"The Gym Trainer at Striaton Gym is our triplets brother!!"

The three shouted in unison, and the background wall behind them cracked A seam, two doors slowly moved towards both sides of the wall.

Gym’s stadium and auditorium appeared in front of them, and the big brother Cilan asked, "Please, please."

Lin Xiao walked in with Touzi In the Gym.

"Our Gym rule is to randomly draw one from our triplets brother as an opponent. As long as you win two games, then you can get Badge."

Go After entering the Gym, Cilan smiled and told Lin Xiao about the rules of Gym. The three brothers stood together, Sky smiled, Cress looked indifferent, but the big words that you quickly choose me were written on his face. Only Chili was more active. Just choose me, choose me Chili!"

Compared with his big brother Cilan and younger brother Cress, the speechless Chili is more active.

Lin Xiao slightly smiled across the faces of the three of them and said: "Then it is you Chili."


Lin Xiao chose Chili and made him jump with excitement. He swung his fists vigorously and moved towards the air for a few hits. If there are three in the Striaton City Gym Trainer, it means that the challenger can only choose one to play against. The most people choose Cilan, followed by Cress, and finally his Chili!

So whenever a challenger comes, Chili hopes that others can choose him.

However, Lin Xiao did not let him down either, and chose him directly.

"Then the game will begin, I will be the referee." Lin Xiao has chosen his opponent Cilan and walked to the referee's bench with a smile loudly said: "Then now Lin Xiao and Striaton from Kanto Region City Gym Trainer Chili’s battle with Badge as the bet has officially started. The rules of the game are 2V2. When the little Pokémon on one side loses the combat capability, the other side wins."

"Now, please send your two to participate in the battle. My little Pokémon!!!"

"It's you! Let's serve Chili-sama." Chili took the lead in taking out the Poké Ball and shouted.

"Pansear, it's you."

Chili sent his own little Pokémon. The three brothers are a bit strange. One likes Grass Type, one likes Water Type, one likes Fire Element, and It seems that the breed’s little Pokémon is also strange. Chili’s is Fire Element’s monkey, Cilan’s is Grass Type, and Cress’s is Water Type.

The little Pokémon of the same type but different Attributes fits the style of their three brothers.

"Come on, what little Pokémon do you use to fight against Chili-sama?"

Chili who sent out his little Pokémon and wanted to fight and couldn't wait to urge him.

Lin Xiao slightly smiled, it’s really strange that the three brothers like to add the word adult after their name without knowing what’s going on.

"Then it's you Sandile!!!"

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao decided to use the newly acquired Sandile to fight. Anyway, Chili's little Pokémon is not strong enough. , It happens to be a military training, and now there is no such thing as Sinnoh Region that can do as one pleases control of the missions that are not allowed to lose.


Sandile's habit came out of Poké Ball, exposed, and sent out a strange Growl at his opponent Pansear.

"Is it Sandile?"

Chili looked at Lin Xiao curiously. He thought Lin Xiao would use Kanto Region’s Pokémon, but he didn’t expect Lin Xiao would use this The little Pokémon of the Region, and it seems to be the kind that has just been taken over.

Chili's tone is obviously disappointed. Many Trainers from other regions will use those little Pokémon from other regions, but Lin Xiao will inevitably let Chili use the little Pokémon that has just been adopted by this region. A little disappointed, but the disappointed expression he made was contempt in Sandile's eyes. Lin Xiong didn't care about Chili's character, but Sandile quit, and immediately yelled at it with a grin.


My mind was seen by a little Pokémon and I was dissatisfied with Chili, so I was a little embarrassed, sorry scratched his head.

Cilan slightly, my younger brother is good at everything but his personality. Sometimes it’s a bit of a bit of a personality that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Okay now, I was threatened by a little Pokémon.

Sandile was originally not a peaceful commodity, it was always the only thing to look down on others, so it was the turn of others to show this kind of look at it? It's strange not to be angry.

Although Chili was a bit unkind, Cilan still smiled and said: "Then Pansear vs. Sandile, the battle begins!!!" The quick announcement of the start of the game was also considered to ease the embarrassment for his younger brother.

"Pansear uses Flamethrower!!!"

When the game started, Chili immediately let his Pansear attack.

“hu~ ”

Order Pansear to open his mouth, Spit Up, and a flame moved towards Lin Xiao Sandile with high temperature swept towards Lin Xiao Sandile.

Looking at Pansear’s attack, Lin Xiao smiled indifferently and said: “Sandile uses the dodge to dig a hole.”

Sandile, who is still unhappy after receiving the instruction from Trainer, uses it immediately After digging a hole, I quickly dug a hole in the Ground of the Rock arena to get in.

"Digging a hole?!"

Seeing Sandile used the Unique Ability dodge to dig a hole to attack his little Pokémon, Chili was taken aback and said with a smile: "It's great! Unfortunately, it’s useless to me, Pansear, we also dig a hole..."

Lin Xiao was stunned, and Cilan was stunned just after Chili's order came down. Even the youngest member Cress shook his head speechlessly. Do you also use the other party to dig a hole? Are you looking for smoke?

Shaking his head Lin Xiao almost didn't laugh out loud. Is this Chili battle because of tactics or because of Battle Qi?

You also use digging holes, don’t you know that after going down, will it be enough for you to enjoy?

Little Pokémon doesn't care how crazy your Trainer's instructions are. After receiving the instructions, he directly uses the ground hole to get in.

"pu pu~ ~~"

Pansear quickly digs a hole in the ground and quickly disappeared. Just like Sandile, it leaves a hole in the ground. Lin Xiao slightly smiled at Chili, Without talking, the two little Pokémon both use Unique Ability to dig a hole. It will definitely be fun, and maybe they will be ambushed. ..

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