Seeing that Kyurem fell asleep in his arms, Lin Xiao was a little stunned. This little fellow fell asleep as soon as he hatched.

No food, no water, no communication with myself, just simple eye contact.

"Is it because Kyurem's personality is like this?! But what about eggshells..." Lin Xiao pinched his chin, thinking to himself, holding Kyurem who was already asleep, Lin Xiao looked towards Xiao Ju'er and asked: "By the way, Xiao Ju'er, why did you suddenly appear here? You said to find me?"


Kyurem moved over, Xiao Ju'er looked at Gao Fei said with a smile: "I listened to your opinion. I asked someone to replace Gym temporarily. I plan to go out for a trip. Didn't you also invite me?"

"So I came to you, please give me some advice in the future!!"

Stretched out her little white hand, Xiao Ju'er looked at Lin with a soft smile on her face Xiao.

Uh...Lin Xiao looked at Xiao Ju'er's stretched out hand, and the smile on his face was a little confused. He actually wanted to say, "That's my kind words. Are you serious?"

Looking at Xiao Ju'er's tone and words, it was obvious that Gym's problem had already been dealt with, so I came to myself directly.

"Why don't you welcome me?"

Xiao Ju'er smiled slightly, and when Gao Fei saw that she was not moving, she reminded him with a smile.

"No, you are welcome to join the team." What you say is the splashed water. Of course, you can't take it back casually. Lin Xiao is shocked more because Xiao Ju'er is looking for it because of his own words. People helped themselves guard Gym and ran out to travel.

"Thank you."

Shaking hands with Gao Fei, Xiao Ju'er pursed her lips, "Um~~ It’s been a long time since I absorbed such free air."

Looking at Xiao Ju'er who was very relaxed, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "I thought that a famous model like you would be very satisfying in your current life."

"Sometimes too famous Missing is a good thing, right? At least I still need to rest."

Xiao Juer blinked mischievously at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head. Without reply, he hugged the sleeping Kyurem and said, "Forget it, let's find a place to cook and eat."

"You can cook. ??!"

Xiao Ju'er stared wide-eyed, there are not many people who travel out these days who can cook, let alone Lin Xiao is still a serious man.

There are not many men who can cook, Xiao Ju'er even wonders if this can be eaten? Will it have a stomachache?

Looking at Xiao Ju'er’s expression, Lin Xiao knew that this girl was suspicious of her cooking skills, speechless saying: "Wait, you can not eat it."

"puchi ~~" Seeing that Lin Xiao was speechless, he pursed his mouth and smiled. Help Lin Xiao exclaimed, "The food Lin Xiao cooks is delicious. I feel better than the chefs in those big restaurants."

" Then I will wait and see." Xiao Ju'er's eyes rolled and looked at Lin Xiao curiously, wondering to her heart, is this guy really that amazing? You know how to cook, and you did good. Did you study it on purpose?

Qingqing put Kyurem on the grass Rest, Lin Xiao opened the backpack and took out all the things needed for cooking and started cooking.

Looking at Lin Xiao quickly and skillfully washing and cutting various ingredients, Xiao Ju'er felt more and more mysterious.

Because he wanted to leave quickly, Lin Xiao didn't let Toozi wash and cut vegetables. This girl is a bit slow, um~ that's it.

Fragrance began to spread around for a while, which made Xiao Ju'er who was not very concerned about food start looking forward to it. She is not a snack food, but she is also very curious. Lin Xiao will What kind of food do you get out? Is it as delicious as Toko said?

"Okay, it can be developed. Little Pokémon will wait for the meal before feeding it."

Soon a table of food was taken under Lin Xiao’s super expert art Figured it out.

"It smells so good!"

Looking at some small dishes on the table, Xiao Ju'er couldn't help sniffing, waiting for Toozi, who was not in a hurry, had already picked up the chopsticks. Let Xiaojuer face full of black lines. Is it really that delicious? Even if it's delicious, you don't have to gobble it up like this, right?

As a model, Xiao Ju'er needs to control her food and weight frequently to prevent her body from losing shape. She basically won't eat like Toozi.

"Let's eat, the taste won't let you down." Lin Xiao smiled and picked up the table and chopsticks and started eating. Although he was not so exaggerated, Lin Xiao ate faster.

"Oh oh."

Xiao Ju'er picked up the tableware and looked at the large bowl of rice in the bowl. It was a bit embarrassing. Did you finish eating by yourself? But the rice was ready, Xiao Ju'er had no choice but to eat.

"Um~~It's delicious."

Pick up a piece of vegetable and eat it, Xiao Ju'er eyes shined, she rarely eats meat, basically it is vegetarian, although it is nothing Vegetarians, but eat very little, worry about the shape of the body, didn't expect that the dishes he usually eats are so delicious under Lin Xiao's cooking skills.

"If it tastes delicious, eat more."

laughed, Lin Xiao continued to eat.

For a person who likes to cook, it is actually a good feeling to be praised by others.

Quickly finished the meal, Lin Xiao took out the little Pokémon food and started raising the little Pokémon, and distributed all the food to the little Pokémons. Lin Xiao glanced at the sweet Kyurem who was still sleeping. sighed, are you still asleep? This was the first time I encountered the hatched little Pokémon directly Rest, or the powerful little Pokémon.

"Sandile, come here."

The other little Pokémons are all eating food, only Sandile eats the food without slurping the dates, so he took out his stolen sunglasses and looked at it. That beloved look is his favorite woman Normal compared to the sunglasses in his hand. ,

Lin Xiao smiled and hooked his finger at Sandile. The good guy ran out of the Poké Ball while I was not paying attention, and ran back into the Poké Ball after taking other people’s sunglasses. It made others think that they were themselves. It's using Pokémon to steal things.

Thinking of the aunt who sold sunglasses staring at herself with a look that you dare to leave without paying, I will call the police, Lin Xiao feels uncomfortable.


Seeing Lin Xiao staring at him, Sandile was taken aback, suddenly shocked. ..

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