Now Jessie has become a loyal follower of the gorgeous tournament. They will be there wherever the gorgeous tournament is held, and the combination of these two people and Meowth will do more bad things. The less come, it is moving towards a strange direction.

What’s wrong with Jessie today? He will let James take the place of the competition. Although James’ performance is very hard and very good, Lin Xiao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, which counts. Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing when he heard the nondescript voice of Menzi's performance. The funniest thing was that Lin Xiao alone seemed to have discovered the problem.

These people watch the game so much that they don’t even see the throat on James' neck.

In fact, there is a question Lin Xiao has asked Ash many times, but he was afraid of hitting the child, so he didn't ask it. That is why every time Jessie pretends to be a woman, he can fool them?

Let’s not say that men’s skin is rough and the skeleton is large. Even if you pretend to look alike, there are things you can’t change at all. That is the throat. A woman doesn’t have a man’s throat. It’s such a simple thing. Ash and the others have never found it! Every time I was fooled, what made Lin Xiao even more speechless was that even Brock thought James was wooing him with a beautiful woman.

Can you imagine a scene of a big man kneeling on the ground holding a handful of roses and courting a man pretending to be a woman? Just thinking about Lin Xiao feels goose bumps all over her body and feels uncomfortable.

Although it's weird for men to pretend to be women, James' performance was good and a bit interesting, and eventually entered the second stage of the competition.

This time there are not many powerful people who participated in the water lily tournament. Dawn and James actually won the battle and came to the end. In the battle between the two, Dawn couldn't help being surprised by James's strength. Why is it today? Jessie Lingna not only changed her style, but also her strength and commanding ability. Dawn suffered a lot from the beginning. May and Lily even squeezed a cold sweat before her.

Fortunately, in the end, Dawn did not live up to Lin Xiao's cheering, defeated James and got his fifth ribbon Badge, and got the opportunity to participate in the gorgeous celebration.


The game is over. After the four-person meeting, Lin Xiao and all three of them smiled and congratulated Dawn, "Thank you." Dawn was holding his Badge box. The excited little cheeks flushed.

"Lin Xiao big brother, shall we go to the seaside city next?"

The gorgeous tournament of Waterlily Town is over, so the few people have arrived at the time of departure, the rest of the journey Just to challenge the last Gym, the Electric Type Gym in Seaside City won the Badge and then participated in the final Lily of the Valley Conference. However, Lin Xiao was still two Badge short, and the three of them couldn’t help looking at him. Melissa did not accept the challenge, Badge It is simply not available.

"Okay, let's go, I will take you to a magical place, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, because I can definitely participate in the final Lily of the Valley Conference."


The three girls are very worried about Badge's problem. Lin Xiao doesn't have that kind of heart. If he can't participate, then why hold the Lily of the Valley Conference? Just become history.

Lin Xiao smiled and comforted the three of them, Lin Xiao took them moved towards Shuilian to a famous place outside.

When a huge circular building appeared before and after his eyes, Dawn couldn't help but exclaimed, "Really, how could I forget such an important place?! I am still from Sinnoh Region. It's." Looking at the huge building in front of him, Dawn knocked his little head in annoyance, and even forgot this.

"Is this famous? I look like a huge abandoned Stadium." May looked at the building in front of him, not feeling the importance that Dawn said.

"Of course it's important." Dawn immediately retorted, "This is the Waterlily Round Stadium! There are already many people. The reason why it is famous is the champions and Elites of Sinnoh Region every year. People will come here involuntarily for Pokémon cultivation. I heard that their strength will increase after cultivation here."

"Really?! Then I want to try it." May stared wide- eyed, it feels a bit magical.

"I don’t know if I really don’t know, but it’s really famous here. Whether the strength will grow depends on your own hard work. It’s not about Elite champions who come here for cultivation. Trainer’s strength here will rise." Lin Xiao laughed moved towards the round Stadium, "but there are indeed many trainers here every year for cultivation."

The round Stadium is big enough to hold about 20,000 people, but Because of the long time, the Rock that built the round Stadium is a bit dilapidated and looks gray. You can see the innermost cave when you enter from the Stadium gate. There are two small Pokémon statues in the cave, time and space. , Time Dialga and Space Palkya.

Almost as long as the more famous places in Sinnoh Region, there will be these two little Pokémon statues, but there are no ghost dragons, Latina and the creation god Al Zeus. Ghost dragons have been living in Reverse. In World, it rarely appears, except for some special research personnel, there are very few people Coaching Ghost Dragon Qi Latina.

As for Al Zeus, fewer people know.

However, after the battle with the ancient little Pokémon, statues of Kiratina and Al Sushi were erected in many places, because these two little Pokémons were fighting against the ancient little Pokémon. There was a lot of power in the middle, especially Al Sushi, which caused a serious injury. Not to mention, he almost destroyed the version of his whole body and blocked the passage. Lin Xiao promised to prepare a complete set of slate for him when he woke up. , This is why Lin Xiao has more than 600,000 gold coins on his body but has not bought the little Pokémon.

Since you have made a promise, you must be prepared. As for the little Pokémon, Lin Xiao has time to gather them one by one, especially the six dragon gods, and the strongest Dragon Type Pokémon Ice Dragon.

The strongest Dragon Type little Pokémon, after the Rayquaza million evolution, whether the position can be firmly seated began to become mysterious, but it will take two little Pokémon to fight to solve the mystery, but Lin Xiao tends Rayquaza will win, not Ice Dragon. After all, Rayquaza is really too strong after the million-evolution return to ancient times.

Even though the strength of Ice Dragon is very special, it still feels that it is not the opponent of Rayquaza. ..

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