(The money is about to run out. A book friend wants to keep a memorial to see how many people are left at the end and get a penguin, 283027516.)

When Jun Sha heard this, what I was afraid nodded this year was that he would take Pokémon as his own when encountering such a thing. Of course, Jun Sha hopes that everyone can return the lost Pokémon to others. Lin Xiao’s actions It is exactly what Jun Sha hoped.

I immediately registered, said with a smile: "Okay, but how do I think you feel a little familiar?"

Junsha returned Lin Xiao’s Pokédex Lin Xiao blinked, was it dazzling or something? How did he feel so familiar? Did he admit it wrong, or did he see this person himself?

"You recognized the wrong person." Lin Xiao slightly smiled, it would be great if everyone can't recognize your identity. This is also due to the fact that Yixiu Region is too far apart from other regions. The news is congested, and people in this region rarely pay attention to things in other regions.

"It should be." After Lin Xiao said that Junsha didn't think much, laughed, and said: "Thank you then, I will help it find its own Trainer as soon as possible."

"No thanks."

Lin Xiao smiled and picked up Tepig, put it on the counter and said: "Tepig, this beautiful big elder sister will take you to find your trainer, you know? So you have to stay here obediently!"

"Then that!!!" Tepig narrowed his eyes, Lin Xiao smiled and patted his head and left the police station moved towards the so-called Little Pokémon walked to the club against the club.

"Then that!!!"

Seeing Lin Xiao leaving Tepig and wanting to follow, Jun Sha immediately stopped him and said: "You can't run around! I will help you find yourself Trainer's, so you have to stay here quietly before then, know?" Pick up Tepig and don't give it a chance to slip away, otherwise, what if you contact Trainer Pokémon passed away?

According to Lin Xiao, this Tepig is easy to run and lose, so I have to catch it.

Lin Xiao didn't know that Tepig wanted to run with him, and left the police station moved towards Little Pokémon and went to the battle club.

"hmph, I don't have any interest in fighting against people in Kanto, the countryside and low-powered people like you. I don't even have six little Pokémons. Could you help me cancel the game information."


Along the way, Lin Xiao slowly came to the Little Pokémon vs. Club, but didn't want to hear a harsh word as soon as he opened the door.

"Oh! What's up? It hurts?"

Lin Xiao frowned, a teenager who stood at the door arrogantly walked out without paying attention and hit him directly This made the arrogant teenager with blond hair think that he had hit the wall and his head hurt. He fell to the ground, clutching his head and said angrily: "How do you walk? Didn't you even look at it?"

"Sorry for my country folks who don’t walk like your city people and have to wear a tugging face of two to five hundred thousand yuan and not looking at the road. You people in the city can really play." Lin Xiao smiled and stared at this person, saying that Kanto is from the countryside, Trip! The man in Ash's mouth.

I saw it once in the Yew Laboratory, but the tone seems not small.

"What did you say?" Trip couldn't tell. Lin Xiao was mocking himself and jumped up from the ground, and said angrily: "What qualifications do you have to say about me?"

"Lin Xiao ........." Ash looked at Lin Xiao, did not expect him to come back at this time, and hit the bar with Trip, staring blankly at his displeased face, and suddenly knew what was going on. Turned over, Trip is definitely going to be a tragedy.

"I don’t have any qualifications. It’s just that my hometown has accidentally become the countryside. It’s a bit uncomfortable. Are you not strong? Let’s play against each other. It’s boring to play against all the six Pokémons. Well, just keep it simple, twelve."

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Xiao looked at Trip and said faintly, Iris and investment are at a loss, not one person can only carry six Pokémon NS? How could it be twelve?

Only the weird faces of Ash and Cilan. It’s not that I don’t have twelve Pokémons. It’s not that they don’t have them, but they are usually carried by champions. There are six ordinary Trainers, ten Elite, and twelve champions. Only, and Lin Xiao said twelve...Is it possible? It is absolutely impossible, unless the champion of Yixiu Region comes to fight Lin Xiao.

Trip was stunned by Lin Xiao's words, what twelve little Pokémon?

"Could it be that the people in your city are so good at playing that you don’t even know the upper limit of the twelve Pokémon? You dare to claim to be a city person. If you don’t think it’s embarrassing, I’ll do it for you. You feel sad."

Lin Xiao sneered, staring at Trip, and continued: "Why, you don't have twelve Pokémon? Are you still a city man?"


"hahaha ......."

Suddenly Trip burst into laughter, "Are you a fool? Who told you that you can carry twelve Pokémon? Everyone You can only carry six Pokémon!!!"

"Trip ........"

Cilan stepped forward to see that something was wrong. Trip was weird. Asked: "Mr. Cilan, am I wrong?"

"Yes, but also not right." Cilan reluctantly gave an ambiguous answer.

The average person can only carry six. The three Elites are different from the champions, and they can carry more than twelve.

Six only limits the ambition of the Trainer who is afraid of Normal. It is too much training to set up at once. Alliance did not have the so-called small Pokémon limit at the earliest.

"You people in the city really know how to play, why can't you carry twelve? Alder's old man will not carry it?"

Uh... As soon as it came out, everyone was shocked, Alder's old man? ! !

Alder is the champion of Yixiu Region, but he became an old man in Lin Xiao's mouth. There is a saying Lin Xiao did not add otherwise these people would be more speechless, that is, those who like to molest Joy old man.

I don’t know where he got this weird hobby like to molest Joy, you dignified a Region champion to molest Joy, or hobby, it’s strange to think about it.

"Master Alder?" Lin Xiao's title made Trip Spartan, Cilan helplessly said: "Yes, Elite can carry ten Pokémons, while champions can carry twelve, just an average person I don’t know."..

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