Ash walked quickly to the door and knocked.

"Hey, why is this voice a little familiar?kid, what are you doing at my door?" came Hanako's voice behind Ash.

Ash turned around and found himself in this world, as well as his mother and four girls in this world, following her.

It should have seen Ash's face, and everyone was very shocked, because this face is a shrunken version of Ash, and it seems to be a little different, and he looks more handsome than Ash when he was a child.

Suddenly, everyone had a guess.

The first to speak was Xiaoguang: "This child looks like Xiaozhi, isn't it your illegitimate son

Xiaozhi?!" Xiaozhi (Yuan) on the side hurriedly explained: "How is it possible? I'm not of legal age for marriage, okay? Don't think about it." "

But this kid obviously looks very similar to you, can't you give up on a certain girl?" Xiaoxia was very angry, but he still tried his best to restrain himself, since the live broadcast, he understood the importance of fighting for Ash.

Sarina's whole portrait loses color: "Small... Small...... Wise, is this really your bastard? You promised us that you wouldn't find another woman until you got married.

Ash (Original) looked at Salina, who was already talking nonsense at this time, and hurriedly replied: "When did I agree to get married, and I didn't say that this is my illegitimate child, okay, how old am I?"

Xiao Yao's mood is also uncomfortable, she doesn't want Xiao Zhi (Yuan) to be snatched away, in a panic, he grabbed Xiao Zhi's hand and begged: "Xiao Zhi, didn't I promise? I will definitely not become like that in the future, why did you still find another girl? Am I not good enough?"

Xiao Zhi (Yuan)'s hand was constantly squeezed by two soft rabbits, which made Xiao Zhi (Yuan) speechless for a while, and could only enjoy it stupidly.

For a while, the scene was chaotic, and the noise made Ash (Dimension), who already felt inexplicable, a little annoyed, and he just wanted to explain, but then a sentence made his patience disappear directly.

Hanako: "It's not much, the girl's mother is still very satisfied, but if you find a random girl outside and something out of the ordinary, your mother won't forgive you." Ash

(Hara) was just about to explain, but felt an inexplicable pressure hit him.

Ash (dimension) showed his heterochromatic pupils, and said very seriously to Hanako dissatisfied: "Mom, please pay attention to your words, you shouldn't doubt your son." "

Venue person: ???

Hanako: ?????? when did I have another son?

The originally noisy doorway suddenly returned to quiet, but the silence in this atmosphere seemed extremely terrifying.

Just when everyone was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Chizhi possessed: "I'm back again, and I also brought my own host, which is the child in front of you." Everyone

looked at the child in front of them, their eyes turned red, and they instantly understood that it was Chizhi's host. In other words, it is the Ash of the four-dimensional world.

The misunderstanding was cleared up, the sucker puppet went to cook, and the six people and two rats on the table looked at each other. The two yellow-skinned rats got along well, after all, they were originally the same mouse, and the two quickly became acquainted.

Salina looked at the mini version of Ash in front of her and was already excited, although there was some deviation, but this Ash was also super cute, and finally took the lead in breaking the silence: "This is a little Ash, so cute." As he spoke, he hugged Xiao Xiaozhi in his arms.

"This familiar waveguide and appearance is......... I remember, you're Sarina. Xiao Xiaozhi looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who was desperately rubbing himself, and quickly found someone similar to Bird from his mind.

The other girls also reacted and also came to see this little Ash who suddenly appeared.

"He's so cute, but it seems to be a little different from the snacks here. "

No problem, no problem, because it's Ash, so no matter what, it's cute?" "It's so cute, let me hug

it, okay?" Hearing this, Ash's face was full of speechlessness, no matter how I say it, I'm a guest, how can you treat me like this?"

The heterochromic pupils opened instantly, pushing the four girls aside.

"Then again, Sarina, I know you, who are you?" asked Ash, looking at the other three girls in front of him.

At this time, the original Xiaozhi also reluctantly introduced: "They are my partners in Guandu, Hoen, and Sinnoh, respectively, Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, and Xiaoguang."

Although Xiao Xiaozhi was very dissatisfied with their attitude, it was only a short time, and he soon introduced himself enthusiastically: "My name is Xiao Zhi, I am six years old this year, I am from Zhenxin Town, and my four older brothers are housed in my body. "

Eh, there are four people in your body?" Xiao Yao was the first to exclaim.

"It's incredible, can there be so many people in one person's body?"

"No problem, no problem, if it's Ash, it must be no problem." Listening

to the gossip of this group of girls, even if Xiao Xiaozhi likes to be lively, he actually feels bad at the moment.

"Coo~" At this time, the stomachs of both Ash made a scream. "I'm sorry, can we eat first? I haven't eaten for most of the day to get here.

Hanako saw that Ash was hungry when she was a child, and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, then you guys talk first, and I'll go prepare dinner first." You don't have to come along, I'll be enough for me and the sucker puppet, so let's have a good chat.

Xiao Xiaozhi sighed: "No matter what world it is, my mother is very gentle."

Xiao Zhi (original) took out the bread he had just bought out and handed it over: "I just bought vegetables at home and came back, and there is no ready-made food, so you can take the bread pad to cushion your stomach first."

Xiao Xiao Zhi thanked him and took it: "I heard that you have become a champion, are they here to congratulate you?" "

No, how can I say it? I can also be regarded as congratulating me, but they seem to be doing a bride candidate contest or something, and they don't understand anything."

Xiao Xiao Zhi nodded in agreement: "Bride, will there be that kind of person? By the way, I am not familiar with anyone except Salina, do you want to introduce me

?" "How do you know Sharina?" Xiao Xia was a little puzzled, originally Shalina ran away, why now Xiao Zhi from other worlds only knows Salina

?"Aren't you in this world that I met Shalina in the summer camp? I just finished the summer camp and came not long ago. "

I see, are you from that time?" Ash muttered to himself.

"Then Xiao Xiaozhi, which one of us do you want to marry in the future?, or what kind of girl do you want to marry?" Xiao Yao first asked the question that all four girls wanted to know.

"Come on, I'm only so old that I haven't even thought about it, and besides, I don't know the three of you if I choose from the four of you. Xiao Xiaozhi was a little speechless, what kind of brain circuit is this, it is so strange.

Although they didn't want to, the six of them still talked about this topic until they ate.

After the meal, the two little ones told each other about their experiences, and found that their experiences were different. In the same way, Ash also brought Ash into the soul space and became acquainted with the other four souls.

After eating, Ash still took Ash with him. Go visit his Pokémon. Xiao Xiaozhi also got to know Xiao Mao and Dr. Oki in this world, Xiao Mao originally wanted to take the opportunity to spoof Xiao Xiaozhi, but was glared back by Xiao Xiaozhi's heterochromatic pupils.

Late at night, the two Ash lay on the floor and started chatting

, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what are you doing here?"

"Me, I heard that there was a live broadcast going on here, so I came along."

"Hey, hey, it turns out that your world doesn't broadcast live broadcasts?"

"No, I heard that our world doesn't have this permission, right?

You'll find out tomorrow. "

You're such a strange person, and you're dumb when you talk. At the dinner table, the question asked by the four girls, if it were you, how would you answer?"

"Okay, you're tired, go to sleep, I'm tired too, I'm asleep." So saying, he fell asleep.

“......... What the hell, fall asleep in a second?" just finished speaking, and he immediately fell asleep, after all, he is also a child.

The four sisters who were lying on the bed were still in their spirits when they heard the two little ones discussing the choice of them, but they didn't expect the words to end so soon.

Each of the four girls has their own thoughts in their hearts.

Xiaoxia: What do you mean by that? Is it so entangled that I can't choose? Really, I must let him feel the charm of Xiaoxia, the world's number one mermaid.

Xiao Yao: Xiao Zhi won't choose me, right? Don't do that kind of thing, or you won't do it, just knock Xiao Zhi unconscious, and then hehe...... No, what am I thinking?

Xiaoguang: It must be no problem, I will definitely become the princess of Sinnoh, and then step into the marriage hall of double champions with Ash. I must work harder!

Sarina: Hey, hey, I was the first to meet Ash at another time.

But the next day their illusions are about to be shattered, because the first girl Ash knows is not them.

When he woke up the next morning, Xiao Xiao Zhi found himself lying on the bed, and the four girls who were supposed to be on the bed were tight, each sleeping on the floor with Xiao Zhi (original) in a very peculiar position.

Ash: What happened ???????

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