Golden City, Ash walked on the cold street, and didn't notice the weirdness of Golden City at all.

"Goo~" Ash touched his hungry and panicked stomach, it was already noon, but he had no money to eat, and the Pokémon Center was destroyed for some reason.

Now Ash is very annoyed, not only because he can't find news of Nazi, but also because through his waveguide, he can see that there is a lewd uncle behind him who is following him with bad intentions.

"Uncle, you'd better have something. I'm hungry and annoyed now, and if you don't give me a legitimate reason, I'll have to turn to Miss Junsha for help. "

Besides, a strange man who followed a five-year-old child and wore a disguise is indeed very suspicious.

The uncle scratched his head in embarrassment, thinking to himself, he used his superpowers to erase the traces of his whereabouts, why did this kid find me, this kid has been asking about Nazi's whereabouts, and he doesn't know his purpose.

"Hey, kid. I have no ill intentions, I see that you are in trouble, I just want to help you. "Uncle pretends to be a familiar man, but he has no credibility at all.

Ash stared at the man in front of him for a long time, remembering the identity of this person—Nazi's father.

"Uncle, are you sure you want to help me?"

Nazi's father: Thirty minutes after ???

, there was a stack of plates on a table at a restaurant in Golden City.

"Thank you, uncle. Ash touched his stomach with satisfaction and thanked the "kind" uncle.

After all, this uncle invited three people to eat, and Xiaozhi, Chizhi, and Erzhi took turns to eat, and the excess food they ate was converted into points by the system.

Nazi's father is now in his heart with 10,000 Arceus, and he has seen something that can be eaten, but is your stomach in Doraemon's pocket, how can you eat it so much!?"

"Uncle, do you know a person named Nazi? I heard that she has superpowers, so I want to get to know her." The

uncle frowned, but still dissuaded Ash from sending him to death, and bluntly said that Nazi was terrible.

"How can I say that she is too pitiful, superpowers are innate, as long as someone can help her control, then it will not get out of control. Ash stood up and stretched.

The uncle was also speechless for a while, if he could control his daughter early on, he would still need this kid to preach here.

But he also saw that the little ghost in front of him was purely lacking in heart and eyes, and he couldn't hear the words clearly. But this is all his own demand, so let's satisfy him.

He looked at the table full of plates and expensive bills, clenched his fists, and teleported Ash directly to the door of the special room where Nazi lived.

Ash pushed the door open, and suddenly a powerful force pressed over.

Xiao Zhi

said disdainfully: "It's just this little trick, hum." The

power of Erzhi was unleashed, easily counteracting the pressure.

Ash saw a girl older than him sitting there, her eyes glazed over, just fiddling with the rag doll in her hand.

System: The host completes the quest, rewards the heterochromic pupil (the pupil that can borrow or store power), and the waveguide power expands to the intermediate level.

Ash closed the door casually, walked up to Nazi, and said loudly, "Hello! I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town, and I want to be friends with you."

Nazi still sat there quietly, the hair hanging from her forehead made her cold and deep eyes looming, her posture was outstanding, and her indulgent aura was not approachable, but there was an inexplicable loveliness.

Ash put his hand in front of her and shook it, only then did he raise his head to look at Ash.

Chi Zhi said lightly in Xiao Zhi's body

: "Mind scanning, don't stop."

Erzhi smiled interestingly: "I'm also curious about what kind of person Ash is?" Ash's

heart: In a blank space, there are all kinds of Pokémon, and then there are a lot of delicious food, and the last stupid blue figure jumps up and down with a retarded smile, and his mouth is "Abaaba." "


What is this childish and strange style of painting?What is the heart of your host? This is the style of human painting?

Not only Chizhi and Erzhi, but Nazi is also stunned at this moment. She has grown up so big and seen the hearts of many people, greedy for money, lustful, and greedy abound, but this not-so-smart child in front of her seems to be really not very smart.

"You said you were here to be my friend?" Nazi turned on the mind reading technique, pinched the superpower move in her hand, and gave up communication as long as the weird kid in front of her lied.

"Yes, and you're really beautiful, it's not at all the same as what is said outside. "Nazi is older than Ash, and her figure has begun to grow, and Rao is Ash can't help but appreciate it as a wood.

Erzhi's expression is very strange now, seeing Ash's heart has already shocked him, and after seeing his real praise for Nazi in Ash's heart just now, he was stunned.

Is there really such a strange person? Neither Nazi nor Erchi believed it, and the two of them investigated at the same time.

The more I checked, the more I found that Ash's heart was like a stream, clear and pure, and the whole river was full of life.

Nazi didn't believe it and continued to dig deeper. The whole person consciousness entered Ash's heart.


" "........." "No, she's going to step on the ground!" "........."

Erzhi was stunned for a moment, then thought of something funny, and returned to his soul space with a weird smile. Chizhi on the side was still like that, silently entering the soul space.

System: The host and Nazi enter to deepen communication, complete side quests, and unseal the third soul space.

After Nazi entered the soul space, she first entered the space of Erzhi.

She is very unfamiliar with everything about the forest, because her superpowers are often out of control, and she never sets foot in Golden City.

Everything in the space is a real ecosystem, and the Pokémon there are all Pokémon that are truly accepted by the owner of the soul space. However, Nazi thinks that this is just a modeling of Ash's imagination.

After entering the space, Ash found that he couldn't find Chizhi and Erzhi, so he directly entered the third soul space.

As soon as he entered the space, a figure almost hit Ash, so scared that Ash took a step back and turned back continuously before dodging.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to show up out of nowhere. "The fast figure just now is actually the third soul of this ironclad rhinoceros who is seriously speeding - True Wisdom.

True-Chi took off his helmet and ran to Ash, who fell to the ground, to check.

"Hello, Ash. My name is Zhenzhi, I am meeting for the first time, please give me a lot of advice. "

Machi is very polite, and he has a hearty smile on his face when he introduces himself. He was wearing a delicate race suit and his eyes were blue, and if you stared into his eyes, you might accidentally use his eyes as bright mirrors.

Mind unleashes a dragon and takes Ash on a tour of his space.

The entire space is made up of four islands, of which the island is basically a plain when you first enter. The Pokémon here are running freely at all times.

"Because I often participate in some Pokémon races, my Pokémon here are known for their speed. "

Compared with Chi Zhi and Erzhi, Zhen Zhi is very enthusiastic, giving people the feeling of a warm-hearted brother in the neighborhood.

"By the way, Brother Zhenzhi, have you seen a very beautiful young lady, I heard Brother Erzhi say that she came here.

"No, maybe she's gone somewhere else. Is she important to you?"

"Of course, she's my friend!" "

Then you'll have to hurry, she's being treated as an intruder when she enters here without an invitation." Even if the managers of each district deal with it lightly, the managers have no right to help. "

Ash learned from Wisdom that apart from him, other people who come in will be regarded as enemies by the Pokémon in the space, and if they encounter a brutal Pokémon, they may be immediately crushed and scattered.

Erzhi space

, Erzhi is also remembering here. Although he didn't care if Nazi would die here, Ash called him brother, it was rare for him to meet such a sincere child.

Nazi is not Ash, and she has no connection with Irchi, so she can't find her in an instant like she did for Ash, otherwise she wouldn't be looking for her in a place like she is now.

At this time, Nazi was indeed miserable.

Coming to this space, her superpowers have been drastically reduced, and now she has no means of saving her life except to control her own levitation.

Erchi comes from a world known as Dark, and the Pokémon he trained to survive are all extremely powerful, so Natsu has been attacked several rounds. Fortunately, this group of Pokémon did not receive the order to take the initiative to attack, otherwise it would have been as simple as Nazi being injured somewhere.

Nazi has experienced the sting of the big needle bee, the collision of Kentello, and the sneak attack of Poison Pokémon. Now she is at the end of her power.

Now she's been cornered against a cliff by a Bangira, and the light of death strikes with the destruction of the Bangira. Nazi jumped off the cliff.

In the air, Nazi fell into an unprecedented relaxation.

Ever since she was born, she has been lost. Everyone else seemed to be very different from her, she was naturally strong, so strong that she didn't need to follow anyone's instructions. But she still felt that something was missing from herself, and everything that didn't go her way would disappear. The people around her are afraid of her, the so-called friends have a purpose, and her parents will only restrain her actions. But it doesn't matter, she was originally a "monster", an existence that never saw the light of day.

She's powerful, she thinks she's right, and she doesn't bother to communicate with those people. But at this moment, there was a feeling in her originally empty heart, and this feeling was a little uncomfortable, maybe it was the fear of death, and those who were attacked by themselves should also feel this way.

In addition to fear, there was a sense of relaxation inside her. Because everything is over, and the death of consciousness also means the death of the body, and finally, finally, there is no need to look at this ugly world anymore............

Nazi, who had been determined to die, felt a warmth envelop her.

She opened her eyes, and it was Ash. Ash rushed here after learning that Nazi was here, and even ran over with a flash of lightning after seeing the movement.

The whole ten kilometers of the road, the premise is that Nazi is constantly moving, and in just half an hour, Ash chased after him with the body of a five-year-old boy.

When he saw Nazi jumping off the cliff, Ash didn't even think about it, ignored the Bangira who was going to attack him on the side, and jumped directly after him.

Nazi looked at the child who was protecting her in front of her, and something hot welled up in her eyes.........

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