Walking every inch of land in the entire Lily of the Valley Island is not caring about their own competition issues, so many people are not clear about their heads, that is, Ash has been constantly in the past two days Come to persuade Lin Xiao and hope that he can speed up the collection of the last Badge, but Lin Xiao is only slightly smiled, without any indication, eagerly Ash wow.

Three days have passed in the blink of an eye. On the night of the 3rd day, Lily of the Valley Conference officially opened.

Tonight, the number of challengers and opponent for the first round will be announced in the huge main venue.

The venue of the Lily of the Valley Conference is held in the central area of ​​Lily of the Valley Island. There are three sub-fields and a home field. Three of the sub-fields surround the home field in a triangle or corner. In the middle.

At this time, a huge crowd of spectators and a large number of contestants in the home court came to the home court. Lin Xiao and May were an exception, and there was no need to go.

On the referee's bench in the home court, Shirona's lively expression while sitting in the main seat looking down is a bit unnatural. She is worried about Lin Xiao's situation now, but she can't get away to look for him.

Under the shining of countless lights, the venue is very beautiful from a distance, and there is also a live broadcast. Lin Xiao lay on the grass outside the tent and watched the live broadcast with a smile. Stopped again, many times I wanted to speak without saying anything.

Countless spectators and contestants are shouting, Lily of the Valley Conference officially begins in such a lively environment.

Under the publicity of Host, the atmosphere of the scene directly reached its climax.

"I would like to invite Shirona, the champion, to give a speech!"

The organizer talked a lot of nonsense for a long time, and suddenly changed when he was about to give the microphone to Shirona.


A deep and deafening dragon roar came from the sky, and the loud voice made the whole venue quiet down and everyone covered it. Ears, the sound is so loud that the eardrum is trembling.

Without waiting for the people in the venue to react, a huge black shadow descended from the sky and flew towards the home court accompanied by a terrible sirens.

"Is it still here?" Shirona looked at sky with a wry smile, really afraid of what would come, and Lin Xiao really did it! !


With a long roar, the exaggerated body of Salamence descended from the sky, confidant, ignoring the warnings, landing in the venue scared those who stayed The contestants in the venue regressed one after another.


With a muffled sound, four huge footprints appeared on the Ground, a huge Salamence, an uncomfortable snoring, and the wind that resented A Trainer who was close to himself was shocked and kept backing away.

In the eyes of everyone in the world, Salamence did not go violently, did not hurt people, looked around and slapped directly on the ground, ready to rest.


Everyone on the scene was stunned by the appearance of the giant Salamence. They didn’t understand what was going on, and soon someone understood it first. Come here, this is Lin Xiao's huge Salamence! ! !

Lin Xiao's failure to participate in the competition is not because he did not counterattack, but that the counterattack has only begun now.

Why can't Lin Xiao collect enough Badge? As long as someone who is interested can check it, he will be able to know, plus Lin Xiao himself will be paid attention to wherever he goes. It is very simple to find out.

"This is just nonsense!!!"

"How can the conference scene be so messy?"

Soon the audience was shocked and angry. Shouting, Shirona was very awkward facing the organizers, and Shirona was silent.


In the face of the huge Salamence lifts the head shouted and discussed by tens of thousands of people, he roared and opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, The audience who were still upset were so scared that they shut up, fearing that this big guy would suddenly run away and eat himself up.

"hahaha have fun!! I see how you hold it!!! I have the courage!!"

Oak Xue who watched the game started to become distracted from the headquarters. Chengda stood up with a smile and was very excited. I can't participate. So is there any meaning to hold such a competition? This is what Lin Xiao said when Oak Syracuse comforted Lin Xiao.

"This should be done."

Fangyuan Region, who is far away, couldn't help but laugh, "Melissa, an old woman, now see how she collects it! ! Using public office to avenge private wrongs? See how you guys settle this angry guy who dares to do anything."

Thinking of Lin Xiao’s character, he smiled from ear to ear, and there was no excitement for a long time. Look, today is finally here. It’s wonderful. The opening of the Conference was so good that the appearance of the huge Salamence and occupying the stadium caused difficult delivery.

No one dared to go down and let the giant Salamence leave. The organizers looked at Shirona and Elite Four in embarrassment.

Shirona was silent, as if she hadn't seen it, and Elite Four continued to brag, saying that she didn't know anything. If this happens, the organizer will take care of it.

It's not that they don't help but can't do anything. No one is Lin Xiao's opponent, let alone can't beat it, even if it can be played, the huge Salamence is lying on the court who dares to attack it? !

Looking at the live broadcast that was forced to stop, Lin Xiao couldn’t help laughing, “Melissa, aren’t you very difficult to deal with? Haven’t you been rejecting my challenge? I see How do you end up next, I can’t participate in the competition, then there is no need to hold Lily of the Valley Conference!!!"

No matter what method the opponent uses, Lin Xiao is not afraid, and he is not afraid of playing at all. People will fight with themselves, reason? What did you do earlier, even if Lin Xiao is pressed into a hurry, Lin Xiao will not care if there is a seed, you can cancel the Lily of the Valley Conference, and never hold it! ! ! Otherwise you just wait for the giant Salamence to take the lead! !

From time to time, I pick up some rotten bones and come back to decorate you.

The huge Salamence did not leave, and the organizer did not dare to push it. The scene froze. In the end, it was Shirona who asked the audience and contestants to leave the venue first and stopped the live broadcast. You must know that the live broadcast is all over the world. Rebroadcast! !

All the scenes of Lily of the Valley Conference were clearly seen by those who watched the game! !

"Master Shirona, this..."

Faced with the organizer’s request for help, Shirona turned and left, indifferently said: "You must solve this problem yourself Go to Melissa, everything is a question that she raises." ..

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