In the following decades, the Taoists of Xuanhu used all kinds of rare medicinal herbs to develop all kinds of spiritual medicine. Since the beginning of Jinyang City under Yuheng Mountain, the reputation of Taoists of Xuanhu gradually spread. The world. Later, someone came to apprentice to learn art, and Taoist Xuanhu was happy to create a school of Void Jade Sect.

In the beginning, the Void Jade Sect group only specialized in spiritual medicine. As the Taoist Xuanhu grew older and lived more than 110 years old, Taoist Xuanhu began to specialize in longevity and immortality spiritual medicine. Later, he gradually turned to pill concocting monasticism.

So, after decades, when Taoist Xuanhu lived to be more than 150 years old, there were rumors in the world that he had become a god. There are more people who come to apprentice, but the purpose is not to study medicine and medicine, but to cultivation.

The Taoist Xuanhu believes that the pill concocting method he created is really helpful for prolonging life, and he has devoted himself to studying immortality spiritual medicine for decades, and there is also Small Accomplishment, so he gladly accepted this as cultivation practice. The man who came.

For a time, Void Jade Sect grew stronger than ever.

However, after less than twenty years, Taoist Xuanhu died forever.

The death of Taoist Xuanhu shocked Void Jade Sect. Many sectarians lost confidence in the emergence of immortality and immortality, and left one after another.

However, there are some disciples who stayed. Among them, there is the Xuanyi daoist who created the Void Jade Sect set up Sect cultivation technique "Xuanyi Jing".

Xuanyi daoist is the second Sect Master of Void Jade Sect. After the death of Taoist Xuanhu, he passed on the position of Sect Master to him and told him not to give up the Spiritual Mountain holy water of Yuheng Mountain, and do his unfinished business.

After the Xuanyi Daoist took over the Void Jade Sect, he did not live up to the expectations of the Taoist Xuanhu. Void Jade Sect under his lead was not only thriving, but also the shedding body, exchanging bones, changed from medicine-based to cultivation-based.

Xuan Yi Daoist had a rough knowledge of Dao magic before entering Void Jade Sect. After entering Void Jade Sect, combined with a set of cultivation techniques created by the Taoist Xuanhu, he also exploited the Spiritual Qi of Yuheng Mountain Convergence. , Created a unique set of cultivation technique. This set of cultivation technique Void Jade Sect's third Sect Master Qingchen daoist is named "Xuanyi Jing" to commemorate the outstanding achievements of Xuanyi daoist.

The "Xuanyi Jing" cultivation technique advocates co-cultivation inside and outside, and is a complete set of cultivation techniques. According to the cultivation technique, it can not only prolong life, but also strengthen the body, and even have the ability to crack immortality and master the power of Heaven and Earth divine might.

Since the creation of this set of cultivation techniques, Void Jade Sect has risen rapidly in the cultivation world of the Divine Province. After more than 1,900 years, it has inherited 13 generations and is now one of the giants of the Divine Province cultivation. First, it stands in a three-legged relationship with Yulong Caves in the Northwest Desert and Baochan Temple in the fertile soil of the Northeast.

The "Xuanyijing" cultivation technique is divided into four realms, namely, the Yuan Dynasty, Taiqing, Shangqing, and Yuqing.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it is internal cultivation and meditation. It advocates concentration and calmness, so that Yuanjing, Origin Qi, and Yuanxing can interact with each other to achieve peace and tranquility in the body and mind.

Taiqing realm is external cultivation and dynamic cultivation. It advocates the introduction of spirit into the body, so that Yuanjing, Origin Qi, and Yuanxing can be blended together to achieve a strong body and mind.

Shangqingjing is the external and dynamic repairs, and advocates Qi Refinement to return to the gods, so that Yuan Jing, Origin Qi, and Yuan Xing can be merged into pill to achieve Indestructible Vajra Body Heart.

Jade Ching Jing is an internal and meditation practice. It advocates spirit refinement to restore the emptiness, so that Yuan Jing, Origin Qi, and Yuan Xing gather together to make the body and mind empty and unobstructed.

Four realms, one is more difficult than one.

Normal at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty takes one year, and the breakthrough at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty will enter the Taiqing.

Taiqingjing Normal takes three years, and breakthrough Taiqingjing will enter Shangqingjing.

Shangqingjing Normal takes ten years, and breakthrough Shangqingjing will enter Yuqingjing.

Of course, this is only a Normal situation, and each realm may take longer, or even stagnate in a certain realm for a lifetime.

So, Qin Jian is definitely a genius, especially the breakthrough in Shangqingjing in only four years, creating the Void Jade Sect. Since the Xuanyi daoist created the "Xuanyi Jing", the breakthrough in Shangqingjing has been the shortest. Record. At the same time, he also set a record for being among the youngest in Yuqingjing.

With two records, Qin Jianru is wearing two hot auras. Someone in Void Jade Sect had long talked in private, saying that Qin Jian is very likely to be the next generation of Sect Master.

"You Junior Brother." Qin Jian slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the dísciple of the Yuan Dynasty in front of him for a while. His tone was calm and calm, and there was a morning breeze blowing bamboo leaves rustling, but everyone present could hear his words very clearly, as if he was standing in front of everyone talking Normal.

A group of dísciples have sat in the normal posture during morning exercises, with their bodies relaxed, their heads straight, their hands on the dantian, and they quietly watched Qin Jian.

Qin Jian slowly said: "The purpose of meditation and pranayama is to get rid of distracting thoughts. The purpose of dispelling distracting thoughts is to condense into concentration. The purpose of concentrating into concentration is to induce the interaction of essence, qi, and sex, so as to achieve peace and tranquility in the body and mind. To lay a solid foundation for the future."

A dísciple absolute silence.

Qin sword dao: "The method of inner listening can help you concentrate on concentration. Junior Brothers, please close your eyes slightly, open your eyes for three to seven minutes, and listen to your ears. No intention, no knowledge."

A group of dísciples act according to what Qin Jian said.

Qin Jian went on to say: "The method of inner listening, the ear is listening within, not being moved by foreign objects, Divine Consciousness focuses on breathing, not heart-moving, and returns to silence."

"Shasha..." Someone came over here.

Under Lin Fengyao's drooping eyelids, his two eyeballs turned, looking at the sound of footsteps. With his eyelids down, only the lower body of the incoming person can be seen.

A snow-white shirt with light blue inlaid, a slim figure, hands hanging down with each other, holding a yellow cloth tiger the size of Hare...

cloth tiger ?

Lin Fengyao suddenly opened his eyes. ..

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