Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 336 The mark left by Suicune, fried tea dishes

A few days later.

Within a few days of staying at the ranch, Feng Wang and the others were ready to return home.

When they came out this time, they had already seen many novel things in the pasture. Feng Wang himself even walked around Donghuang.

Are you leaving so soon? Seeing this, Su Yu was a little reluctant to leave.

Suicune nodded, looked at Kyogre lying not far away, and said:

Su Yu, I feel that you...may have a physique that makes it easy to encounter mythical beasts.

And with such a physique, you may be involved in many dangers in the future. So, you must be more careful.

Su Yu:......

Is it easy to attract mythical beasts? Could such a thing really exist?

Well, taking myself as an example, I still believe it.

Because of this, Su Yu nodded. Suicune raised the soles of his feet and pressed on his arm, leaving a mark that glowed with a faint blue light.

This is a method I just figured out recently. With this mark, no matter how far apart we are or what force blocks us, we can still connect with each other.

If you encounter danger in the future, you must remember to call me. When the time comes, I will definitely come as soon as possible. Shuijun said seriously.

This made Su Yu very moved. He nodded vigorously and said Yeah.

Okay, if we play in a group next time, I will definitely call you!

After saying goodbye, the three holy beasts followed Phoenix King and also left the ranch.

Su Yu continued to teach the Kuailongs. After a long period of teaching, the Kuailongs basically learned how to take care of the orchard.

Then, you should completely switch to practice. Su Yu said.

The orchard on Long Island needs your care!

Boooo~ Hearing this, the fast dragons nodded and took off one by one, heading to Dragon Island.

Su Yu continued to think about cooking. Just a few days ago, he asked Kyogre for materials.

Speaking of which, the temperature is a bit cold today. Has it started to cool down?

I came to the window and took a look. At this time, some seasonal trees outside had begun to rustling their leaves.

The Frost Milk Fairy ran to the tree very happily and was playing on the leaves.

Su Yu opened the window and shouted:

If you feel cold, remember to go back inside and put on some extra clothes. Don't end up catching a cold!

Mama~ Hearing this, Frost Milk Fairy and the others also replied.

Su Yu continued to try cooking. At this time, Lei Guanwang led the horse into the house. In His hand, He also held a pile of young tea leaves.

Seeing this, Su Yu was surprised and said:

Are you...growing tea leaves at the World Tree? Can you pick them so quickly?

King Lei Guan nodded, but he didn't know how to make the tea next.

Then leave it to me to stir-fry. Follow me.

Su Yu was also a little curious about what kind of strange effects the tea obtained by using the power of King Leiguan and growing on the World Tree would have.

He took King Lei Guan to the warehouse and dug out a large iron pot specially used for making tea.

This is an ancient method of frying tea. In modern times, almost all roasted tea is made by machines.

After putting the tea leaves into the pot, Lei Guanwang stood aside curiously. He wanted to see how Su Yu made it.

After turning on the fire, Su Yu also used his hands to stir-fry the tea leaves in the pot. Before long, a pot of tea leaves was ready.

“Cooking: Nianli Tea”

The tea is made from a special tea tree infused with Lei Guanwang's superpower, combined with the unpretentious tea-frying process. It has the ability to enhance the drinker's superpowers and strengthen the spiritual connection effect.

It seems that the effect is a bit unpretentious...

Seeing that Su Yu's expression was not good, Lei Guanwang asked:

What's wrong? Did you... spoil the tea?

No, tea is normal. Su Yu shook his head immediately. He took out the tea leaves and put them into a jar, leaving some in the pot to brew directly.

The boiling water was poured in, and after soaking for a while, Su Yu poured a cup for Lei Guanwang, and then picked up his own tea cup and took a sip.

Suddenly, his brain felt clear. At the same time, his perception with certain Pokémon also became much clearer.

Su Yu carefully identified them and found that they were green caterpillars and water arrow turtles.

A spiritual link established due to super evolution?

In this way, it seems that this can help novices master super evolution faster.

After all, something like super evolution requires both people and Pokémon to be able to sense the connection between each other. The evolution of bonds requires the two to be closely connected.

It may also have an effect on the connection between King Lei Guan and his beloved horse.

Su Yu looked at King Lei Guan. If the connection is closer, the power coordination of the man and the horse may be smoother, thus exerting stronger power.

After drinking the tea, King Lei Guan nodded with satisfaction. The tea Su Yu fried was indeed extraordinary.

Drinking it has many beneficial effects.

Make tea and chat with Lei Guanwang.

After chatting for a while, the horror pot quietly climbed onto the dining table.

He picked up the teapot that Su Yu had placed and poured the tea inside directly into his own teapot.

Seeing this, Su Yu looked a little surprised. Seeing that Weisi Pot's originally somewhat deflated body gradually became rounder as the tea was poured in, he came up with some conjectures.

Can the Horsby Pot still be able to form its body by combining these teas?

Perhaps, this is the way to survive for the Horrible Thought Pot. After all, if its body is left exposed to wind and sun, it cannot be without wear and tear.

Seeing that he was caught stealing tea, Bisihu immediately hid behind King Lei Guan, only sticking his head out, and carefully observing Su Yu.

King Lei Guan glanced at it with a smile, and then said:

Speaking of which, Su Yu. King Shengzhu came to see Gu yesterday.

He expressed that he wants to use Daogu's space channel to go directly to Galar. What do you want to say to Gu?

Hearing this, Su Yu thought for a while.

He had already promised to help the Holy Pillar King go to Galar. But now, his matters here are basically settled, and it's time to head to Galar.

Then tell him that we will set off in two days. Su Yu replied.

But the Holy Pillar King is so big, can he enter the space channel?

King Lei Guan: Maybe... I need to use your recipe to shrink Pokémon, right?

Su Yu:......

Speaking of which, the Holy Pillar King is also speechless. It seems that the only way to use the substitute method is again.

And he remembered that the location where the electric pillar and dragon pillar were sealed was also in the Crown Snowfield. After this trip, it seemed that Lei Guanwang would be the right professional counterpart.

In the next two days, Su Yu also finished handling matters in the ranch. He left the Water Arrow Turtle and the others to look after his family, and in addition to the Holy Pillar King, the other two little pillars also wanted to follow him to Galar.

Su Yu fed them all shrinking food, and after that, he went to Galar with King Lei Guan.

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