Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 335 The Bathhouse is Completed

When Su Yu came back, there were already several more mythical beasts in the original ranch.

This shocked him. How could there be so many mythical beasts after leaving for just one afternoon?

Suicune, and Kyogre?

The former is understandable, but what is the purpose of the latter?

Immediately, Su Yu asked Kyogre why.

When he learned that the other party was here to seek food, Su Yu helplessly raised his forehead.

The Phoenix King on the side asked Shuijun curiously:

What kind of food are they talking about?

It's a special ability that Su Yu possesses. The food he makes has magical power.

In the beginning, my strength greatly increased due to this. Suicune explained.

This made Raikou and Entei who were following behind a little concerned. Can they become as powerful as Suicune just by eating?

Then we...want it very much.

After Su Yu thought about it for a while, he rejected Kyogre on the grounds that he could not allow the food to spread.

If every mythical beast was fed a meal that made them stronger, the world would probably be in chaos.

Especially those like Groudon and Kyogre who love to fight. Every time they become stronger, they will add more unstable factors to the world.

Originally, Su Yu had the intention of experimenting when cooking for Groudon. Now that it is confirmed that cooking has a great effect on Groudon, there is no need to cook it.


Su Yu's refusal also surprised Kyogre. He originally thought that since this man had done it for Groudon, it shouldn't be difficult to do it for him, right?

But after being rejected like this, if he goes back, he will be ridiculed by Groudon every day!

Being ridden in the face by Groudon can be said to be the most intolerable thing for Kyogre in the billions of years he has lived.

Kyogre immediately decided that he would just stay here and not leave.

Anyway, I'm going to get beaten when I go back, so I might as well stay here and wait for decades to see if this human being will relent in the end.

...Then it's up to you. You can live anywhere in the open space around the ranch. Su Yu said.

Then, he looked at Phoenix King and the others.

Just at this time, a boy took a camera to take pictures and ran over here.

He kept waving, and his clothes made Su Yu feel familiar.

This is... Xiaohao?

Damn it, why is this guy here?

And looking at the way Gou Hao was taking pictures, it seemed that he was still here for Feng Wang and the others?

Perhaps halfway, Gou Hao saw the trace of Feng Wang, so he chased him all the way to the ranch.

Seeing this, Su Yu said to King Lei Guan:

King Lei Guan, use your superpower to teleport that person away, to any place farther away.

Why is this? King Lei Guan was very confused.

...It's nothing, I just think that person has impure motives and looks like a bad person.

King Lei Guan had the ability to see the past and the future. After hearing what Su Yu said, he used this ability on Gou Hao.

After seeing Gou Hao's past and future, Lei Guanwang nodded silently.

Your feeling is right.

With a wave of his hand, King Lei Guan used teleportation and sent Gou Hao away directly. By the way, many of his memories were also erased.

Shuijun was still very confused. He looked back at where Gou Hao was originally and asked:

What happened to that man?

It's better that you don't know. Su Yu replied. He greeted Phoenix King and the others one by one, and then invited them to stay in the Sky Tree.

That place has now been transformed into a hotel by Su Yu, where all kinds of Pokémon can stay. And if you use the Sky Tree as a hotel, you won't lose status if you stay with a mythical beast.

Hearing this, Feng Wang nodded. It was almost dark now, so it was really time to find a place to rest.

The next day.

As soon as he opened the door, Su Yu saw Kyogre lying in the open space not far away.

You actually stayed... Seeing this, Su Yu shook his head.

He understood what Kyogre was thinking, and he didn't expect that this dish would have such a great effect.

It's not impossible to cook for him. It's just that this time, it seems that we have to control the effect of the cooking.

After Feng Wang woke up, he visited the ranch with great interest. He looked at Wind Speed ​​Dog curiously, always feeling that there was a shadow of a certain divine beast on him.

It was rare for Suicune to come back, and he went to water the Sky Tree early in the morning.

This strange phenomenon made the dragons very curious. They gathered together and watched the tree in the sky grow taller quickly under the influence of Suicune and his mount Lamb.

The two parties worked together to raise the height of the Sky Tree by ten meters at once.

If this continues, it won't be long before Dragon Island can be moved to a tree.

Su Yu thought so.

In order to reward them, Su Yu also made some more grass cakes and lotus root soup to replenish their energy.

Wait until the afternoon...

The bathhouse was quickly completed. Su Yu went over and took a look. He saw that the water was boiled and filled very quickly, and an intelligent administrator interface was added to the bathhouse.

Jiang Qiu said:

It is said that Fengyuan has developed a way to let Rotom enter the machine. Now, many manufacturers have obtained the special interface given by Dewen. They will basically install it for customers first. If it is used later, If so, put another Rotom in there.

This bathhouse actually has such a function? Hearing this, Su Yu was very surprised.

Isn't this just a coincidence? There is a Rotom in his pasture.

After taking out his mobile phone, Su Yu called:

Classmate Xiao Luo!

I'm here, Lotto. Rotom replied immediately. This is the function of the special network established by Su Yu, which can be called remotely.

Judging from the commotion, Rotom seemed to be still busy in the flower room at the moment.

Come to my place via the Internet. There is a bathhouse here that needs to be managed by you. Su Yu also said.

When Rotom came and looked at the bathhouse, he immediately said I can't understand, I can't understand.

However, under Su Yu's constant persuasion, Rotom finally got in.

It sighed:

Hey, I want to grow flowers, why do I have to take care of the bathhouse, Lotto...

Ahem, those who can do more work. Su Yu said sheepishly.

At this time, many Pokémon noticed this place. Su Yu explained to them the function of this bathhouse.

Mark? Then can't we take a bath in the hot springs like we did in Fuyan Town?

Yes, but there are still some differences between bathhouses and hot springs. Su Yu replied.

After hearing this, King Lei Guan looked at the bathhouse and suddenly had many thoughts.

That night...

Many Pokémon gathered in groups and went to the bathhouse to bathe together.

King Lei Guan held the bath towel and led the horse, and also asked Su Yu:

Su Yu, do you want to take a shower together?

Ah? Hearing this, Su Yu imagined himself taking a bath with King Lei Guan.

Immediately, he waved his hand. This picture is too beautiful, so forget it...

Hearing this, King Lei Guan looked a little regretful. He led the horses to the bathhouse and began to give them a bath and rub their backs.

The Snowstorm Horse let King Lei Guan rub its mane and neighed from time to time. The Lingyou horse on the side stood there quietly without saying a word.

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