Axew's fear of pain obviously means that he has no confidence in fighting. This is not possible. Lin Xiao shook his head and said nothing.

"Ash, let's go to the next town together."

There is only one way from here to the next town, and everyone can walk together.

"Okay! I can't ask for it."

The next town is about to arrive in the afternoon, and everyone can chat and exchange experience together, although Lin Xiao does not need any experience , But Ash needs.

"Touzi, let's pack things!!" The meal has also been eaten, and it is time to leave.

Soon Lin Xiao and Toozi organized the entire group together and moved towards the next town of Kalenduo Town.

It’s not very far from the town of Karendo. The entire group talked about some interesting content and moved towards the town. On the way, Iris wanted to speak many times, but didn’t say anything. In terms of Lin Xiao's strength, Iris can draw on and learn from a lot of experience, but she doesn't know how to speak and is not familiar with the two.

Iris did not speak, nor did Lin Xiao say. It is one thing to help you kindly, but it is another matter whether you are willing to speak.

I helped you because of my intentions, and you are sorry for asking for help. You can count on the other party to ask questions and then enthusiastically teach if you have no basic sincerity? Maybe someone can do it, but Lin Xiao can't.

If you are not even willing to speak, then there is no need to learn.

It's not that Lin Xiao is heart-hearted and normal etiquette at this time.

"By the way, Lin Xiao, do you know Trip?"

Suddenly Ash looked at Lin Xiao and said enthusiastically: "The one who came to Professor Aurea Juniper Laboratory after you left that day Trip received the rattan snake."

Ash was very excited, Lin Xiao smiled and asked: "Aren't you fighting against someone else?"

Uh ........Ash was stunned for a moment and said: "How did you know?"

"Guess, I feel strange if you don't challenge your character."


When Lin Xiao suddenly said what he wanted to say, Ash was stunned. Lin Xiao was surprised, "You shouldn't Will you still lose?"

A Trainer who has traveled for four years and ran five regions, lost to a Rookie...

" No. Nothing!!" Ash suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly waved his hand and said: "I don't have..."

"Really not?!" Lin Xiao expressed suspicion Staring at him, who was a guilty conscience, Lin Xiao felt frustrated and said, "I lost. Pikachu was out of state that day, so I lost."

You know, Lin Xiao rolled The eyes directly kicked Ash’s fart and stock, “I’m so embarrassed to say that if I lose the game, I really convinced you, I’ve been traveling for four years, and if you count the Orange Islands, it’s already five regions. I actually lost to Rookie Trainer, but the opponent still used the rattan snake!!"

I can defeat Lin Xiao like this and I admire Ash.

"That's because Pikachu can't use the electrical system Unique Ability because of the Zekrom problem!!!"

Ash yelled unconvincedly, Lin Xiao helplessly said: "Never mind. You can’t use the electrical system Unique Ability, but Pikachu can still use a lot of Unique Ability."

"puchi ~~"

Ash's sophistry made Iris and Toko laugh. When he got up, he was convinced. Cilan patted his shoulder sympathetically and said: "Okay, don't think too much about winning it back next time."

"By the way, do you guys know what that? What's going on with the match club?"

With the navigation, Lin Xiao suddenly saw the words of the match club and became curious.

"Playing against a club means registering in a club, registering Pokémon's Attribute and what kind of opponent you hope to fight with, and then the club will help you make arrangements."


Cilan, who is more familiar with this aspect, explained immediately.

Lin Xiao suddenly said, "It turned out to be like this. Then you can get a good understanding of it when you arrive in the town. Maybe you can find someone to fight against."

"I want too! !!!" Ash shouted, almost as long as there is a battle, Ash is indispensable.

"You still think about how you were defeated by Rookie Trainer." Lin Xiao replied with no anger that made Ash embarrassed. Although some Trainers are stronger, they can follow him with five. Pikachu also lost the battle in 2009, and Lin Xiao admired Ash.

What can’t use the Unique Ability of the electrical system? Is this excuse necessary? With Ash Pikachu's ability, even if you can't use the electrical system Unique Ability, it is enough to use other Unique Ability.


There is no doubt that Ash is embarrassed again, and everyone laughs.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao didn’t tease Ash anymore in the next time. The entire group said and went forward with a smile. At noon, he also enjoyed Cilan’s special lunch, not to mention the qualifications to open a restaurant, Cilan’s craftsmanship. good.

At three in the afternoon, the entire group came to Karendo Town, Lin Xiao said: "You go to the match club first, I will come when I go to the police station."

" Alright!! Let’s go @!!!”

Knowing that Lin Xiao will go to fix Tepig’s problem first, Ash is happy to move towards the match club and ran away, "Ash wait for us!!!" Others I had no choice but to follow quickly.

This guy, looking at the speed of Ash and Normal escaping from the famine, Lin Xiao was speechless, and moved towards the police station alone.


Walking into the police station, Lin Xiao shouted.

"Hello, are you okay?" A uniformed policewoman stood up in the police station. Lin Xiao felt strange looking at Junsha, which is different from Kanto Region.

Some people think that because Yixiu Region is too far away, Junsha and Joy do not exist. In fact, they do, but they have been replaced by other families with the same name, but their appearance is different.

"Yes, hello Miss Junsha, I want to put this Tepig here, can you please send a report, it was lost in Striaton City and my Trainer and followed me all the way Here." He picked up Tepig and put it on the counter, Lin Xiao explained his intentions.

"Okay, I will deal with it immediately, but please also leave your phone contact information."..

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