Two months passed in a hurry. Lin Xiao arrived at Lily of the Valley Island in Sinnoh Region early, which was the venue of the Lily of the Valley Conference.

At this time, there are still a few days away from the start of the Conference, but the island is already a vast crowd. Among the many Conferences in the Region, only the Lily of the Valley Conference is held on the island. Above, of course the most gorgeous one is undoubtedly the arena of Fangyuan Region.

Kanto feels the most shabby!

Although it is very large and the total area, Kanto's Conference arena has been established for too long, not compared to other regions, so it looks a bit shabby and old, but no one can do otherwise. It makes sense. Alliance has money. Rebuilding is just a simple matter, but the old venue is still preserved.

"Thanks for your hard work, Yanuo, take a break."

Jumping off from Yanuo's back, Lin Xiao moved towards the direction of the meeting place, in the direction of the meeting place. Not far away is a village, which was newly established because of the existence of the venue. The village is called the contestants' village. It is a place to receive the contestants. As for the spectators, they can only find a place to stay in the contestants' village or camp outside.

Walking into the player reception building, Lin Xiao took out the Pokédex and Badge boxes and handed them to Joy who was in charge of registration, "Trouble you, Nurse Joy, I have to register to participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference."

"Ok, please wait a moment."

Joy smiled and took the Pokédex and Badge boxes. There were too many people. She didn't call Lin Xiao and treated Lin Xiao as an ordinary player.

"It is Lin Xiao!"

"Didn't expect he really dare to participate in the competition, is he not afraid of being isolated?"

" Yes, this guy was clamoring for Revenge at the Indigo Plateau Conference, and I don’t know what will happen."

It’s been almost a few years, and now he hates Lin Xiao. People, the hatred in the heart has been slowly smoothed out due to time. As for what Lin Xiao did after coming to Sinnoh Region, Alliance has explained that if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, no wonder others did not, despite the extreme methods. Anything wrong.

"Sorry, you don’t have enough Badge, and you are missing one."

Help Lin Xiao register, and Joy soon showed embarrassed expression. Lin Xiao’s Badge is one short. Cannot participate in the competition.

Joy’s words silenced the lively hall. Everyone looked at him incredible. With his strength, he could not collect eight Badge? People who were stunned soon became excited. If Lin Xiao could not compete, there would be one less powerful opponent for a long time, and Lin Xiao himself would not be able to fulfill the vow he made at the beginning. This is the absolute majority of Trainers in Sinnoh Region. Hope things happen.

We didn't expect that today is really here! ! Badge is insufficient! Unable to register, which means Lin Xiao cannot participate in this Lily of the Valley Conference unless he gets the last Badge before the registration deadline, but there are two days left before the registration deadline, no matter what Badge time is missing It's too late.

There are no planes here, only boats. Take the boat to challenge slowly, and the time will come before the destination is reached.

Not paying attention to the strange comments and eyes around him, Lin Xiao indifferently asked: "Really not?"

"Really not." Joy felt a big head, of course he knew What kind of person Lin Xiao is, and he knows exactly what Lin Xiao will do when he gets angry, but he can't say brace oneself. I just hope Lin Xiao can start from his own point of view and don't make trouble.

"Okay, I see."

Nodded Lin Xiao did not embarrass Joy. He left the contestant reception and went outside to find a quieter place to camp and rest. The whole hall raged after Lin Xiao left.

The news that Lin Xiao's Badge is insufficient suddenly began to drift.

"Lin Xiao big brother!!!"

In the evening, Dawn, May and Lily, who were one step later than Lin Xiao, came to Lily of the Valley Island and Lin Xiao to meet And, of course, they also received the news that Lin Xiao Badge is uneven and unable to participate.

The three are very worried. If they can’t compete, wouldn’t that year’s time be wasted in vain?

Lin Xiao smiled indifferently and comforted them, "Looking at you are scared, I am fine, do you think I am someone who cannot participate in the competition?"

"I Let’s eat together just now."

Lin Xiao didn't show any expressions that were wrong, and the May trio felt helpless, so they had to follow Lin Xiao. This kind of thing is not something they can intervene.

After eating, Ash also came to the camp to comfort Lin Xiao, so Lin Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The news spread quickly. In less than a day, almost all people in the world knew that Lin Xiao Badge was not enough to participate in the competition.

The women who were sitting at home preparing to watch the game were so angry that they gnash the teeth. They quickly found out that everything was done by Melissa. They wanted to kill Sinnoh directly to find Melissa’s troubles, especially If it was Kona or Lin Xiao who called back to comfort him, I might have boarded the plane to Sinnoh and chatted with Melissa.

"Should I come or do I want to come?"

At this time, Shirona is in a VIP room at the reception in the player’s village. As the champion of Sinnoh Region, Shirona will come over at the beginning of the conference. Speaking and encouraging many contestants, the news that Lin Xiao could not register for the contest naturally entered her ears.

It’s not convenient to come forward. Shirona can only secretly worry. Her colleague is angry at Melissa’s actions. If it hadn’t been for this old woman to run around on purpose and never accept Lin Xiao’s challenge, he would not face it. This kind of problem.

All the Regions were making noise for a while, and Du and Oak Syracuse even called Sinnoh Region to scold them for the dingy speechless of the Conference organizers.

The rule is the rule. Without Badge, even if Lin Xiao is superior in strength, or one of the Elite Four in Kanto Region, there can be no exception. The organizer of the conference can only brace oneself to take over all the pressure.

However, the biggest pressure comes from Lin Xiao. If this guy is angry, he dared to do anything. He attacked the headquarters and sent Pokémon to Sinnoh Region to start a war. Almost everything that people only dare to think but dare not do. Lin Xiao did everything! ! !

If Lin Xiao pushes on the field in a rage, everyone can only pinch their noses.

But Lin Xiao is very quiet, quiet and terrifying, and takes the May three people to the Water Sport all day long. ..

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