"Then I will leave first." After eating, the yew immediately chose to leave. Now the entire Castelia City has become a mess, and there are many things waiting for her to deal with. Row.

"See you next time." Laughed Lin Xiao waved his hand and left the hotel moved towards Pokémon Center with Yew.

This Venipede incident didn't have much damage to Pokémon. It was more of a human being. As a result, more people were injured by Venipede.

Leaving the hotel Lin Xiao went all the way to Pokémon Center. Compared to the hospital, Pokémon Center is much quieter.

"Hello, Nurse Joy, I want to borrow the teleporter."

When I came to Pokémon Center, Lin Xiao immediately asked to borrow the teleporter, and Joy was taken aback. I feel that Lin Xiao is a bit familiar, and quickly realized, "Okay, Master Lin Xiao, come here."

I have to say that it is simple to have an identity to do things, and it is very troublesome for an average person to borrow a teleporter. He is very simple, but only if Joy recognizes himself.

"Thanks to you."

The teleporter is done, Lin Xiao slightly smiled, thanks to Joy.

"This is what I should do, and Lin Xiao, did you just help Castelia City?" Joy sweetly smiled, turned and left, Lin Xiao could use the teleporter at will.

Take out the mobile phone, Lin Xiao dialed the home phone directly.

"dīng líng líng ~~dīng líng líng ~~"

There is no challenger among the Gym of the manor today. Xiao Ming is cleaning the Gym. He hears the phone ring and picks up the phone. "Is there anything you need?"

"You go to the manor, put Yale away, and send it to me. I need it to do something."

"Yale? "Xiao Ming said with a smile: "Okay, give me five minutes. After a long time, it would be nice to take it out for a walk."

Among the many little Pokémon, Yalei spent the most time in the manor. Long, it would be nice to take him out for a stroll.

Soon Xiao Ming sent Ya Lei over, Lin Xiao took Poké Ball directly to the outside of the city, and shouted, "Dialga!!!"

The voice was slow After falling, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space not far from Lin Xiao, and the huge figure of Dialga emerged from the dimensional space.

"Come out, Ya Lei."

Throwing Poké Ball, Lin Xiao directly released Ya Lei.


Ya Lei, who hadn't come out for a long time, came out of Poké Ball, stood in front of Gao Fei, opened scarlet eyes without eyes and let out a sound to sky The sky shook and roared.

"Tear and pull~~"

The roar hasn't fallen into the sky yet, and it is covered by dark clouds again. Lin Xiao is speechless, so it can be dispelled, OK? You are here again.

"ao ~~~"

It can be seen that the relationship between Lin Xiao and Ya Lei is very good. When we met for the first time, Dialga let out a low growl, Ya Lei turned his head quietly Look at it quietly.

There was immediate silence between the two little Pokémons. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one moved or said hello. There was something like giving tit for tat.

"Introduce, this is Yale of the Sea God family, the mutated Lugia, and this is Dialga you two, the god of time. Get to know it well."

Raise your hand Lin Xiao introduced two little Pokémon randomly, warned repeatedly: "When you come back before tomorrow, you can go to a place farther and get close."

Looking at the thunder Rosa in the sky and the dark clouds, Lin Xiao was helpless , It seems that a heavy rain is inevitable.

Yalei can casually cause weather changes in the sky, setting off the Hurricane rain but not dispelling it. Zapdos is limited in strength and cannot do this step.

"Forget it, let's go, just let them get closer."

Yalei has been with Lin Xiao for several years and has understood what Lin Xiao means, and Dialga is Some taste and discomfort, so the eyes of the two little Pokémon directly jumped out of a series of Ember.

How will the two little Pokémon get close to Lin Xiao and won’t intervene. In the future, with Yalei’s presence in Dialga, the idea of ​​Only I Am Supreme will disappear, and the behavior will be a bit convergent. As for Kyurem, it’s still too young. Now, if it meets Dialga, it can fly far away with one kick.

Lin Xiao left directly before the heavy rain came. The two little Pokémons are not afraid of heavy rains. They are different. If they are sick, they will be troublesome. Besides, a normal person will not like standing in heavy rain. Go in the rain.

Leaving quickly, Lin Xiao returned to Castelia City.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me so strangely?"

When Lin Xiao returned to the hotel, it was strange to find that Toozi and Xiao Ju'er were staring at themselves , Could it be that your face is sloppy? Doesn't it seem? Lin Xiao felt strange when he touched his face.

"Your date is over so soon?"

Little Juer looked at Lin Xiao with a faint smile.

"Uh..." After understanding why the two are so strange, Lin Xiao couldn't help feeling speechless. He just left with the yew, how could it become a date?

"Lin Xiao, do you like Professor Aurea Juniper very much?" Too Zi asked uncertainly.

"You need to have a figure, a look, a look, why can't I like Professor Aurea Juniper, but also very capable, men like such a woman, referred to as Goddess!"

Now that the two of them thought so, Lin Xiao didn’t refute it. They just wanted to think about it. Besides, it seems to be their own problem to like who,

"cough cough!!!"

Who Lin Xiao likes is his own business, Professor Aurea Juniper is good, but listening to Lin Xiao's words, Xiao Juer lightly coughed a POSS, it seems that because Lin Xiao put the title of Goddess on the head of the yew Some dissatisfaction.

Who would like to see other women called Goddess instead of their own for women who are confident in their own conditions? Xiao Ju'er told Lin Xiao immediately, and the elder sister refused to accept it!

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?"

Lin Xiao looked at Xiao Ju'er and pretended to not understand what Xiao Ju'er wanted to express, and blinked at a loss.

"You..." Xiao Ju'er felt an irritation coming out of her mind, she had acted so clearly, Lin Xiao still pretended to be stupid, Still uncomfortable?

Xiao Ju'er was directly pissed to death by Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao pretended to be stupid and scratched his head, "Would you like me to take you to the hospital, although there are a lot of wounded today."..

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