Ash takes the water lotus to the beach, looking for a communication target.

At this time, the sun will soon set, and the originally clear blue sea has now been dyed red by the afterglow of the setting sun.

On the beach, there were just two people standing there.

The old man said, "Miss, we should go back." The

other was a girl with long blond hair and a white dress, looking out to sea with an expression that was not for her age—sad and lonely.

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was just about to go up and pull the water lotus to say hello, suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

In Ash's soul space

, Erzhi put away his usual banter and asked lightly, "Why don't you go out and have a look?" "

What's there to see, that person is not her, even if she is?" I don't care. "Chizhi's mood is a little unstable now, and the emotions in his eyes are constantly wandering in panic, disgust, and violence.

The soul space is not only the existence of the soul's sustenance power and ontology, but also the space of memory sharing. Every soul comes in with a little scandal, but everyone knows their bottom line and won't joke about other people's feelings.

I have to say that Ash is a real cow. Pulling the water lotus, he stepped forward to say hello and expressed his intention.

"Hello two, my name is Lilia, please advise. After all, she is the daughter of a big family, even if she is very timid and shy, she still has to show proper etiquette.

Ash is self-acquainted, and the two girls are shy but also try to talk.

It's not a loss to be a man who has the bond evolution in the future, and Ash has now shown the ability to help people build bonds. It's only five minutes, and the three of them can talk openly.

When the sky is about to get dark, Lilia expresses her hope that Ash and Shui Lian will visit her house.

Shuilian regretfully said that she was going out with her mother tomorrow, so she said that she couldn't go.

Ash and Lily are near this beach, and Mr. Butler will pick him up tomorrow.


Ash stayed overnight at Dr. Kukuy's house, and after breakfast, he said hello to Kukuy and went to the agreed place.

"Really, although we have our original Pokémon in our soul space, you are also too excited, you will be considered uneducated if you are late. Erzhi looked at Xiao Zhi, who almost couldn't get up this morning, and said helplessly.

Indeed, as Erchi said, Ash spent the night playing with their Pokémon.

Although the soul space of Chizhi and Erzhi is separate, the two spaces are like a small world.

The world of Chizhi is composed of various ecosystems, and the overall size is afraid that there is a province, among which there are all kinds of Pokémon, which should be full except for the divine beasts. Of course, it's just that the divine beasts are not full, and there are some divine beasts among them.

The world of Erzhi is also very large, but there are only forests and some lakes, and some barren plains, and there are also a lot of Pokémon in it, but they are basically devastating Pokémon. Ash walked around for half a night, and was forced to learn a lot about survival in the wild.

To survive in such a dangerous environment... Ah no, it's played until dawn and I'm afraid it's only Ash.

When Ash came to the agreed place, he was stunned, he saw such a luxurious car for the first time. When I arrived at Liliai's house, my whole body was numb, was it still a house? Liliai's

villa was like a castle to Ash. Ash followed Lilia inside, and suddenly realized something.

"Brother E, where did Brother Chi go?" Since Chizhi and Erzhi saved Ash in the two worlds last night, I don't know how many times, Ash called the two guides his brother at the suggestion of Eri.

Ezhi, who was eating melons with relish on the side, reacted very quickly, and threw away the soul edible watermelon exchanged with the Xiaozhi system and said, "Don't worry about him, he was just tired of playing yesterday and went to rest."

Xiao Zhi thought that he had caused a lot of trouble to these two brothers yesterday because of his recklessness, coupled with his trust in Erzhi, he did not hesitate to believe Erzhi's nonsense.

Chizhi in Ash's body

watched Ash chatting with Liliai, thinking back to the bits and pieces of himself and the person who had encouraged him, but when he thought of the back, his face became ugly, and finally he quickly fell into a kind of indifference that made people tremble.

As Ash and Lilia get along, Ash discovers that Lilia seems to be a little scared of Pokémon. Every time I asked, I was answered, "Theoretically, I can contact anyone who wants to."

Listening to Lilia's hard words, Ash just wanted to question, but fortunately, Er Zhi interrupted Ash, otherwise he might be thundered by this titanium alloy host again.

System: The host gets acquainted with Lilia and Water Lotus one after another and obtains favorability, and rewards the number of Pokémon possessed by Chizhi x1, the number of Pokémon possessed by Erzhi x1, the mysterious Pokémon egg, the additional evolution of Chizhi's soul power (the mental power reaches 500), and the Erzhi soul power unlocks the fusion material Zoroark's power card.

At this moment, a dimensional crack appeared in the sky above the mountain forest in the distance, and as time went on, the crack opened visibly to the naked eye.

"It's that one again, that thing that took away my father. That's right, brother. My brother went there to train. The moment Liliai saw the appearance of the dimension, her face turned pale with fright.

She thought of her father who was taken away by that dimensional rift, and her brother who trained desperately after her father left, and she could only cry helplessly.

Thinking about it, she had asked the butler to take her there.

The housekeeper knew how tormented Lilia was inside, and knew that if he rejected Lilia this time, it would leave a huge psychological shadow on her.

System: The host participates in the Ultimate Cave mission, and the host can return to Guandu after this mission, and the elf egg hatching (self-equipped Poke Ball)

Regardless of whether there is a mission or not, Ash does not plan to ignore Liliai. So he got in the car too.

When they arrived at the place, a secondary two boy with the same hair color as Lily Ai was really fighting against a four-jawed needle dragon that ran out.

At this time, Gragio was angry and panicked, this was the first time he had faced such a monster.

"Ash, this is a four-jawed needle dragon, it is not fierce in itself, it is estimated that it was frightened when it came to an unfamiliar environment, and the provocation of the middle two disease started the war.

Erzhi shook his hand, then clenched his fist, and said with a cheerful smile on his face: "In the end, it's all neurosis, come, take a dose of medicine to get rid of the disease." If it's not good, it can only mean that the strength is too small, just continue to fight until the service is served.

Hearing Erzhi's violent speech, which was completely different from his usual laughter, Xiao Zhi said shamefully: "Eh, is there a peaceful solution." "

I'll come..."Chichi didn't care whether Ash agreed or not, and directly took over Ash's body.

The system pops up the host panel

: Host: Ash (Chizhi

) Complex Quality: Excellent (Judged during possession)

Pokémon: Unselected

Ability: Waveguide Advanced, Top Physical Skills, Medium Super Powers, Top Soul Power, Advanced Strength of Tokipan.


After Chichi possesses it, "Eternal Memories" glow blue. Wherever the light shines, there is tranquility. The golden light in Ash's eyes appeared and dissipated, and the red pupils appeared.

Everyone present was shocked, Chi Zhi raised his head calmly, and Xiao Zhi's original white short sleeves depicted the lines of red gold.

Chichi raised his hand and pointed his index finger at the four-jawed needle dragon. An invisible ball of light mixed with the power of this soul and the power of Tokiwa lost to the four-jawed needle dragon under the power of the waveguide.

From the perspective of the four-jawed needle dragon, Chi Zhi is like an emperor in the world, and the breath of this human in front of him is very gentle, but there is also an irreversible majesty.

System: Complete the quest to reward the host with 200 points of mental power.

Ash took over his body again, stepped forward and stroked the four-jawed needle, and pointed upward, indicating that the four-jawed needle dragon could leave through the crack.

The four-jawed needle dragon was about to leave, but when he saw Lilia, he was stunned. Then he rushed at Lilia in a frenzy. Ash, who was away from the four-jawed needle dragon, didn't know what was going on, and when he saw the four-jawed needle dragon about to attack, he hugged it violently.

Under the power of Xiao Zhi and under the pressure of the sidelines, the four-jawed needle dragon slipped directly and flew up and drilled into the crack.

"Ash !!" Lilia is very uncomfortable, it is difficult to make friends, but now she has not been able to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Lilia covered her mouth, tears flowed unconsciously, her feet went soft, and she fell to the ground.


The moment Ash was caught up in the space-time teleportation, the system opened the wormhole to teleport back to Zhenxinzhen.

System: The first task is completed, the egg hatching of the reward host is completed, and the Pokémon Eevee is obtained, and Eevee automatically receives the exclusive ball, and the Poké Ball has been loaded into the belt of the reward host.

Ash touched his waist, and there was indeed a cool stretch belt. The belt has a fixed storage area for six Poké Balls, the first of which has a black and white Taiji Diagram Poké Ball.

System: The host did not get the first Pokémon, so it cannot be unlocked.

Ash remembers very clearly that that day was the first time he was angry and couldn't say anything.

Ash looked around and realized that the place he was in wasn't really Xinzhen.

"??? where is this?"

System: Due to space-time resistance, you are now in the gold market. If you want to go back to Zhenxinzhen, you need to figure it out yourself.

Ash complained: "You are unreliable." "

System: Ding~ Trigger the quest and get to know Nazi.

Well, you're not unreliable. You were premeditated.

Erzhi didn't see anyone but heard his voice: "Xiaozhi, this Nazi is a cold-blooded woman, I suffered a big loss at her hands back then, we have to protect your soul from harm, so you have to solve this matter by yourself."

Chi Chi: "Everyone's personality is not achieved overnight, try to talk to Nazi." "

That's the case, but it's embarrassing for Ash.

This is the first time Ash has aimlessly searched for someone he doesn't even know, but it's not a big deal.

Isn't it just for talking when the mouth grows on the body and comes out to eat, so Ash inquired all the way about Nazi's news.

He also noticed a strange person following him.

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