The most surprising thing is that most of the guests in the hotel are women! ! There are still some young and beautiful women. & lt;/p>


The restaurant is well decorated, and Lin Xiao walked into the restaurant. Toozi couldn't help but cred out in surprise and looked at the food on the table. Can't help but swallow saliva, goofy's eyelids jump so you can't mature a little? Although it looks delicious, haven't we just eaten it before shopping in the morning?

Too Zi's appearance that he was not calm when he saw the food made Goofy feel helpless.



At this moment, two men in Waiter jackets approached one another, smiling .

"Oh good, I want to eat that." Pointing to the food at the next table, his eyes were straight.

"Okay, beautiful lady, handsome gentleman, please, please make preparations for you right away."

The two quickly went down to prepare, Lin Xiao looked at Toozi speechlessly," Sister, are you so hungry? We only had breakfast an hour ago."

"Uh..." Toozi was taken aback, cry out in surprise: "Yes! That's it! What should we do? Let’s not eat it, okay?"

"But you have already ordered........"

Don’t care if you eat or not, but as long as You have to pay when you order something, otherwise, wouldn’t others waste the ingredients to help you make things? In the end you said no, what should you do?

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but say it as soon as I saw something delicious." The blushing face felt very sorry, Lin Xiao couldn't blame her, shook his head and said: "Forget it You can eat, and challenge again after eating, but you are not allowed to leave it!!"

"Two of you, as well as our special juice!"

Soon The two brothers brought up the ordered things and two glasses of juice.

The idea of ​​turning Gym into a restaurant is really peculiar to the three brothers. If you are hungry, you can have something to eat first. I don’t know that during the battle, I suddenly said, "Are you tired?" Let’s eat something and rest before fighting..."


"It's delicious!!"

Too Zi picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. Goofy rolled her eyes and looked at her intoxicated look. She really thought it was delicious. But in fact, Too Zi is not picky. It's very sweet.

"Sir, don't you eat?"

The red-haired Chili among the three brothers saw Lin Xiao not moving, and was curious, because the things he and the others made were not delicious NS? No, the restaurant of my three brothers is very famous in Striaton City, whether it is because of Gym or taste.

At least the lady next to her is delicious.

"Sorry I am not hungry. I came to challenge Gym. I only hope that my friends will accept my challenge after the meal is over." The corner of his mouth twitched. How can I not eat well?

"hahaha, of course, no problem, we will take every challenge seriously."

Chili hahaha smiled and made the girls around you look surprised and talked. Said: "Didn't expect he is actually a challenger!! But it seems that he is not careful about his age, he may be very strong!"


" The challenge is finally here!!!"

The girls around Gym became excited when they heard Lin Xiao was going to challenge Gym.

People who don’t know thought they were challenging.

"Well, it's delicious, don't you want to eat it?" But the intact challenge was ruined by a sentence from Toko.

Being defeated by you, Lin Xiao can be regarded as seeing the bottomless pit of Toozi, her stomach seems to be able to hold a lot of things forever.

"If it tastes delicious, eat more."

Pushing his own portion, Lin Xiao still doesn't expect Touzi to eat less, depending on the situation. Ah, fortunately, she will not eat like this during the trip. She will also eat it...

"Then I'm welcome!!"

Pick up the chopsticks Touzi ate it again, and Chili was a little surprised. Did he make it too delicious? One person eats everything for two people.

Toozi's speed is very fast. After a short while, he will eat all the two foods. Lin Xiao grinned. Although it is very beautiful and easy to feed, he is not picky, but the amount is a bit scary!

Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel silent for Toozi's future husband, I hope he can make more money, otherwise his woman won't have enough to eat.


Fortunately, Toozi is not really a bottomless pit, but he can still be full. After eating the food for two people, he has a full burp and is very satisfied. .

"Have your challenge not started yet?"

Only after eating and drinking thoroughly did I remember Lin Xiao's challenge!

Sure enough, without food, attention will be diverted.


As soon as I heard the words, the lights in the hotel were all turned off. Gym and the third brother, wearing a small jacket, walked towards Paige and moved towards a background wall. go.

A beam of light shines down and covers the body of big brother Cilan, "shua ~~" Cilan suddenly turned around, "We will help you realize your wish!!"


"Cilan!!! Cilan!!!"

Cilan's self-conceited look made the women in the hotel exclaimed When I got up, Lin Xiao felt painful. How could the tone of this speech be so similar to the previous Team Rocket trio? If they meet together, they will probably become good friends. Some slogans are enough to communicate.

Next is Chili, "It turned out to be a challenger, so of course we must treat it warmly! Just like a hot flame!!!"

"So handsome! !!!"

Chili's speech immediately excited those girls.

The last Cress, "no! I think it should be like cold water, calm and calm to deal with."


There is no doubt that those girls have shifted their targets again. Lin Xiao is very painful and doubts if they will do it once if they come to a challenger, say it once...

But in fact, this is also the case. This is a habit of their three brothers.

"Why do I always feel that this is like giving a speech instead of preparing for a Gym competition?!"..

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