"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for defeating Nazi and defeating her three Pokémon. Distribute rewards: super power (blue), gold badge*3, purple skill book*1, 10000*1000 experience points!"

When Ye Chen saw this reward, it was quite satisfactory.

Except for the first blue level of super power, the rest were all expected.

"Trainer: Ye Chen"

"Trainer Level: Level 3 Trainer"

"Talent: Thousand times experience"

"Special abilities: Healing power (blue), flying power (blue), super power (blue), fire power (green)"

"Sub-vocation: Talisman Maker"

"Sub-professional equipment: Nine Dragon Cauldron (blue level)."

Open your own attribute list, and you have indeed used it.

3 badges, a purple skill book, and experience points

"Hey, it’s experience points again. When will my experience points be used up?"Ye Chen frowned and said with a smile.

"Ding dong, release the task……" oh?

Ye Chen was stunned. Just now he was saying that the reward this time was a bit ordinary, but he didn't expect that a mission would come out now.

"Ding dong, the task is released: If the player defeats the three Pokémon of the light red gym leader in the light red gym, the lottery function can be opened."


Ye Chen was stunned. He has been playing this game for so long. Is there any function that he hasn't discovered?

In addition, the light red gym is a poison-type gym, and the setting is a bit like a ninja. , but the strength is not very strong, it is not difficult to pass.

"Clearance restrictions: The competition rules in the Light Red Gym are one-on-one, so players need to use one Pokémon to defeat the opponent's three Pokémon, and they need to completely defeat their three opponents within 3 minutes, and cannot use Geng Ghost, Xuantian Holy Dragon and Flame Bird are three magical beast-level Pokémon."

Sure enough, there are limits!

Ye Chen knew it, because the strength of the light red gym in his memory was just like that. Although there was a big gap between the Pokémon used by the gym leaders in this world and the original ones, they could never be stronger. Nazi, right?

You've even come to the Golden Gym, how can you not get through the Light Red Gym?

So there is a limit. It needs to be completed within 3 minutes, and you can't use Gengar, Xuantian Shenglong and Flame Bird? It does n't matter if you can't use these three magical Pokémon.

High, it is more than enough to deal with a light red gym.

Compared with how to pass the challenge of the light red gym, Ye Chen is more concerned about what the lottery system means.

"System prompt: Players who turn on the lottery can obtain the right to draw by consuming experience points in this function. The items drawn out may be very valuable, such as various versions of Pokémon eggs, or even special ability scrolls, etc. They may appear in the lottery content, and precious items will definitely appear in the 'first lottery' of the player's first lottery."

The function of being able to draw out Pokémon eggs and special ability scrolls!

That is a very cherished thing!!

And I will definitely be able to get something good in my first lottery!

What will it be?

Ye Chen is very excited look forward to

"Okay, for my lottery function, I'm going to the Light Red Gym now!!"Ye Chen was instantly full of fighting spirit. There was a huge reward waiting in front of him.

As for whether his Pokmon could help him win, Ye Chen was definitely not stressed after receiving this reward.

Opening the world map, Ye Chen discovered The Light Red Gym where the Light Red Gym is located is not far from me. You only need to go through this map to get there.

However, the Light Red Gym is not in the Light Red City, but in the"wild area" outside."!

"This is actually the same plot as the original."Ye Chen said with a smile.

In the original book, the light red gym is located in a very classical house in a remote mountain area. It looks very simple and beautiful, but there are many layouts inside. Xiaozhi and others I almost got lost in there

"I hope this light red gym also has so many interesting things."

Ye Chen closed the game interface, levitated his body, and then flew far away!

He can fly, so he doesn't need to walk so slowly bit by bit. For him, passing the picture is very simple. Things.

Feeling the refreshing feeling of the wind blowing in front of your eyes is something you can never forget no matter how many times you try it.

Watching the trees under you retreat quickly, time also passes slowly... After flying for a long time, you rest in the middle. After a while, Ye Chen finally arrived at the map area of Qianhong City.

As long as he got the Qianhong Gym, there were only two famous gyms in the Kanto region that were worthy of challenge.

One was the Joban Gym in Joban City. The other one is the Red Lotus Gym on Red Lotus Island!

After that, Ye Chen can go to the Pokémon Alliance Conference!

Players who have gathered eight different badges must be able to participate in that conference. There must be strength in it! Strong NPCs can challenge you.

If you win the Pokémon League Tournament, you can challenge the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto and become the champion!

"It seems like the one in front is the one."

Before Ye Chen could plan his future blueprint, Ye Chen saw an antique house behind the cliff.

Among the layers of green, with the cliff and river below, the house built in such a place is really It's very strange.

From the sky, it looks like a house made entirely of wood, but under my own superpower, I can see it.���Go to many agencies inside!

It’s a place with many ninja characteristics.

"Light Red Gym, here I come."

Ye Chen slowly fell from the sky. It seems that no players have reached here.

Logically speaking, since he showed his face in Golden City, there should be many people who heard the news and came to this gym to place bets and prepare to earn experience, but But no one appeared here.

This made Ye Chen feel a little strange, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little quiet.

Although the forest was already quiet, the feeling here was too quiet.……


Before Ye Chen could stand firm, his feet collapsed instantly, and Ye Chen's whole body sank instantly!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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