Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

935 Champion Gengar

Half a month passed quickly, and Gengar's version of the cocoon of destruction had become much thinner, and Gengar's white body could even be vaguely seen through the cocoon of destruction.

I think Gengar will be able to come out in a while.

Jiang Qing has not left Gengar for half a month. He looks at it with exploratory eyes from time to time, for fear of something unexpected happening.

If there is an accident then, I can remedy the situation immediately.

There was a roar in the distance.

Jiang Qing was not surprised by this, and he knew without even thinking that it was Kartana who was fighting the Giant Claw Mantis, who was at the peak of his quasi-championship.

This is the core area of ​​the Baican Mountains. In addition to champion-level wild Pokémon, there are naturally also quasi-champions.

In the past half month, Kartana has been fighting with that Scizor almost every day. This Scizor is also extremely aggressive.

At first, I looked down upon Kartana, who was only in the middle of the quasi-championship stage. It wasn't until she was hurt by Kartana that I put aside my contempt.

So the two would fight almost every day, causing great misfortune to the surrounding trees and Pokémon, and their homes were torn apart by these two guys.

Jiang Qing was leaning on Arcanine's back at the moment. The dog was sleeping soundly, and the sound of fighting in his ears had no effect on it at all.

Jiang Qing, Celebi and Jirachi held their mobile phones and played Pokémon Glory.

Question: Why is there a signal in the core area of ​​the forbidden area?

Answer: Because Jiang Qing couldn't bear the loneliness, he installed a signal tower.

Anyway, as long as he is here, wild Pokémon will definitely not dare to come and destroy the signal tower. When he leaves, the tower will be useless.

It's not in a secret realm. It's useless even if a signal tower is installed in the secret realm. After all, there is only one door connecting the space of the secret realm to the space in the real world, so it's okay to say they are isolated.

"Fuck, Celebi, do you know how to play? I fought against three people on the other side, and you shooter didn't even kill any of them."

Jiang Qing looked at the countdown to his resurrection, and then looked at the shooter Snipe Shot played by Celebi. He squatted for a long time and aimed for a long time, but his shot was wrong.

The three of them on the other side of his mother's side are all crowded together, and they can even cum.

"The three people on the other side predicted my prediction," Celebi said plausibly.

"Jirachi, stop assisting Celebi and follow me quickly. This guy is too useless."

Celebi nodded. As an assistant, in addition to protecting the shooter, he naturally wanted to get a few assists. Now, he didn't get any assists. Instead, he died several times because he was betrayed by Celebi.

This one was pushed away by the opponent in less than ten minutes.

On the settlement page, Jiang Mao reported four people except himself.

Of course Celebi and Jirachi did the same thing.

Looking at myself as the MVP, even though I only have six points, I am still the MVP after all. The other four have either four or five points, and Celebi, a piece of garbage, only has three points.



Just when Jiang Qing was about to open the fifth round again, there was a sound of breaking eggshells.

At first glance, I saw that cracks had appeared on the Gengar version of the Cocoon of Destruction, and the crackling sounds came from above.

Seeing this, Jiang Qing immediately put down her phone. It looked like Gengar was about to come out.

About three minutes later, all the fragments had fallen, and all the fallen fragments turned into fly ash and disappeared.

The cocoon of destruction disappeared, revealing Gengar's white and fat body, but the other person still had his eyes closed, and a snot bubble grew and shrank with its breathing.

As the snot bubbles burst, Gengar's body shook slightly, and then his eyes opened. At the same time, a powerful aura unconsciously emanated from his body.

Jiang Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is the aura of a champion.

Immediately look at Gengar with a searching eye.

Pokémon: Gengar(Ghost/Poison)


Qualification: purple

Ability: Curse body

Item: Toxic Orb

Gender: male

Moves: Confuse Ray, Lick, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Payback, Curse, Hex, Night Shade, Destiny Bond, Dream Eater

Skill Disc: Will-O-Wisp, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Talk, Protection, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

Genetic Skills: Skill Swap, Dark Pulse, Disable, Perish Song, Poltergeist, Will-O-Wisp

Note: Using soul crystals, Ghost-type moves will increase by 30, and your qualifications will increase.

Note: Using Dzi Beads, the Pokémon you take can be immune to all poison-type skills, and once your own poison-type skills hit Rival, the chance of being poisoned is 100% [The power of poison-type skills increases by 5%...

Note: Devoured a small group of Yveltal's source of death and gained some power over death.

From the original mid-term quasi-championship, it jumped to the peak of the early-stage champion. Moreover, the source of death has not been completely absorbed by Gengar, and its level will continue to increase in the future.

Although the qualifications are still only purple, half of them are already golden.

Worthy of being the Ghost of Destiny in the Pokémon world, Gengar is the one who uses Arcana the most among all his Pokémon except Metagross.

Now even the original power of the first-level god is being used by it, but this kind of treatment is not even available to Metagross.

After the battle between gods in Baga Kingdom, Jiang Qing was not the biggest gainer. Apart from gaining a reputation, he really didn’t get any benefits. Instead, he lost the Mewtwo fragments.

Gengar is the winner of ghost life, he took away the best things while lying down.

"Ding, I have the third champion level Pokémon"

"Complete the third stage of the main mission and the rewards have been distributed."

The surprise was not over yet, the system prompt sounded for Jiang Qing, and he also had a main mission called Victory Road.

There are six stages, corresponding to the number of champion-level Pokémon you have.

The reward for the third stage is 200,000 points and 16 Mewtwo fragments.

Twenty Mewtwo fragments were used before, leaving only seventy and 2.6 fragments. Now with sixteen fragments added, the total number is already eighty-six.

At first glance, the loss seems not big, but when you think about it carefully, the loss is huge.

As long as Jiang Qing didn't summon Mewtwo at that time, adding these sixteen pieces, Jiang Qing would have collected a hundred Mewtwo fragments, and could summon a complete Mewtwo.

Of course, that cannot be said. If Jiang Qing had not summoned Mewtwo, the consequences would have been difficult to predict, and the source of death in Yveltal was also brought down by Mewtwo.

Without this small group of death sources, Gengar would not be able to become a champion Pokémon.

There is no need to worry about cause and effect.

Jiang Qing just felt a little pity in his heart. He thought that as long as there was no situation where both black and white Opelucid could not deal with it, he would not have to summon Mewtwo. Sooner or later, he would be able to summon Mewtwo completely. .

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