"So, what's going on now?" Ash looked at the five people on the ground snuggling sweetly together, thinking to himself, if he hadn't been there yesterday, something would have happened.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of guilt came to his heart, Xiao Xiaozhi looked at the alarm clock, it was only six o'clock, but Xiao Xiaozhi had already developed a fixed biological clock, so he would not lie in bed.

Ash went out for morning exercises—100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and a three-lap run around Zhenxinzhen.

After the morning exercise, he helps Hanako make breakfast with the magic wall puppet.

System: The host's daily routine is amazing, so the automatic setting can enhance the physique and mental power as long as the host is self-disciplined. Ding, the live broadcast starts on time at half past eight, please pay attention to the time.

Ash walked back outside the room and reminded the five people outside to get up: "Everyone, it's time to get up." The live stream will start soon. With

five screams, a good day begins.

The live broadcast system is loaded and enters the projection mode.

The system voted out the Ash of each time and space before playing.

Ash, who was reborn in the world, watched the system put him without authorization, and the annoyance in his heart was about to attack, when he found that there was another little brother next to his younger brother, and the annoyance in his heart was replaced by surprise.

The four dimensional small worlds also saw the screen, and they were all looking for people they knew, but there were two Ash from last time, wait, what the hell is that Ash? Ash secretly gave birth to a child?

The girl in the original world couldn't sit still, and launched a barrage

Liliai: "What's the matter, you just run away, why do you still have a child."

Alice: "What the hell is going on, Ash, you'd better make it clear that I'm already on my way."

Mirufi: "Oh, how bold Salina is.

Sarina replied, "Don't say such misleading things, though I hope they are." Shuilian

: "So you indirectly admit it?" Ma Ao

: "How can you ......

" Xiao Zhi (dimension) saw that there was an acquaintance, and he also greeted him warmly: "I didn't expect that in this world, I also know Liliai, Shuilian and Ma Ao."

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood that this was the new Ash, and it came from the dimensional world.

Seeing that the barrage stopped, Ash (dimension) thought that he had said something wrong: "I'm sorry, I took the liberty of it, although I don't know what I said wrong to silence you, but I hope you will forgive me." Let me introduce myself, I am Ash from the main world of the dimension, and at the same time, I am also the carrier of the soul of the dimension. As he

spoke, Ash's (dimensional) heterochromatic pupils emitted red and blue light, and his body released a clearly visible force, and the four soul figures appeared roughly under the power of Ash (dimension), but only the four souls finished introducing themselves, and the state of release was lifted in just three minutes.

Ash gasped weakly and sat down on a chair with Ash's support.

Reborn Wisdom (replaced by the title "Dark Wisdom") asked, "Are you okay?

Ash smiled and responded politely: "Thank you for your concern, I just consume too much, just rest and rest." I'm too weak to materialize the souls of my four older brothers.

At this time, the most shocking thing was the small world of the four dimensions

, Liliai (Chi): "Chizhi, are you in this child's body?" If you want, you can leave quickly, I am willing to sacrifice my body for you to use."

Passerby A: "Good girl, what kind of tiger and wolf words are these."

Xiaoxia (red): "What do you think?

Chizhi possessed the body, and the indifferent eyes already said everything: "I don't need it, and besides, it's not that Ash begs me to cling to him, but because of him, I can keep my soul immortal, please pay attention to your attitude Miss Lilia." "

Lilia (Chi) is so aggrieved and painful, is she so unimportant in his eyes? Why? Why?!Hahaha, no, Chizhi, don't you love me? So you can only belong to me!!

Qingmao: "I really didn't expect that you really lived in the form of a remnant soul, and suffered, brother."

Blue Leaf: "Ash, if you have time, bring Chizhi back to have a look."

Dr. Ohki (Akai): "Chi-chan, this will always be your home, so remember to come back often."

Chizhi eased up a bit: "Thank you for your concern, this child will go back in the future." We will definitely meet again.

At this time, Erzhi possessed, the change in appearance was clearly visible, the original heroic strength became distorted, and the aura became evil: "Hello, everyone." Does Xiao Junsha miss me?"

at the same time as Junsha (Er) who was watching the live broadcast: "Please pay attention to your wording, you are an internationally wanted criminal, and I don't accept your title."

"When am I going to talk to you? If you can't speak, keep your mouth shut, or I'll sew your mouth shut across planes now." Erzhi no longer smiled, the evil qi around his body was released, and the vicious spiritual power made the people watching the live broadcast shudder. Even the villains of the world felt a chill.

Lila: "Be careful, don't hurt anyone."

Erzhi put away his distorted expression, and his face was indifferent: "Isn't this Officer Lila, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, I have already paid off your favor." Without

looking back, he put on his true wisdom, and his expression was like looking at something disgusting, which made Lila's heart empty.

Wisdom: "My world, are you all right?"


True, no one responded. It's not that no one knows him, but they know but can't remember who he is for a while, or they have some knowledge but don't want to talk.

The emotions in Zhenzhi's eyes were very calm, as if this result was inevitable, but the smile that was originally quite hearty darkened, and he smiled self-deprecatingly: "Good luck to everyone." Youzhi

automatically ascended,The scene after he took the position has a great contrast with Zhenzhi,The barrage of You's world is almost brushed up,But Youzhi is a person with high emotional intelligence.,In order to take care of Zhenzhi's mood,Suppress his original fans as quickly as possible,Just simply say a few words to relatives and friends。

System screen: After the introduction, the story we brought today is first of all the story of Erzhi in the dimensional world.

As soon as the system switched to a barrage, it received an overwhelming insult from the Erzhi world.

"What's so nice about that demonic experience

!" "yes! get that garbage out of the way!"


Before the system could ban him, Ash (dimensional) was angry at this time: "Shut up, Brother Er's not a demon! A terrifying aura burst out from his heterochromatic pupils, and it was the first time he had been so angry.

Erzhi is indeed very unserious, and always bullies him. But he didn't believe that Erzhi was a bad person, because Erzhi had taught him not to take the initiative to cause trouble, but if he provoked something, he had to deal with it. It's true that Erzhi is not a good person, but it would be too much to say that he is a bad person.

What Ash said directly attracted the attention of the world of Doom, but it had no effect, it only attracted hatred and increased the intensity of the insults.

Erzhi looked at his younger brother who was complaining about himself, but a warm current gushed out from the dark area in his heart.

He was about to step forward to scold, but Zhenzhi was already possessed: "You shut your mouth for me, let me think clearly, I may not be as strong as Erzhi, but if our four brothers come to your world at the same time to make trouble, can you afford the consequences!"

Sure enough, fists are the last word in the world.

The people of the world of true wisdom finally spoke

Wataru (true): "I remember you, you seem to be the hero who solved the incident of the giant stinger jellyfish, why do you speak for a demon. "

Hero, do you remember my name? Do you remember how many cases I have dealt with with you? If you remembered, you wouldn't have just stopped talking, it's really chilling. "

Machi still has an expression that doesn't care about himself, once he was a hero in his own world, solving big and small things, saving that world from disaster, but in the end, even his own partners, his friends, and his relatives have forgotten who he is. What he has always feared most is not the harm of others to him, but the forgetfulness of others.

Wataru (Ma) couldn't speak at this time, he vaguely remembered that it seemed that he had cooperated with Machi many times, but after completing the cooperation, he felt that this person was insignificant, and even the chairman didn't pay much attention to it.

The system comes out and plays a round: Okay, guys. Let's stop chatting here, so start the story of Erzhi, and during the storytelling period, it is forbidden to send out barrages.

[The beginning is the same as last time, but entering a dark purple universe, which is different from whether it is the original world, the red world, or the reborn world, and what catches your eye is a dark world, in this darkness, many factories have been established, and the black smoke coming out of the factories has plunged the whole world into darkness.

Here, slavery was just coming to an end, but a more serious hierarchy had emerged. The world is divided into three, six, nine and so on.

People are classified as nobles, commoners, and untouchables. R Containment is a pariah, and as soon as Curb is born, he has the power to see the cards in his body, which is the material card that he came with as soon as he was born.

In this world, humans are self-proclaimed gods, and they enslave Pokémon, using them as tools to make money and war. Originally, Erzhi was still very kind-hearted, he grew up with his friends in his slums, and learned a lot of skills Xi to earn money to support himself since he was a child.

Until one day, when he was only six years old, he witnessed his home being burned down by a group of so-called nobles, who would only kill the poor people who lived with him.

That scene left a deep psychological wound on Erzhi, and at the same time, it also freed the shackles in his heart, and the power of fusion and evolution was officially obtained by him. 】

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