Walk along the corridor. Between the corridors is a courtyard. The trend of the corridor is variable and the courtyard is irregular in shape. One section is thin and one section is wide. There are several towering Camphriers in the courtyard, as well as clumps of flowers and plants, stone tables, stone benches, stone pavilions, and a pool with clear water and a few sparse lotus growth. Five lotus flowers bloom, and the light floral fragrance fills the entire courtyard and the entire corridor.

In the northern section of the corridor, there is a round arch, and inside the arch is the dining room and dining room. The hundred or so d铆sciple normally living in the courtyard eats here.

In the southern section of the corridor, there is a gate. This gate is the only entrance to the courtyard surrounded by the corridor. No matter who enters or exits, you must pass through it, unless you fall from the sky and burrow into the ground. Out.

Lin Fengyao and Hua Errong walked slowly along the corridor. Along the way, there was a childish voice in the rooms on the side of the corridor.

"Hey, get up, hurry..."

"Why are you wearing my shoes..."

"Don't worry, go to bed for a while, Just a moment..."

There are also early d铆sciples walking in the corridor like two people. Everyone is dressed in a snow-white shirt with light blue inlays. Although they are all children, all of them seem to be full of vigor and grace. Lin Fengyao is naturally wearing this shirt, but his face is dark in the Growth Southern Border mountains, and his white clothed suit looks even darker, almost unclear.

Hua Errong has a fair complexion, and his facial features are also very upright and handsome. His white clothed suit makes him quite a bit of dust.

The two of them walked out of the door, and their eyes suddenly opened up. Beyond the gate, the green hills stretched far away, and white clouds fluttered in front of you. The courtyard surrounded by the cloister is actually located on the top of the mountain. As soon as the gate goes out, there is a cliff with several ten zhang high. Along the cliff is a path cut on the stone wall. In the clouds.

However, it is not this stone wall trail that Lin Fengyao and Hua Errong are going to take. They have to go to the mountainside bamboo forest.

To go to the mountainside bamboo forest, just follow the path surrounding the courtyard to the courtyard, and then follow a path uphill to reach it.

The so-called mountainside is a taller mountain behind the courtyard. Overgrow, the forest on the mountain, is a verdant bamboo forest in the middle of the mountain. The bamboo forest stretches out and surrounds the entire mountainside. It seems that it is more appropriately called the bamboo sea.

Lin Fengyao and Hua Errong walked around the courtyard for half a circle. After arriving at the courtyard, there was a dense forest in front of them. In the thin morning mist.

I raised my eyes and looked towards the top of the mountain, only to see a haze hidden by the mist, and the true face of the top of the mountain was invisible.

The place where Void Jade Sect is located, the mountain is not towering and majestic, but it is surrounded by clouds.

It is like the legendary fairyland of the fairy mountain Normal.

The two twisted and twisted along the forest path, Hua Errong kept telling about his experience after he came to Void Jade Sect, while Lin Fengyao spoke in silence, just listening Hua Errong spoke.

After a short walk, the trees that the two of them suffered have been replaced by bamboos. After walking for a while, we have to go to the place for morning exercises.

Suddenly, there was an air-splitting sound from the sky whistled past above the two of them. The two were all around. The bamboo swayed like a strong wind, and some even bent straight waists. The bamboo leaves rubbed and rustled, and some dry bamboo leaves fell like snow in the sky.

The two of them looked up tightly, and saw a white figure drifting by for a long time, resembling the legendary Divine Immortal.

A few days later, Lin Fengyao heard and heard, and the impression of Void Jade Sect Immortal Family Daomen gradually took root in his heart. However, I have never seen the legendary miraculous magical arts with my own eyes.

Although Hua Errong came half a year earlier than him, he is still a d铆sciple of the early Yuan Dynasty. Void Jade Sect rules, the d铆sciple of the early Yuan Dynasty is not allowed to practice all the magical skills in the door. Therefore, Hua Errong had never cultivated any magical magic.

Hua Errong told Lin Fengyao that in the past six months, the daily practice has been to the mountainside bamboo forest morning exercises. In rainy and snowy weather, he will do morning exercises in his own house. The content of the morning exercises is meditation. Interest, apart from this, nothing else. According to Hua Errong's original words, he called this "sitting".

At this moment, someone was seen flying by for a long time, dressed in white clothed, obviously the person in the door. Not to mention that Lin Fengyao was dumbfounded for a while, it was Hua Errong who couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, pulling on Lin Fengyao's clothes, pointing at the white figure that was flying by for a long time, and shouting loudly: "Fengyao, look, Look at it..."

Lin Fengyao didn't need him to remind him. At this time, his eyes were raised high, staring blankly at the white figure flying by in a blink of an eye.

The green bamboos all around gradually calmed down, but the sky full of Vermilion still floated on its own.

Lin Fengyao and Hua Errong just stood there stupidly, looking up, looking towards this moment that has been covered by dense bamboo leaves for a long time. It seems that through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, one can still see the white figure, and even the future self.

"Junior Brother Lin, Junior Brother Lin." Hua Errong patted Lin Fengyao on the shoulder.

Lin Fengyao dumbly lowered his head to look at Hua Errong, then dumbly raised his head and looked around for a long time.

Hua Errong "hehe" smiled, and said: "Junior Brother Lin, we are gone. We will definitely be able to fly around in the future."

Lin Fengyao froze nodded. , But the footsteps did not move, it seems that roots have taken place under the feet.

After all, Hua Errong has come to Void Jade Sect for more than half a year. I don鈥檛 say many scenes before, and I have seen it several times. Unlike Lin Fengyao, when I first saw it, what was surging from the bottom of my heart was shock. With the longing, comparing the two, the shock far exceeds the longing. And he has only longing for now, and the shock has disappeared in the initial shocks again and again.

With a helpless smile, Hua Errong came over to pull Lin Fengyao and said: "Go, Junior Brother Lin, don't look." ..

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