"Stupid women want to rely on unreliable men. I am not a stupid woman. If I cannot find a man who is better than me, smarter than me and worthy of relying on, I It's better not to find a man." Xiaoju'er Nunu said a very sturdy sentence, which made Lin Xiao startled on the spot. It is estimated that this sentence will make countless men cry, even Lin Xiao feels weird. .

Because there are not many men in Alliance who can meet Xiao Ju'er's requirements. Some men are capable, but Xiao Ju'er has a very high vision. In her sense, she should not be too ugly, but It is really weird to use this sentence to describe a man, in an instant Lin Xiao I feel that there is a kind of man that suits Xiao Juer, that is the kind of butter niche.

But the problem has come out again, and many butter nipples have no strength.

Even if there is, there is still, but Xiao Ju'er's height can make most men sigh.

Among the women that Gao Fei has seen are good in figure, strong, and beautiful, she is the tallest. She is only a little shorter than herself in high heels. Height makes many men cry.

"cough cough!! Your idea is very curious, I think it is possible that you can cut down your height first, otherwise 99% of men will feel pressure when they see you Shanda."

Lin Xiao looked at Xiao Ju'er's slender legs and the pair of high heels a little admired, Xiao Ju'er running around wearing high heels will not be stressful.

A magical woman, in Lin Xiao's words, Xiao Ju'er is a magical woman.

"It's okay if you don't exceed you." Xiao Ju'er knew her own problem, laughed not caring but looked at Lin Xiao provocatively.

"Come on, then, ten centimeters longer or taller with high heels."

Shrugging shoulders Lin Xiao did not continue the topic with Xiao Ju'er, and lit a cigarette Leaning on the window sill and looking outside, the aftermath came, and under the command of the mayor of Castelia City, the aftermath work began.

Ambulances and some little Pokémon continue to send all the injured people to the hospital, because the damage is okay, only minor injuries, but those who are poisoned need to be treated immediately, although the Venipede All of them were still taken to the forest, but a lot of trouble remained. The whole Castelia City was still full of excitement.

"What's wrong?!"

When Toozi woke up and went down to eat with Lin Xiao, I saw the mess all over the street, and those people were doing the aftermath. The mouth becomes an O-shape directly.

"Looking at how comfortable you sleep, it’s really good luck not to be eaten by the Venipede." Lin Xiao deliberately moved out a grimace and was so shocked that he felt like goose bumps all over him. What is Venipede like? Pokémon's little Pokémon knew very well, but Toozi couldn't figure out why so many things happened while she was asleep.

Fortunately, everything is settled down now.

Although there was a lot of damage, but now everything has settled down, such damage is still acceptable.

Ordered some food, Lin Xiao sat in a chair and drank tea slowly.

Soon the food came up, Toozi picked up the chopsticks and wanted to start, "pa!" With a crisp sound, Toozi almost didn't jump up, and was slapped by Lin Xiao unexpectedly.

"Well! There are still people who haven't arrived yet, what are you worried about." Lin Xiao pointed to the vacant seat next to him, and then Toozi noticed that the three of them actually had four sets of dishes and twitched his lips with dissatisfaction. "You didn't tell me where I knew there were people."

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late, it took a while."

At this time, a sweeter voice spread Here, Professor Aurea Juniper and his assistant appeared in the hotel lobby and walked up with a smile, let his assistant go to dinner, smiled and walked over to sit next to Lin Xiao, nodded to Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi.

"Um, hello."

Toozi doesn't know yew, but Xiao Juer knows it. Gym Trainer always deals with.

"Hello." Yew laughed.

"By the way, have you found out what happened to the Professor today?" Lin Xiao went directly to the topic. Honestly speaking, he is not familiar with this beautiful and somewhat incompetent yew. I thought Old Master liked it before. It's her, but it doesn't seem to be the same.

"No." The yew frowned, and the two beautiful eyebrows wrinkled together with the question of Goofy. It was so beautiful. He shook his head and sighed, "No. , When we arrived, the strange sound wave had disappeared, so that we could not find any meaningful clues. Now it is basically certain that some underground organizations have made it."

"Unfortunately, the resettlement The place of the machine has been blown up, so we can't find any beneficial clues at all."

Thinking about this incident, yew has a headache. These people are too cunning, and they can’t be removed directly. Said that the place was blown up, so that no clues were found, so I could only use the little Pokémon to predict how many pictures would be seen, but unfortunately it was very vague and temporarily unable to determine the identity of the other party.

After all, Normal’s Psychic Type Pokémon is not omnipotent, even the Mewtwo’s Pokémon at this level are not so guarded.

"Sooner or later, you will catch it, Professor, don't think too much about it. By the way, I am grandfather..." After comforting the yew, Lin Xiao instinctively asked to go to the Old Master Professor Oak's problem.

Yew suddenly understood something and couldn't help but laughed, making Lin Xiao a little embarrassed. After all, it was a bit unkind for a grandson to ask grandfather about his private life.

"Well, Professor Oak and Assistant Xiaoling went to sea for investigation because of something."

Yew smiled and blinked at Lin Xiao, telling Lin Xiao everything. Although there is only one sentence, it is enough.

"Thank you Professor." Lin Xiao corner of mouth twitching, it seems that I have to look for Oak Syracuse to work harder.

Since his wife went, the Old Master has always been alone. Lin Xiao and Oak Syracuse also hope that he can find a wife to live with them, but now it looks like it’s not a wife, but a companion. .

Professor Oak is probably also unwilling to tell his family because of embarrassment and sorry. If someone objected to say a few more words, his reputation will be stinky, no matter what old cow eating the young grass. It doesn’t sound good when it comes out.

"Let's eat." Under the strange eyes of Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi, Lin Xiao waved to eat. ..

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