"I asked you to do battle exercises, but you actually played gang fights!!"

Looking at a group of injured Pokémons, Lin Xiao felt very much He was speechless and glared at Rayquaza triumphantly. "It won’t be possible in the future, and don’t listen to Rayquaza’s nonsense. This guy’s form is equivalent to returning to ancient times, activating some sleeping cells in the body, and It’s not something that values ​​its efforts and wants to reward it."

In order to prevent other little Pokémon’s hearts from being unbalanced, Lin Xiao had to speak to comfort the other little Pokémons. The Mega-Evolution is not for every little Pokémon now. It seems that Rayquaza and Mewtwo are the only ones who can do it. As for ordinary Pokémon Lin Xiao, he can’t do it at will when he hasn’t figured out the principle of million evolution. Rayquaza’s success is only The way of evolution is different. Awakening cells and the content that suddenly allows Pokémon to enter the Million Evolution are fundamentally different, and they cannot be gathered together and discussed.

With the efforts of Celebi, the young Pokémons recovered from their injuries, and all the young Pokémons were put away. Lin Xiao looked at the silent sushi and opened the space of the system to make all the sushi plates. Figured it out.

This time the evolution of Rayquaza has given sushi some excitement. Don’t look at Rayquaza being proud, but it can be arrogant even if the sushi does not carry the plate. If the sushi is on the plate during the battle All in one place, Rayquaza can only watch with bulging eyes.

In the state of millions of evolution, Rayquaza's strength has skyrocketed, but even if it has skyrocketed, it cannot be separated from the control of Attribute. It feels absolutely tragic to overcome death alive.

After being injured with Sushi for so long, Lin Xiao knows the psychological changes of Sushi very well.

"If you want to go, then went, if Al Sushi doesn’t come out, there is no little Pokémon that can pose a threat to me. You don’t have to worry that I will be injured because of your departure." After learning about Rayquaza’s experience in outer space Among them, Sushi originally had the idea of ​​going out. Taking a walk in outer space, coupled with the excitement of Rayquaza this time, made Sushi firm this idea.

Sushi quietly watched Lin Xiao not speak. After a long time, Sushi took all his plates back. Its plates were filled by Lin Xiao when he was fighting against the sake Pokémon. All the plates. The golden rays of light that turned around the sushi and emitted a burst of light quickly became smaller and fuse into the body of the sushi.

"Let’s rest for a few days. After a few days’ rest, let’s go out with Rayquaza."

Knowing the situation in outer space, Lin Xiao decided to let Rayquaza go with Sushi. You can also help with any battle, even though the two little Pokémon's personalities are the kind of personalities that do not allow others to help in their own battles, they can still help in times of crisis.

From Rayquaza’s description, there are too many powerful little Pokémons in outer space. After all, the universe is too big, and the region that Rayquaza reaches is still very small. What little Pokémon will he encounter It's still not clear.

Two little Pokémons traveling in outer space can also bring back some useful information. Otherwise, there will be a powerful little Pokémon that suddenly comes to Earth and kills humans. It is not necessarily a completely unprepared one.

Nodded Sushi was a bit contradictory and didn't immediately agree. He went straight back to Poké Ball. Looking at Poké Ball, Lin Xiao laughed back to Pokémon Center.

At this time, all three of Dawn are asleep. For tomorrow's game, Dawn has made a lot of preparations. Whether he can get the ribbon Badge of the gorgeous tournament in Waterlily Town depends on the result of tomorrow.

Early in the morning of 2nd day, Dawn got up early and started to prepare without Lin Xiao calling.

After washing and eating breakfast, the entire group came to the venue of the gorgeous tournament. Lin Xiao, May and Baihe bought tickets and entered the venue to find their place and watch the game, while Dawn went alone The player area, waiting for their game to start.

As usual, the scene has become a happy arena before the game has started. People are talking about some of the stronger players today, and many people are expecting some orders to break out today. People are pleasing to the eye.

Various comments came from the surroundings, making Lily couldn’t help feeling, “didn’t expect that the place where the gorgeous tournament is held after more than ten years is still that many lively.”

"As more and more people join, it will become more lively. Didn’t you find that the number of Pokémon Trainers and Coordinating Trainers has doubled in recent years? And more and more. Trainer has developed more professions. Perhaps many professions are not as good as who but they will become more and more famous over time."

In the face of Baihe's emotions, Lin Xiao smiled Explain, Lily nodded replied: "Yes, it's like the little Pokémon clothing design that was not accepted by people more than ten years ago, but now the industry has begun to grow. As long as more people join, the industry will become It gradually became lively."

"It's started!"

When Lin Xiao was talking with Baihe, May couldn't get her mouth in, and she didn't have much interest in the topics they were talking about. , Has been staring at the time, waiting for the start of the game.

May yelled after the time was up, Lin Xiao and Baihe also stopped, did not continue the discussion, watching the game, although it is still easy to doze off, but Lin Xiao is now trying hard to watch the game. It can be regarded as a kind of respect for Dawn, no matter who is facing someone cheering on himself, and then dozing off in the audience will feel uncomfortable.

In order to make Dawn not be surprised, Lin Xiao also worked hard to change. With the narrator and three referees on the field, it heralded the official start of the gorgeous tournament in Waterlily Town.

At the beginning of the first round of the competition, all the contestants worked hard on stage. Dawn’s performance was not outstanding but the victory was stable. The qualifications for entering the second round are basically Lock On. Participate in this This kind of competition does not mean that you can innovate at will if you want to innovate.

People like Wallace are not able to come up with some new Unique Ability anytime and anywhere to show them to everyone.

Dawn’s performance soon went too fast, and then there was a scene where Lin Xiao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. On the competition stage, James actually disguised himself as a woman to represent Jessie. Come to participate in the competition in the name of Jessie. ..

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