothing else, no mechanism or structure.

"It seems like I have to figure it out myself."Ye Chen took a deep breath and memorized all the paths on the map in his mind after just one glance.

Throwing the map away, Ye Chen directly activated his super power.

At this time, what are those maps? It's useless, all that's useful is his own super power!

After all, this is just a house with traps. As long as he handles it carefully, there will be no problem at all.

Ye Chen stepped out and moved instantly, passing through the entire house. room, came to the front of the door


A crisp sound sounded, and then Ye Chen turned his head to the right reflexively.

In an instant, three shurikens hit the wall on Ye Chen's right, each one striking three points!


Ye Chen sneered, and the next moment his body was suspended directly. He saw that the floor under his feet was instantly empty, and a sharp bamboo shot out from it.

Before it shot out, Ye Chen had already dodged it.

"The speed is too slow."Pressing one hand on the door, the door popped open instantly, and all the mechanisms in the room returned to their original state. The ground returned to smoothness. It seemed that nothing had happened except the bamboo above and the shurikens on the wall.

"Humph, nothing."Ye Chen slowly walked to the next room._

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