In shock, Sandile hid the sunglasses directly behind him, looking at Lin Xiao innocently.

"Take it out."

Lin Xiao rolled the eyes out of anger, what's he hiding? I gave the money, you really thought you were stealing things and no one saw them, right?

Sandile looked embarrassed, watching Lin Xiao stretch out. The hand that came out was very tangled, not knowing if he really wanted to give it.

Don't give it, worry that Lin Xiao will be angry, but it is a bit unwilling to give it to him, it feels a pity.

"Take it out!!!"

Seeing Sandile dilly-dallying's Lin Xiao, his voice became serious, and said that you kept going to face me?

Lin Xiao's raised and serious voice made the other little Pokémon looked over in amazement. They didn't understand what was happening here, even Toozi and Xiao Ju'er looked over strangely.

In the meantime, Sandile hid the sunglasses behind him with grievance and depression, while Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and stared at it with a serious face.

No one understands what happened.

"Take it out!!!"

Lin Xiao spoke again. This is the third time Sandile has asked Sandile to call out the sunglasses in his hand.

Lin Xiao's face looked ugly, and Sandile was frightened, so he took out the sunglasses and handed it to Lin Xiao.

If it is immediately Sandile will deny it, the second time the responsibility is not to admit it, then this third opening makes it worry, humans know that everything cannot be repeated, and again, little Pokémon also knows. Looking at Lin Xiao's hard-to-look face, Sandile hurriedly took out the stolen sunglasses.

"Who taught you that you can take other people's things at will?!"

Holding the sunglasses in his hand, Lin Xiao slapped the guy hard twice, "Isn't it just a pair of sunglasses? , Look at what your good-for-nothing looks like!!" Lin Xiao took the sunglasses and directly trained Sandile, and his backpack was kept in a few expensive and beautiful styles like You can find yourself, but this guy can take other people's sunglasses directly without saying anything! ! What is this behavior?

Although Sandile hasn't evolved yet and has some rogue habits in its bones, Lin Xiao also choked it to death before it emerged! !

It is absolutely impossible for a little Pokémon to develop such a bad habit, especially a little Pokémon like Sandile. If it becomes a habit, then it will become more and more regardless of the law and of natural Morality, it was originally a little Pokémon with a strong hooligan habit, can you get used to it again? ! How will you manage to live in the future? !

"Don't you know that you can't take other people's things without their consent? This is an act of stealing!!!"

You should be reprimanded when it is time to reprimand. When it hurts, it hurts. Lin Xiao will never pay dividends or tolerate this behavior.

Bad atmosphere cannot be brought to one's own team.

After Lin Xiao's reprimands were stopped, Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi understood why Lin Xiao was angry and why they reprimanded their Sandile. It turned out that this guy was stealing things.

Stealing things is wrong, but most Trainers will not reprimand like Lin Xiao and will slowly change with Pokémon.

Lin Xiao doesn’t use that method, right is right, wrong is wrong, you use a negotiating tone, so that Pokémon will slowly get used to whether he takes the most things every time That is to say, two sentences will not be scolded or reprimanded. Once this kind of wrong psychological thought is caused, the consequences are unimaginable.

It may even lead other little Pokémon.

After being trained, Sandile fell aggrieved and did not dare to look at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao holding the sunglasses looked at Sandile and asked: "How do you want it?"

Sandile lifts the head, hurriedly nodded.

"Go, double the training for me, and I will give you the task when the task is completed. This is the first time I hope and the last time. If you have any needs in the future, you can directly contact me, understand?"

Staring at Sandile, Lin Xiao warned it very seriously that this kind of thing must not be done in the future.

Lin Xiao didn't take things away, as long as he doubled the training, he could get it. Sandile was overjoyed, and nodded happily jumped up and ran to the side to start training.

Looking at this guy eagerly running to train, Lin Xiao sighed, I hope this will not happen in the future, otherwise it will really be a headache.

Sandile worked hard to train others, so that other little Pokémon quickly finished their food and started training.

"Did it take other people's things?"

Sandile went to train. After Touzi was done washing, Xiao Ju'er walked up and asked curiously. It seems that many Sandiles are very Like the sunglasses carried by humans, then other people's things are not so difficult to explain, not for food, not for playing, but sunglasses for pretending to be used!


Lin Xiao nodded looked at Sandile who was working hard, and sighed: "Sandile is a little Pokémon like a rogue. Little Pokémon is commonplace to do bad things. This guy took other people’s sunglasses and hid in the Poké Ball when I was shopping on the field."

"A pair of sunglasses is not worth much, I have a better one, as long as I will give it if it likes it, but this kind of behavior can't let it happen."

"You are really serious."

Xiao Juer slightly smiled, for Sandile take sunglasses There is no taking seriously. The intelligence of ordinary little Pokémon can't be compared with human beings. Human beings do things wrong, let alone little Pokémon? Little Pokémon is easy to teach wrong things, but it is difficult for humans.

"There is nothing wrong with being serious."Laughed, Lin Xiao looked towards the young Pokémons who are training, and said, "But it seems that it will be very lively wherever we go in the future!!"

With Xiao Ju'er's popularity, there will definitely be a large group of enthusiastic fans following wherever she goes. This is a bit inconvenient. This may be an annoyance for Celebrity.

Although being famous can bring many benefits to oneself, but there are also bad points, and it is very helpless, especially in private life.

In his previous life, Lin Xiao was used to seeing the so-called Celebrity. He usually lives under fluorescent lights, but their private life sometimes makes them miserable. A small black spot can be magnified infinitely. Zooming in, there is simply no privacy at all. ..

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